RELAX And Breathe Deep
Be still before the Lord. Psalm 37:7
One of the comments made at our recent knitting and crochet class was "this is supposed to be relaxing!". I read an online article about a Mayo Clinic study that confirmed what I have experienced for years. Knitting (and crochet) can help you (1) reduce stress (2) manage pain (3)control depression and even (4) reduce memory loss. They found that the repetitive action is calming and encourages a relaxed state of mind as well as boosts the ego. They even compared it to the relaxation experienced by those who practice yoga.
This then can be easily incorporate with prayer and meditation. For myself, I use this time for force myself to be still. I can sit quietly and talk with God while stitching.
Like learning anything else, the first few times you try casting on, knitting, crochet, or any new style you will have to rip out and start over. Beginning a Bible Study is similar. You start reading and then forget and get behind. That's OK. Keep trying , start over and don't be afraid to ask questions or for help. But most importantly, relax and enjoy. Both the knitting.crochet and the study.
Be still before the Lord Psalm 37:7
Be still and know that I am God Psalm 45:10