group health care students

Career Connections
Nov. 2011 Special Edition
Northeast Missouri Area Health Education Center
Phone: 660.665.6404     Fax: 660.665.6439     Toll free: 1.877.303.2938
Visit our website at:

MAHEC logo blue
Michelle Mollick, Executive Director
Dinah Coles, Office Manager
Becky Dawson, Health Education Coordinator
Nancy Johnson, Health Education Assistant

NEMO AHEC, 312 S. Elson St.
Kirksville, MO  63501
Board Members
Audrey Gough, BSN
Leanna Leake, FNP
Barb Primm, BSN, RN
Tanya Taylor, BS
Janice Clark Young, ED.D.
NEMO AHEC serves 21 counties:
MAHEC Mission: 
To enhance access to quality health care, particularly primary and preventative care, by growing and supporting Missouri's healthcare workforce.
Health Careers Spotlight
Field:  Nursing
Job:  Registered Nurse
Average salary in MO:  $57,000
Predicted job growth: 
          15-20% growth in 2008-2018
Education: Associate (ADN) or
           Vocational (LPN) - 2 yrs

Dear Friend,


Career Connections is an email newsletter distributed by the NEMO Area Health Education Center to share events and opportunities with students, counselors, educators, health care providers and others who value a "grow your own" approach to Missouri's Health Care Workforce.  A typical issue includes information about K-16 youth opportunities, college and pre-professional happenings, and a quick health career profile.  


In this special issue - we want to exclusively draw your attention to a survey being conducted by the Missouri Foundation for Health.  As the largest health foundation in the state, MFH has a 11 year history of valuing the health care needs of rural and underserved communities.  


Please take five minutes to click the link below to share your opinions regarding how MFH should best aid Missourians to address health workforce development and retention in the future. 


Kind Regards,

Michelle Mollick, NEMO AHEC Executive Director


Missouri Foundation for Health 
Workforce Survey

Post from Scott Beck, MFH: 

Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH) wants to know more about the health care workforce issues currently facing Missouri. You've been identified as someone who may have particular knowledge or expertise in this area, and we'd greatly appreciate your feedback.


This survey remains open only through Tuesday, Nov. 8th.  Please provide your feedback by 10 pm on November 8.


MFH's current Health Care Workforce Development funding program focuses on nursing opportunities and encouraging youth to pursue health care careers. We know Missouri has health care workforce needs beyond those areas.  So MFH has developed this survey to help us define those wider needs.


The survey will take just five minutes and will provide valuable information to help MFH improve its workforce funding program.


To help us gather as much input as possible, please forward this survey to others you know working in or interested in health care workforce development.  Note: If you receive the survey from multiple sources, please take it just one time - we want to avoid having the results affected by any one person's individual opinions!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with MFH.


Here is the link to the survey: