


Is it my imagination, or did it just snow?  But so what!  Spring is here and I am happy to see it come.  The other day, I almost wore flip flops in protest of the still cold weather, but thought better of it.  The signs are here that the shift is getting ready to occur and I am jazzed.  New you.





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April 9, 2011

 Quote of the Month:


"I think that no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring.  Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth? "


~Edward Giobbi





Spring...Time to Renew You Passion!


If we learn anything from nature, it is that it brings renewal after things appear too tired, overwhelmed or too overextended to go on.  Sounds familiar?  Look out your window.  The trees have no leaves, the grass is lifeless and the bushes have taken a beating.  But, there is one thing you can count on.  As sure as rain, it will not look like that for long.  The grass will grow thick and lush; flowers will push through and bloom colors of brilliance and the air will change from biting cold to fresh, warm and fragrant. 

It has been a long, demanding winter, but it is time to make the mental shift to spring.  It is time to take on the characteristics of spring and think about what you need to do to renew, refresh and uncover.  Be like a perennial and 'come back' with new growth, new leaves and new life.

We have the incredible gift of choice and can make little or courageous steps towards a transformed life of meaning.  If the recession has taught us anything, it is for us to pay attention to what really matters, not just what makes money.  Maybe this spring, you will decide to do something new that feels good to your roots, your heart and your soul.  Maybe it is time to plant something new that takes you in a direction that challenges your core, scares you a bit, but you know in your heart, it is oh so right. 

Let this be the year you do what you have been thinking and dreaming about.  Move it to reality.  Enlist the help of good friends to help you define your spring evolution. These are the friends that provide you with positive vibes and encouragement.  This is not the exercise for your negaholics and doubters.  Let them take up someone else's time!  This is spring.  You need fresh new ideas and a little time to plan.  How you say?  With five steps:

  1. Establish what you will focus on. What has been calling out to you?  What has been popping up and speaking to you, trying to get your attention?  What gift are you not honoring?
  2. Discover the possibilities.  Brainstorm on how you can act on your gift.  How can you bring it to life?
  3. Plan what action you will take.  Decide what you will do.  What steps will you take?  Make sure the action(s) is concrete and something that can be measured.  Give it a due date.
  4. Talk through and eliminate what can get in your way.  This step is critical.  Address the barriers before they happen so you will know what do and not miss a beat. 
  5. Recap.  State what you committed to.  How will you hold yourself accountable?   This is really where a friend could help.  Let someone else know what you plans are and ask them to hold you accountable.

It is spring.  Daffodils are pushing up.  You can't stop them.  Be a daffodil and stretch towards the sun.  It is time.

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Karen Senteio
VERVE, Life Reinvention Coaching Services 
 Live Your Best Life for the Rest of Your Life


VERVE is produced and written by Karen Senteio. If you have any questions or comments, or for reprint permission of this newsletter, please email:  � 2007-2008 Verve, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Contact me for a free 40 minute coaching consultation.  This may be the first step to making the change from 'just thinking about it' to 'doing it'.  Select the 'Learn More About Verve Life Reinvention Coaching' link on this newsletter or call.  

Karen Senteio
VERVE Life Reinvention Coaching Services