Today is a Brand New Day!

rainbow Por una vida digna para los ninos del Peru!  



A father to the fatherless,  

a defender of widows,  

is God in his holy dwelling.

God sets the lonely in families

Psalms 68:5-6



We are Yurika and Torben Kristensen and we live in Peru. We were residents in Miami for a while but then the Lord orchestrated yet another change of city and got us in Lima, Peru.
Our journey with the Lord has been amazing through the years and we are convinced that it is far from being over. We rejoice in knowing that God is using our gifts and talents to make a real Kingdom difference in the new city where he brought us.

We have been called to father the fatherless here in Peru. We are stewards of two orphanages where we are investing our time and our love. The reward is in the smile of each child that is recipient of God's mercy and love through our hands and feet.

Because God has moved us from city to city we have many friends around the world who join us in this beautiful mission to father the fatherless. We would like to extend this invitation to you too. We are in immediate need of your prayers for our leadership, for provisions and for the protection of the children. We have other financial needs as well but for the time being we are getting organized to set up our non-profit organization. We trust God will provide.
Also we would like to have more fans on our FaceBook page. We use it as a tool to witness the goodness of God and help encourage you and others about the rewards of ministry. Take a second to click on the like button it does not cost anything.We have also recently started a blog where we posted our story of how we got involved.On behalf of the children, THANK YOU

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From Peru sharing God's glory with you,


Torben & Yurika Kristensen
Por una vida digna para los ni�os del Per�
Today is a Brand New Day | P.O.Box 330532 | Miami, Florida 33233 |