Julieta 012


Good morning!

I pray that you are having a great week so far. Tuesday night I was not feeling well and I hit the pillow really early. Yesterday was better and today I am fully restored and bubbly!
I never mentioned to you that I did well with my grades last semester. I got A's for all the three classes I took. Praise our Lord for the divine help and Thank you so much for the prayers, without your prayers and encouragement I could not do it. THANK YOU! I am getting ready to begin classes next week Monday, yeah!

-As for this year, I am hoping that I will journal about the Bible from Beginning till the End. Well, to learn new perspective from each book.

Here is perspective:
Pairs of clean and unclean animals, of birds and of all creatures that move along the ground, 9 male and female, came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had commanded Noah
Genesis 7:8-9 

"God instructed Noah to build the ark and to bring his family and to take the animals with him in the ark. But it was God's part of the job to bring the animals and have them board the ark." from the Devotional Heaven Calling.
How many times has God instructed me to build the ark and I keep thinking and worrying about how I am going to get the animals to come to the ark. I am praying for a better perspective so that I can learn new simple ways to be obedient and to walk "relaxed/fulfilled" with Christ and not trying to do His job. ;)

Julieta Reyes
Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do and your plans will succeed.  

P.O. Box 330532
Miami, Florida 33233