Today is a Brand New Day!
Good morning Friend,

How was the service you attended during the weekend or online? How are you applying the teaching on your daily life? 
Let me see. What was the message about for me during the weekend? Giving. The finances. I guess it is end of the summer and we all must get ready to invest in the end of the year program. Christmas is the time of the year when everyone is more open to hear about the message of God. In my case, this is the time when I feel so joyful and refreshed. So we should support our churches in the great job they do, or in the areas you believe they are making a huge impact.
My devotional was also about giving but giving forgiveness to others, to our persecutors. Wow....that is something! I think that a giving heart is more than being generous with money and material but being generous with all I have, my heart included. To follow Christ is that, becoming selfless, like Christ, He gave His life for us. The question is how much am I willing to give of myself? And you?  

"Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you." 2 Timothy 1:13-14 ESV 

Have a great week, God bless you,

Julieta Reyes Flores