HRP Associates, Inc. Newsletter
Training and Consulting in Human Research Protections
IRB Management Solutions
March 2009
Issue No. 1
In This Issue
Doing More with Less
Latest News
Welcome to the HRP Associates, Inc. Newsletter. Every month we will be providing articles of interest to people in the human research protections field, a Q&A section where we answer questions sent to us, news relating to HRPPs and news about HRPA. We hope you find this newsletter useful!  We'd love to hear your comments and suggestions!  Please email us at
Jeffrey Cohen
Cheryl Savini
HRP Associates, Inc.
Feature Article
Doing More with Less

As we all know, we are living in difficult times. Those of us in the human research protections field are faced with the challenge of maintaining an appropriate level of protection with diminishing resources. Here are some ways that institutions can "do more with less":
Increase Efficiency
  • Review policies and procedures to evaluate efficiency
  • Track the "life of a protocol" to look for bottle-necks and unnecessary steps that can be eliminated without compromising the quality of IRB review
  • Automate processes to save steps and time
Reduce Waste, Save Time
  • Make full use of the flexibiltiy available in the regulations. No need to take up IRB time for research that is exempt or eligible for expedited review
  • Poorly prepared protocols waste staff, IRB and investigator time
    • Improve forms to ensure that IRB receives all the necessary information
    • Improve investigator education and guidance to obtain better protocols
Cope with Staff Reductions
  • Computerized IRB System
    • Equivalent of at least .5 FTE
  • Outsource IRB functions
    • Quality Assurance
    • Education and Training
      • Webinars
    • Full IRB Administration
  • Use an external IRB
Fortunately, institutions having to do deal with diminishing resources do not have to face this challenge alone. We at HRP Associates, Inc., can help you in many ways to maintain a quality human research protection program in these trying times. We can perform a program review and make your program more efficient. We can help you revise your forms and SOPs and can help train your investigators. We can assist in selecting and implementing a computerized IRB system. We can advise on the use of an external IRB and can even provide outsourcing of IRB functions. Contact us and let us explore how we can best help you "do more with less"! 
Q & A
If you submit questions to, we will post answers here to questions of broad interest.  Of course, we will directly answer all the questions we receive.

Latest News
Pfizer Seeks Accreditation

BNA Medical Research Law and Policy recently reported that Pfizer is seeking Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) accreditation and they announced "plans to work only with accredited, U.S.-based independent review boards, as well as to participate in the accrediting group's standards revision committee." Many consider this announcement to be the tipping point for human subjects accreditation, as others in the industry are likely to follow suit and institutions that want to continue to be involved in industry clinical research may need to seek accreditation. Article available to subscribers only.
HRPA at the AAHRPP Conference
Here are Jeff & Cindy at the AAHRPP Conference in LA
 AAHRPP 2009
HRPA at the PRIM&R Conference
Here's Cheryl at the PRIM&R Conference in Orlando
Cherryl at PRIM&R

What We Do

We offer many consulting, education and IRB management solutions:
AAHRP Accreditation Consulting
HRPP SOPs & Forms
HRPP Program Review
Education & Training
IRB Management Services
QA Audits

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Telephone: 240-432-4525
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