Today is a Brand New Day!

Buenos dias my friend, 

Good morning! Hope you had a good night rest!
Thank you for your prayers yesterday, it shows great love towards your brother Derek and you sister Min; Jorge and Brunella's son and others.

Today I chose this picture. It seems nice. But think about it, some roses where destroyed in order to create this collage. Yet surely there was a purpose for this to happen. Ye-ah!! a photo shoot, Julieta....I know, but the artist had something in mind, something where he immortalized the flowers through the picture.

Same for us. Our Lord has a plan, a perfect plan for us. A plan that at times makes us feel incomplete or thorn. But we must trust that at the end we will be immortalize and our life will be beautiful and perfect at last. We will meet people for whom we prayed and we will see the faces of those who prayed with much love for us. A love that is perfect in Christ.  -- For now it is essential to memorize scripture to help us through our days and hold faith, hope and joy in our hearts when we think our of ourselves as the rose which was thorn. On day we can begin to see the bigger picture of our lives. Your testimony is to glorify God. Your hardships are to prevent others and to share hope in Christ.

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6 ESV

God bless you,

Julieta Reyes Flores