Second Sunday of Easter
April 2012



This coming Sunday is often called "low Sunday" because -- alas -- attendance is usually low. 


However, this Sunday also you will want to join us in celebrating the Risen Christ!  Come and rejoice with Thomas (who history calls the doubting one).  In one another and in community we learn together how to touch the wounds of Christ.

Prayer List 


Think about starting a "practice of praying" for the Chapel this week -- around the table before a meal, before bedtime, in the morning as you prepare to depart for a busy day. Use this list and remember those in need. We invite your prayers for:



For Maura, who broke her leg and is recovering 


For Troy, who is in jail


For David as he begins chemotheraphy 


For Don, baby Annabelle, Joyce, Duane as they deal with illness and recovery


For spouses, marriages, and partnerships; especially in the difficult times


For our confirmands, Lee and Matt


For Chapel children and their families


For our DREAMERS, Nico, Jonatan, Raymi, Lucas, Jose, and Alex who are now walking through Nevada  


For all who are looking for work


For all who are in transition or discernment 


For those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries

Quick Links
Worship Times

11:00 am Sundays

6:30 pm Thursdays
Meal & worship for young adults and students
Worship Leaders


The Rev. Jeff R. Johnson



The Rev. Sanna Reinholtzen


Music Director/Organist:

Andy Bouman


Resmiranda Ensemble:

Renee Fladen-Kamm


Assisting Minister:

Judy Turley







Sam Kanenwisher


Council Rep:

Margaret Moreland


Worship Family Liaison:


Prayer Minister:

Steve Schultz

Upcoming Events
  • April 12-16, Campus Ministry trip to Hawaii for Province 8 Retreat
  • April 14-15, SHARE Board meeting at the Chapel
  • April 13-14, 7:00 pm - The End is Queer performance at PLTS Berkeley
  • April 14, Sustainable Future Task Force meeting at the Chapel 
  • April 17, 7 pm, Council meeting at the Chapel (divestment discussion)
  • April 29, 1:00 pm - Berkeley CROP Walk.   We are walking! RSVP Jen Afdahl Rice
  • May 8, 8:00 - 10:00 am - Clergy and Community Breakfast 
  • May 18-20, Synod Assembly, San Jose Marriott
  • June 2, 10:00 am, LVC fundraiser walkathon, Lake Merritt
  • July 18-22, ELCA Youth Gathering, New Orleans
  • July 27-Aug 4 - Pr. Jeff's Trip to Palestine with "Bright Stars over Bethlehem"
Ashes to Fire 

From the ashes of Wednesday (February 22, 2012) to the fire of Pentecost (May 27, 2012), we observe a hundred day journey together in faith.

These are the liturgical seasons of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter.  


During the eight-Sunday season of Easter, we have written a pattern of simple prayer for you to use at home with your family each week, around your evening meal or at the end of the day.

Click here for a this Easter season devotional guide. 




Yes! blog

In celebration of easter we handed out free copies of Yes! magazine after the liturgy last sunday. The magazine is full of inspiring articles and life-changing ideas. 

If you haven't received your free copy yet, come by this sunday! Yes! offers affordable subscriptions, and there is also a free weekly blog that you can subscribe to by clicking here! 




The End is Queer

queerCome see Gretchen Colby, Maria Anderson, and Paul Kacynski perform in THE END IS QUEER, a new play developed by students at PLTS.  
This witty comedy seeks to explore six people's reaction to the end of times. Some look up to heaven, while others feel pulled down by hell. 
April 13, 14 @ 7pm. PLTS, 2770 Marin Ave, Berkeley 
Gretchen plays a 19 year old college freshman named Tara who has discovered some big news and is trying to make sense of his/her new reality. Maria and Paul will be adding in their musical talents throughout the two Acts.  

A free production, THE END IS QUEER promises to be thought-provoking, side-splitting, gender-confusing, and spiritually awakening! The End is Queer is coming. Don't be left behind!  

Clergy & Community Breakfast

breakfastThe East Bay Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice (Pastor Jeff is a member of the steering committee) is celebrating 13 years of standing up with low-income East Bay workers and families and you are invited to its
 annual Clergy and Community Breakfast! 

The theme this year is "Liberating our Economic Imagination" with Rev. Donna Allen, PhD as the keynote speaker. RSVP by April 30th by clicking here!

Tuesday, May 8, 8:00 - 10:00 am at HS Lordships Restaurant, 199 Seawall Drive, Berkeley Marina.  Join Pastor Jeff and help him sponsor a table together so that we can have a good showing of Chapel members/clergy/seminarians, etc.

Thank You

This year we donated $959.92 to the global mission of the ELCA. The donations is going to the Young Adult Program and goes toward developing a health care system in Liberia, housing displaced Palestinian Christians, and many more projects.

Take a look at the Thank You letter we received!
Contact Information
University Lutheran Chapel of Berkeley

Council President Nancy Ulmer: