Today is a Brand New Day


Its Friday!!! Yeah, I have a good feeling about this Friday!
I pray you had a good week and that you are satisfied with the work you did during this week. I am grateful to God He allowed me to be around one more week and wake up to a Brand New Day!

Allow me to up-date you on yesterday's prayer for Derek & Min. Please continue to pray for 100% healing for Derek and for support and strength for Min. This is their text to us:

"Surgery went well. Doctor removed the lens and treated the retina all over including new detachment. He put in an oil to hold it down that's heavier than the bubble. He did not put in the new lens to make sure it all stays in place. The oil has to be removed in 1-2 months and then at that time he will put in the new lens. Derek is doing better this time compared to the last surgery. Thank you all for your prayers".
Min & Derek

Hebrews 12:28-29
28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, 29 for our "God is a consuming fire."


Have a great weekend! 


God bless you,

Julieta Reyes Flores