Knit in Prayer knit me together in my mother's womb. Ps 139:13 April 2009
In This Issue
Tink? Frog? Either way, there's a Mistake
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She shops around for the best yarns. She enjoys knitting (and crochet)...  Prov 31:13MSG

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Tink? or Frog? Either way, there's a mistake.
I am working on a lace kimono I found in the May 2009 issue of Creative Knitting Magazine. The feather and fan stitch looks very elegant in the black I Love This Yarn soft sport weight.
Worked in one piece I had completed the back and was busy with the left front when I realized I misread the pattern. I looked back and sure enough, there was the mistake. It glared at me, it laughed at me. I cried. I could think of no way to fix this. I must tink.
Tinking the is process of unknitting. I "unknit" each stitch until I get past the problem and can begin again. ("tink" is "knit" spelled backward) Unfortunately the mistake is 20 rows back. Yes, I could "frog" the rows (rip it, rip it) but I don't want to drop any of the lace pattern so I prefer the painstakingly slow process of tinking.
Do you ever wish you could "tink" or "frog" a mistake you made in your life?
Peter ran from the soldiers when they took Jesus away. Jesus had foretold that Peter would deny him 3 times. (read Luke 22:34-62 for the biblical account).
Just as I would have preferred not to have spent hours working on the sweater in error, Peter would have preferred to turn the clock back and not react as he did, but he could not. He had to face the situation, seek forgiveness, and press forward. He went on to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching and building up the first century church.
What about you? Are you held back because of mistakes in your life? Talk to God. Ask forgiveness. And press forward toward the (completed project) prize (Hebrews 12:1)
Featured Online Pattern 
A dropped stitch is something all knitters fear. However, not all dropped stitches are mistakes. Check out this "Drop Stitch Scarf" which is created by intentionally dropping stitches.
DISCLAIMER: I have no control over this external website. On the day I reviewed it the site featured this pattern. I am not responsible for any changes or advertising offered by the website.