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  Florida District Connections
October 21, 2009
Notes From Our District Executive
Rev. Kenneth G. Hurto photpA colleague remarks with pride that he serves a congregation of "generous listeners." I am glad and would agree: Unitarian Universalists on the whole do try to give one another a fair and open hearing. We walk our talk by being respectful to each other.
You would think, given our also well-known penchant for arguing about beliefs, that that would not be so. And sadly, sometimes it's not -- especially when touchy theological issues open old wounds or challenge faith convictions. I think here of the too often voiced disdain for anything Christian or reactive eagerness to challenge another's faith expression without truly understanding what they mean.
John Steinbeck wrote once that beliefs are the things we debate, dispute and argue over. That's a good thing, leading to deeper understanding and clarity. He also went on to note that faith is what we fight over, bleed for, sometimes even kill and die for. That is to say, you know you've touched someone's most heartfelt convictions when they become angry and defensive, even hostile. At that level, the generosity goes out of the speaking, which means we have to be sure to put it into our listening.
Cultivating the art of generous listening is crucial to our way of being a free religious community. We're not out to indoctrinate or spiritually clone one another; we are not seeking creedal conformity. We're here to appreciate and learn from one another. Mindful that none has a corner on the whole truth, we need to hear what each has to offer. Which is why listening -- especially to faith expressions we find discomforting in any way -- is so important.
I believe it was Soren Kierkegaard who said religious maturity requires an increasing subjectivity toward others and an increasing objectivity toward oneself. A heart of compassion for others keeps the mind open; humility about one's self leads to a greater heart connection with others. Thus, listening is part of a spiritual discipline. Or, as a former parishioner counseled me one day, "God gave us two ears and one mouth; we should use them in that proportion." 
I'm glad to be part of a tradition that values generous listening as much as clear speaking. Thank you all for your open hearts, open minds, and open ears.
All blessings, Rev. Kenn
Notes from our Lifespan Program Consultant

 CGoodbread photo 2009 
Up Coming Events - Mark your calendars
This is the district calendar link:
Please pay close attention to the wonderful programs that are being offered by your Florida District UUA.
Thursday November 5th - Foundations of Faith Development Webinar- for every size congregation - we will begin at 7:00 and end at 8:00.
When children come to our congregations they and their parents need to feel welcomed into the community. What are the simple things we can do to make sure that happens? What are the next steps we must take to make sure everyone finds something?
Plan now to join us for next year's Southland Unitarian Universalist Leadership Experience
Now is the time to budget for Southland Unitarian Universalist Leadership Experience.  This five-day program will be held August 8-12, 2010, at The Mountain Retreat and Learning Centers. The Thomas Jefferson, Mid-South, Florida Districts and Southwestern Conference a District of the UUA organize this experience. For more information visit http://www.uusouthland.org/
Connie Goodbread
Webinar Opportunity - Clergy Assessment
The Challenge of Assessment Part 1 - Clergy
An On-Line Presentation/Webinar
Thursday, Oct. 22
7:30pm - 9:00pm
Experience has shown that both ministers and congregations benefit when regular assessments are conducted and done well.  Useful, relevant and timely feedback is essential for learning and growth of congregations and individual clergy.  There are many ways to perform assessments and no one model can serve all of our varied congregations and ministries. There are also many things to avoid in assessment -- unfortunate practices that block learning and may even be destructive.  
Rev. Kenn Hurto (District Executive, Florida District) and Rev. Joan Van Becelaere (District Executive, Ohio-Meadville) will explore the Who, What, Why, When, and How of assessment in a 2-part webinar series.   The first webinar will look at clergy assessment.  The second webinar, scheduled for later this winter, will look at assessment of the congregation as a whole.  We will look at some assessment models that might be helpful tools to create collaborative approaches to gather feedback that incorporates observed patterns, affirms strengths and encourages continual growth - both for the minister and the ministry of the whole congregation.
Who should attend: clergy, Committee on Ministry members, board members and others interested in congregational health.
Space is limited to 25 computer connections.  You are urged to participate as a group with other members of your congregations and/or committees.  Please register at the Ohio-Meadville website:  www.ohiomeadville.org.
For more information contact Joan Van Becelaere: jvanbecelaere@uua.org  or Kenn Hurto: khurto@uua.org.
Florida District LREDA Chapter
LREDA logoThis is an exciting time to be a Unitarian Universalist religious leader in Florida!
I am Kelly Belanger Harris, the Director of Religious Exploration in Jacksonville, FL and I have the distinct honor of inviting all DREs to become charter members of the Florida District Chapter of the Liberal Religious Educator's Association (LREDA.) (Pending the official Stamp of Approval from the continental LREDA- this weekend at the Annual Fall Conference.)
The vision for FL LREDA is to function as an advocating and educating body for religious educators.  A voice that will:  lift up the challenges and joys of religious education leadership; advocate for a more universal understanding of the professional nature of religious educators; and coordinate face-to-face and virtual meetings with Florida religious educators. We will: find ways to bring educational opportunities to Florida; collaborate with our colleagues in neighboring districts; make opportunities to gather in respite and renewal.
I'd also like to take this time to introduce you to our Governing Board. 
Jennifer Dant, Director of Religious Education at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greater Naples, and I, will serve as co-Chairs for the next two years. 
Keitha Whitaker, Director of Religious Education at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tallahassee, will serve as Treasurer for the next two years.
Megan Just, Director of Children's Religious Education at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ft. Meyers, has eagerly agreed to be the Chapter Secretary for the next two years.
Once we have that Stamp of Approval, DREs will receive an electronic copy of the Application Form. We will also send paper copies to the congregation you serve. *Membership in continental LREDA is a requirement of Membership in FL District LREDA.* If you are not yet a member of continental LREDA and are having concerns about annual dues, please contact continental LREDA for a partial dues waiver.  Information about continental LREDA can be found here: www.lreda.org.
Thank you all for your dedication and service.
With a faith in love,
Around the Florida District - News and Events to Note
Upcoming Florida District Events - Save these Dates
calendar clip artThird Tuesday Webinar Series - October 20, November 17, December 15
Foundations of Faith Webinar - November 5 - for Religious Educators and Religious Education committee chairs
Workshop on Growing Congregations - November 7 - University UU Society  This is a workshop for leaders of congregations that do not have called ministry 
District Board Meeting - November 20-21 - Canterbury Retreat Center, Oviedo
President's Roundtable - January 23 - First Unitarian Church, Orlando
Cluster, Congregation & Affiliated Organization Events
Beacon Youth
CON of the Dead - October 23-25 - University UUS, Orlando
Faith in Action Social Justice Workshop - October 24 - First Unitarian Church of Orlando  With featured presenter Rev. Richard S. Gilbert, a regional workshop for people of faith who want to get involved in faith-informed social change on behalf of a fair and kinder world.  Registration is required.  Please see www.faithinactionnetwork.info for more information
University UUS - Women's Group Events - October 24, October 30 - contact the congregation office for additional information
Southwest Cluster Workshop and Meeting - November 7 - UUC Naples .  Home - One for Everyone with Rev. Meredith Garmon and REv. Allison Farnum.
Creating a Jubilee World Workshop - November 13-15 - UUF Gainesville .   This workshop is designed to help Unitarian Universalist congregations dismantle racism by guiding participants to examine both personal and institutional racism, and by empowering them to develop a realistic plan that can move their congregations forward in working for racial justice.  Early-bird registration rate available until October 15
West Central Cluster Holiday Service - December 10 - UUC Tarpon Springs
S.W.I.M. (Southeast Winter Institute Miami) - Dec. 26-Jan. 1 - Miami
Serve Our District - As the District Compensation Consultant
An important service of our District and our UUA is to provide objective advice to congregations regarding fair and just compensation for all in our employ. Joan Patterson [Tallahassee] has served nobly in this role, but the time has come for her to fully retire. With our deep thanks and appreciation, we now look for Joan's successor.
This is a volunteer position with annual training, membership in the UUA's compensation consultant's group, and reimbursement for all expenses. The requirements are an ability to comfortably talk numbers and dollars, to work well with congregational volunteers, and provide leadership among the FLD congregations regarding our employment practices as a people of faith.
Please let District Executive Kenn Hurto know directly of your interest: khurto@uua.org or 321.422.4625.
Request for Proposals
The annual District Assembly is in Miami April 9-11, 2010. UUA Moderator Gini Courter is our guest presenter on the theme of "What next for Unitarian Universalism." You are invited to submit a no more than 50 word summary of a presentation you might like to offer at the DA's workshops. Topics broadly relevant to Unitarian Universalists, of course, are welcome. Most welcome are those that give congregational leaders practical tools for strengthening our ministries. Apply by January 5, 2010, directly to the District Executive: khurto@uua.org.
UUSC Seeking East Florida Regional Coordinator
The UUSC Volunteer Network is currently seeking a Regional Coordinator (RC) for the East Florida area.  This position, supported by West Florida's RC, the National Co-Chairs for this territory, and UUSC support staff persons, works with nine congregations and their Local Representatives to help build strong involvement in and support for UUSC's human rights work.  In this role, RC's are consistently well-informed on UUSC's work, and on how to involve UUs and UU congregations in our efforts.  They help facilitate the success of UUSC Local Representatives' efforts to strengthen UUSC's role and participation within their congregations.  And most importantly, RCs provide the leadership, outreach, membership and fund raising efforts, and involvement vital to UUSC's human rights work.
Specifically, RCs assist in training, guiding and recruiting Local Reps when needed. They communicate regularly with Local Reps, their National Co-Chair, and with UUSC's Associate for Member Development.  Further, RCs assist in strengthening UUSC's partnership with the UU community through events such as the District Conference, print publications, and other methods as available.  Regional Coordinators also have the opportunity to become closely involved with UUSC's National Volunteer Network Leadership training, either on-line or in person.
View the UUSC Regional Coordinator job description at this link:
If you have an interest in this important work, please contact Bob or Irene Keim (UUSC Volunteer Network National Co-Chairs) at (352)793-2268 or rbkeim@hughes.net.
Things to Know in Our Extended Unitarian Universalist World

InterConnections Banner

InterConnections is the UUA's emailed newsletter that publishes tips and stories about vital congregations for lay leaders and the professional staff who work with them.  To sign up for this free monthly e-newsletter or to read recent articles see http://www.uua.org/publications/interconnections/index.shtml  
GA2010 logo1General Assembly Program Development Group (PDG)
New this year: a team comprised of Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) staff and GA Planning Committee members is responsible for developing and/or inviting proposals for quality, mission-based GA programs. Proposals are due no later than November 16, 2009. Propose a program for PDG consideration via the program proposal web form.
UU Min for Earth logoInternational Day of Climate Action
-October 24, 2009. UU Ministry for Earth invites UUs to join with us in prayer, meditation, action, and celebration on October 24, 2009, in our collaboration with 350.org in a day of action for climate justice. Groups around the globe will call on the world's leaders to commit to decreasing carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in Earth's atmosphere to below 350 parts per million, the stable and safe upper limit for the world's people, creatures, and future generations. Bill McKibben, co-founder and director of 350.org, has specifically called for UU involvement; watch the 45-second YouTube video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qd_L21Xyhbo.
For more information about the International Day of Climate Action, visit the UUMFE website: http://www.uuministryforearth.org/350.htm.  We have included ideas for events your congregation can organize, links to our partner organizations, and a registry for our collaboration with 350.org. Let us know what your congregation is planning! Also, please register at 350.org and sign the "Interfaith Call for 350."
Transylvania Pilgrimage
The most radical thing we can do is introduce people to each other.  In that spirit, there will be a pilgrimage to Transylvania, the birthplace of the Unitarian branch of our faith, in the summer of 2010.  The pilgrimage will take us into a culture that has been informed by Unitarian principles for over 400 years.  
We will visit the revered sites of Francis David's martyrdom and the tomb of King Sigismund, the only Unitarian king in history.  Pilgrims will also have the opportunity experience the home hospitality of Transylvanian Unitarians, some of the most gracious and welcoming people in the world.  Many other activities and events are planned as a part of the wonderful opportunity to actually be a part of the bridge that connects our congregations with the rest of the world.  
Plans are beginning to take shape for this pilgrimage sponsored by Project Harvest Hope.  There will be participants from both the Florida and Mid-South Districts. If you have interest, you will want to make that known to us so that you can be invited to one of the information sessions.  You can also get general information about Unitarian Universalist partnerships in Transylvania by visiting the Partner Church website at www.uupcc.org or the Harvest Hope website at www.harvesthope.uua.org.   
If you would like more information about our upcoming trip, contact Jane Donahue, the DRE of High Street UU Church in Macon, at janedonahue@cox.net or Fred Howard, minister of Valdosta UU Church, at fredhoward435@hotmail.com or you can call 478-361-6305.  Come with us and share in the bounty of the table that is set before us as Unitarian Universalists when we dare to become pilgrims to these marvelous sites of our heritage!

project harvest hope banner

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phone: 407-894-2119
email:  FloridaDistrictUUA@cfl.rr.com
mailing address:
Florida District UUA
1901 E. Robinson St., Ste. 18
Orlando, FL  32803 
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