Knit and Crochet Bible StudyJuly 2010 
In This Issue
The Shepherd I Shall Not Want
Speaking of Sheep
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This month we look at reading and (mis)understanding patterns and Scripture.
 Verse of the Month: 
God, my shepherd! I don't need a thing.
   Psalm 23:1
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The Shepherd I Shall Not Want

Years ago when I first learned of Psalm 23 I was quite confused

You see, the Sunday School  teacher was saying this is a passage that offers comfort. For me it offered something else to worry about.

I read and memorized the first line "The Lord is Shepherd I shall not want".  In my immature mind I kept thinking this said "I don't want this shepherd". I couldn't figure out why the  teacher was talking like this was an encouraging passage.  Then the next verse said "he makes me lie down in green pastures".  He MAKES me lie down, like when I was in trouble and got sent to my room.

As I grew and matured in stature and in God, I understood the true message. My needs are met by my Lord.  He cares for me.  He helps me to rest when I am weary and keep running in circles.

Another thing I learned about the first verse of Psalm 23 is to look at punctuation. There is a comma after "The Lord is my Shepherd" which separates it from the thought following it "I shall not want".

That's what Bible Study offers; a chance to grow in the knowledge of the Lord. I asked questions, listened to sermons, talked with other believers. I learned more about this "Shepherd" they spoke of.   I had to become familiar with God to understand His Word.

The same goes for reading a knit or crochet pattern. I had to learn what PSSO stood for, and watch for commas and parenthesis in phrases like K2, (K, P, K, P, K)all in next st

 (read the rest of the story)

Speaking of Sheep
I ran across this blog post which shows some adorable knitted sheep.  She also offers up different coats for the sheep to wear. It might be a fun project to knit and to share when you study about your own Shepherd.  Check out "Knitted Sheep in Woolly Land" by Flutterby Patch.
Planning for Fall Bible Studies   

It's easy to host a Knit and Crochet Bible Study. Books 1 and 2 are available for purchase and immediate download of pdf file. It is very economical as you purchase 1 copy (both books are available for $37). You have copyright permission to make as many copies as needed for your local group. So you can now use it for this fall and again next fall! 

If you host a study, I'd love it if you shared it on facebook

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