Today is a Brand New Day!

Surprise the World with a Smile!

Julieta Reyes Flores


Thursday July 7, 2012 


Do you like the Arts? Have you ever spotted someone starring at a painting for a while? What are they thinking? If Bible verses where on Exhibit, would people sit and reflect how those verses could positively influence our culture and communities?

Why don't we ask the people around us today and make conversation out of that question, pick their thoughts and see if they know at least one verse. Lets take the opportunity to share Christ, make it a mini mission journey at work or at home.

I pray we all have a fruitful and creative Day!


Exhibit 1

 Social Justice is a topic that as Christians don't like to get too involved? Is it true for you? This article I will share with you brings insight on what is on the table for debate. I think that we have to challenge ourselves as Christians to talk more about the topic and be informed. When I read the newspapers under religious headlines, I hardly find objective articles that speak about what the Gospel really is about. Christians are often mocked with really insignificant comments focused on the sexual or financial scandals. Is the Christian message misunderstood?

The Christian church is persecuted in the Middle East and other regions in Asia and Africa; even in South America the evangelical church is persecuted. But the truth is that as Christians we seek to love our neighbor, even those who persecute us. Why are Christian killed for trying to do good? 

19Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"says the Lord.

20On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him, if he is thirsty,  

give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."  Romans 12:19-20  


I invite you to read this great article and to react and comment.



Relevant Article
Social Justice vs. Evangelism by

Social justice is a complex subject for Christians. No one can disagree that Scripture commands to love the poor and oppressed, but what that looks like practically today is largely debated and at times ignored. As the world becomes increasingly more globalized and information more accessible, awareness along with responsibility has grown. Read the story here or visit