team miami
The ING Miami
2012 Marathon
& Half Marathon
The race is on
January 29, 2012

The Cause

At our events in South Florida (ING Miami Marathon and Half Marathon and 13.1 Ft. Lauderdale), our team members raise funds for our neighbors in Haiti still devastated by the earthquake in 2010.

Over 200,000 people lost their lives and millions were displaced from their homes, but World Vision was able to respond within hours with immediate assistance. Now, families in Haiti are beginning to recover and rebuild, but the need is still great.

You can also take on the BIG 3 Challenge! Run 3 events in South FL and find sponsors for 3 children in Haiti.
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Run the Good Race
Fall 2011

Welcome to the new Run the Good Race running group!
After months of praying for guidance, finally the format is revealed on how to continue my passion for Christ and my passion for running. Here it is!

Run the Good Race, the small group on the run, partnered up with Team World Vision and we are now running together for a greater good. Running for a cause greater than you and I, will help us become more disciplined, committed, purposed driven and it will also help us build physical and spiritual endurance.


All participants will be challenged to commit to a healthier life style and to learn how to make permanent changes in diet and exercising. Once you join the group, you will be challenged to enroll for a 5K, Half Marathon 13.1miles or a Marathon 26.2 miles. As this is a running group, every participant has to be enrolled for a race in order to be a member. We will follow the Half marathon training and run with Team World Vision Miami (they are about 60 runners!!) every Saturday morning at 7:00 a.m.
Soon we might launch a group also in Ft. Lauderdale & Weston if they are up for the challenge!  


Ultimately we do commit to this running & giving because we wish to honor God, if all we do is abscent of Jesus, it is all in vain. Every run will start with prayer and we/you will organize Bible studies & social events.
I invite you to join our team, enroll for a race, and lets truly Run the Good Race as a team for Jesus Christ. We might not change the world but we can surely make a big impact. Lets shine the glory of our God the City of Miami, greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this City. Do you believe? I do. 
Julieta Reyes Flores 
Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain. Philippians 2:15-16
Join our running team!