Knit in Prayer

Knitting and Crochet Bible Study knit me together in my mother's womb. Ps 139:13  Dec 2009
In This Issue
What is a Knitting Bible Study?
Set in a relaxed atmosphere this study is designed to offer a simple study with word pictures and scripture to help "knit" God's Word in your heart.
For details on the Knitting Bible Study book, click here.
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Knitting Bible Study, Book 1
Get your copy of the Knitting Bible Study to share with your group. Sit, knit, share, and pray.
Click here  for more details
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She shops around for the best yarns. She enjoys knitting (and crochet)...  Prov 31:13MSG

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A Christmas Story 
"For unto you is born this day, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord".   Luke 2:11

I love the festivity around Christmas, with the lights, decorations, the songs and the many family gatherings. 

I am very fortunate when it comes to family. I am part of 5 living generations: I have the privilege of having my grandparents as well as my own grandchildren.

This year was the first year in many decades that extended family did not meet at my grandparents' home to share Christmas Eve. It wasn't because of their health, it was because a winter storm hit that kept everyone in their homes. As the storm continued Christmas day was spent home with immediate family instead of with my mother and siblings.. It is reported to be the first time it has snowed "on Christmas day"in the Kansas City area in 37 years.

This made Christmas much more restful than previous years.  I was able to relax and focus on . Luke 2 which  tells the story      (more

New Name and Look :
Thank you to everyone that offered up new name ideas for this newsletter. The new name will be announced and used in the January 2010 issue.
FREE Online Pattern :
I worked up the Salvation Colors afghan with stitch patterns to stretch the comfort zone of my local knitting and crochet bible study group.  If you haven't already, begin this new project and expand your skills. Share this project with others and become more familiar with the God's gift of love in the process.  ( click here, scroll through the blog entries for pattern stitches )