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August 19, 2009
Notes From Our District Executive
Rev. Kenn Hurto photoWhen I first moved to Florida, I asked parishioners, "When is the beginning of the new program year?" This reflected my northern ways. I assumed that the Sunday after Labor Day was for "Ingathering" or "Home-Coming" Sunday -- replete with special "glad you're back activities." No one had mentioned it. Rather, my question elicited a puzzled, "Well, late October, early November. That's when the snowbirds begin arriving." I soon learned that Florida schools opened in August [still an amazing idea to me!]; Labor Day weekend was not "end of summer" ritual at all.
Now I was puzzled. When is "First Sunday?" How do we have a sense of new beginnings here in Florida? I remain puzzled years later. There is  no clear pattern among our District congregations. Rather than the crack of a starter's gun or a launching of the program year, our congregations awake gradually, rather like the dawn, from summer's rest. No rapid start, just a stretching of limbs and quiet acceleration of energy and service.
Which I suppose is more congruent with nature's timings in any event. In life, things emerge, evolve, come into being, often barely noticeable let alone noticed. Then, of a sudden, it is the dawn of a new day and the start of another church year.
It is typically Unitarian Universalist, however, to see the arrival of fall as the time to devote renewed exploration into matters of the spirit and of our best values. Even though most of our congregations are "full service, full time and year 'round, late summer, early fall is when we show up and the beloved community renews itself. Whatever your pattern, may your congregation's ministry rouse itself in these weeks. The summer may have been restful, but life's challenges persist. Time's a wasting. Let's get back in the game, stand on the side of love, work for justice, and be the model of peace. Be Unitarian Universalist.
All blessings whenever your ministry begins!
Rev. Kenn

Kenn's Rule for Congregational Leaders
I am asked, "When should we call the District for help?" Without being flip, the sad and bitter experience of congregation's calling too late or not at all argues for a simple rule: "Call early. Call often. Call before you need help. Call even if you don't know you need help!" Oh, and call with your good ideas and suggestions of how, together, we can strengthen all our ministries in the District.
Along with your District Board, my colleague Connie Goodbread, our District's Lifespan Program Consultant, and I are here to serve our congregations in a wide variety of ways. We work primarily with your elected leaders. But anyone can call if you think we can lend a hand. And, if we can't, we'll probably know who can and direct you accordingly.
In addition to calling the office, write to us directly: District President, Jennifer Carver at:
[email protected];  UUA District Trustee Joan Lund at: [email protected];  FLD Administrator Jessica Curren at: [email protected],  Connie Goodbread at: [email protected],  and Kenn Hurto at: [email protected].
Hurricane Preparedness
Thank You to contributor Marti King, UU Society of the Daytona Beach Area.  This article originally ran in the UUSDBA Newsletter The Jotter
stormy palmsMake yourself a plan. You probably will need to know ahead of time if you will stay at home or evacuate. Therefore it is important to make plans for both situations. General preparations suggestions will be good in both situations. If you are evacuating, the IF AN EVALCUATIONS ORDER IS ISSUED suggestions could be appropriate too!
* Use your TV or radio to receive information concerning the weather. It will be important to have a portable AM/FM radio on hand with a fresh battery supply.
* Fill your vehicle's gas tank in case you need to leave immediately. Secure any items outside your home which could damage property in a storm.
* Be sure to have cash on hand. ATMs will not work if the power is out.
* Have a flashlight and extra batteries.
* Fill your sinks and bathtub with water as an extra supply for washing and flushing the toilet.
* Adjust the thermostat on the refrigerator to the coldest temperature.
* Be sure to have an extra supply of prescription medications plus necessary OTC products and vitamins.
* Have a freshly supplied first aid kit.
* Make sure you have a manual can opener.
* Store one gallon of water per person per day, keeping at least a 3- day supply.
*Ready- to- eat canned meats, fruits and vegetables.
*Canned juices, soup and milk.
*High energy foods- peanut butter, jelly, crackers, granola bars, trail mix.
*Instant coffee, tea bags.
*Let friends and relatives know where you are going.
*Make arrangements for your pets. It is best to know ahead of time all the details as most shelters do not take pets.
*Turn off all electrical appliances including AC, water heater and fans. Dispose of food in your refrigerator and freezer so that you will not come home to a mess.
*Make certain all water faucets are in the "Off "position.
*Close all windows, lower and close all shades/blinds and curtains.
*Unplug all extension cords.
*Pack a suitcase to include the things you would ordinarily take on a trip, plus jewelry, checkbook, driver's license, birth certificate, Medicare card, insurance policies, towels, blankets, glasses. Take books, games, etc to pass the time.
Notes from our Lifespan Program Consultant

CGoodbread photo 2009Up Coming Events - Mark your calendars
This is the district calendar link:
Please pay close attention to the wonderful programs that are being offered by your Florida District UUA. 
District Wide Congregational Teacher Training - August 29, 2009 - UU Congregation of Lakeland - 10:  a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Registration is limited to 30 participants and we are now near capacity.  Please note, advance registration is required and we cannot accept walk-in registrations for this event.  Please call or email the office to see if space is still available (407-894-2119 or [email protected]).  For registration information go to this link: http://www.floridadistrict.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/teacher-training-flyer.pdf 
Plan now to join us for next year's Southland Unitarian Universalist Leadership Experience
Now is the time to budget for Southland Unitarian Universalist Leadership Experience. This is an opportunity for current and future leaders to deepen their understanding of congregational leadership and to develop their abilities with other Unitarian Universalist leaders. This five-day program will be held August 8-12, 2010, at The Mountain Retreat and Learning Centers. The Thomas Jefferson, Mid-South, Florida Districts and Southwestern Conference a District of the UUA organize this experience.  SUULE offers participants an opportunity to combine practical leadership tools with spiritual and theological grounding to maximize their congregational leadership potential. We are asking that congregations send teams of leaders who will learn and develop together. If your congregation is small please develop a relationship with other Unitarian Universalist congregations in your cluster so that you can still send a team.  This team approach helps individuals to deepen their experience, get support and advice from other leaders who have a same knowledge and helps them to keep their focus on the reality that this is congregational leadership.  For more information visit http://www.uusouthland.org/ 
Connie Goodbread

Lifespan Program Consultant
Florida District UUA
[email protected] 
Nurture your spirit.  Help heal our world.
Trustee Tidbits

JLund photoMost, if not all, of our congregations have some sort of Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) work/activity going on throughout the year. I realized I have never written about the work of the UUSC; a nonsectarian organization that advances human rights and social justice in the United States and around the world. The UUSC is financially independent from our UUA and the U.S. government; member contributions make up about the majority of the UUSC's annual budget.
At General Assembly (GA) in June I learned about the UUSC's project Water Justice Praxis. Perhaps some of you already are aware of this project. People all over the world, including in the U.S. suffer from lack of access to safe, sufficient, affordable water, which is a human right for all. With the Water Justice Praxis, congregations can study and act on local and international water-justice issues; and learn about courageous people who are working to make sure that everyone has access to safe, sufficient, affordable water to meet their daily needs. This social action tool is for both adults and young adults and is complete with videos, action guide, and companion small group ministry modules. It is flexible and can be used for an evening study course in four sessions or a one-day workshop. There are suggestions for family activities which include taking a group fieldtrip to the local water reservoir.
It is essential every human have access to sufficient amounts of water every day, and affordable and safe water services. This raises a number of questions, including: Does everyone in your community enjoy this right, including the homeless? Are there public water fountains in your community? What happens in an emergency? Who is responsible for getting the community water? What happens to someone who cannot afford to pay his/her water bill in your community? How much does water cost; what is the rate structure? Who makes the decisions about what is safe/potable water in community and well water? What are citizen rights when it is knows the water is not safe?
The world is impacted by climate change and increased water crises. Insufficient safe water supplies will continue to fall disproportionately on some groups and it is time to take action to protect the human right to water. To get involved in the UUSC Water Justice Praxis, contact [email protected].  As always I look forward to hearing from you with thoughts, concerns, and questions; and can be reached at [email protected]  or 813-931-9727. Stay cool during our Florida summer.
August District Packet

stack of paper photo from istockphotoThe August 2009 monthly packet has been posted to the District website and may be viewed at the following link:
Please share the information contained in the monthly packet with individuals in your congregation.  This edition of the District packet contains the following items:
�         District Executive Rev. Kenn Hurto letter, page 1-2
�         District Calendar, page3
�         RE Teacher Training flyer, page 4
�         Beacon Youth Advisor Training flyer, page 5
�         UUA Trustee - GA 2009 Report, pages 6-9
Looking for a single event flyer?  Event flyers (when available) are linked to the event listing on the District website, www.floridadistrict.org, calendar page.  Simply click the event listed on the calendar and the flyer (or the event host website) will open.
The complete packet is also linked to the website calendar (go to the calendar link at www.floridadistrict.org  and click the "entire monthly packet" notation above the calendar).  Please note this is a multi-page download and may take a few minutes to open if you are working with a dial-up connection and/or older computer.
Around the Florida District - News and Events to note

calendar clip artUpcoming FLD Events - Save these Dates:
Congregational RE Teacher Training - August 29 - UU Congregation of Lakeland
Florida District Board Meeting - August 21-22, Oviedo
President's Roundtable
- January 23 - First Unitarian Church of Orlando
Cluster & Congregation Events Around the District:
One Generation From Extinction with Rev. Kenn Hurto
Southeast Cluster Workshop and Meeting - October 3 - Compassionate Communication with Rev. LoraKim Joyner - UU Fellowship of Boca Raton 
25th Anniversary Celebration - October 18 - UU Fellowship of Marion County 
Other News to Note:
Volunteer Opportunity: District Compensation Consultant
After many years of dedicated service, Joan Patterson has retired from her role as the FLD Compensation Consultant.  We thank Joan for her great work!  We are looking for her successor. This is a volunteer position, with training provided by our UUA and a stipend for specific consultations. If you have an interest, please see http://www.uua.org/leaders/leaderslibrary/compensationconsultants/44324.shtml   for details and contact Kenn Hurto.
You're invited to visit Unitarian Universalist Church of St. Petersburg:
This is the channel of the Unitarian Universalist Church of St. Petersburg, Florida, located at 719 Arlington Ave. on Mirror Lake Drive in beautiful downtown St. Pete. Here you will find videos on Unitarian Universalism beliefs and programs. Enjoy!
Travel Opportunity - Would you like to take a European River cruise with fellow UUs from the Marion County Fellowship?
For complete details see http://www.uufmc.org/TravelwithUUFMC.html
Things to Know in Our Extended Unitarian Universalist World

Letter to UUs on Health Care Debate from UUA President Peter Morales


Rev. Peter Morales 

The current hysteria and rancor in the debate over health care policy are profoundly disturbing. The issues here go far beyond normal public policy debate. Religious principles central to our shared Unitarian Universalist (UU) faith are involved.


The first religious principle at stake is compassion. We must be a strong, persistent voice that reminds our nation and our leaders that compassion is central to all major faith traditions. We must insist that health care reform protects those without political clout: children, the poor, the disabled, the elderly. To stand on the side of love is to stand with those who are on the margins.


The second principle of our faith we must affirm today is our commitment to the democratic process. We are witnessing cynical demagoguery that plays on fear in order to defend privilege. There is no place for intimidation in our public discussion. Demagogues foment fear and panic that lead to violence. As religious people we must oppose intimidation.


True democracy can only exist where each voice is heard, where debate is open and civil, where people can disagree without being threatened. Good people can and do disagree about health care policy. However, we must all join together to demand open, respectful debate.


As religious people, let us insist on two things: We must create a health care system that protects the most vulnerable, and we must insist on a democratic process that is open to all.



Peter Morales


The complete text of Rev. Morales' letter is at http://www.uua.org/news/newssubmissions/145341.shtml .


Rev. Morales comments on the health care debate:




Rev. Chris Buice sermons available on CDs

Rev. Chris BuiceOn July 27, 2008 the Tennessee Valley UU Church in Knoxville TN, was struck by a senseless act of terrorism when a shotgun-wielding assailant disrupted a Sunday service, killing two worshippers and wounding a number of other congregants and visitors.  Rev. Buice's sermons record his response to the tragedy and the congregation's progress toward recovery and rebirth.


The summer Congregational Bulletin includes a flyer with information regarding a 3-CD set of Rev. Buice's sermons. 



If you're interested, the information on purchasing the set of CDs is included on the flyer linked above. 



Your UUA Needs You!

UUA LogoThe UUA relies upon energetic, committed, visionary UUs to serve the twenty-plus committees, panels and task forces that work with staff and the UUA Board to carry out the mission of the Association.


We are eager to draw volunteers from the rich diversity of our movement:

diversity of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and identity, age, geography, skills, and vocation.  For some appointments-Ministerial Fellowship Committee and finance-oriented committees, for example-we will be looking for specific skills or life position (e.g., lay person, minister, psychologist, auditor).


Every two years, the Committee on Committees (CoC) reviews and brings recommendations to the Board for appointment and re-appointment to all Board-appointed committees.  This year, the Board will be appointing members to the two-year term beginning January 1, 2010, and re-appointing as appropriate.


UUA Bylaws allow for three re-appointments, or up to eight years of service for most committees.  Committee members who wish to continue are very often re-appointed, although this is never guaranteed, as the needs or charge of a committee may change.


Please complete the online application for Board-appointed committees, if you wish to be considered for a January appointment that interests you.


Follow the link below or cut and paste into your browser:



The deadline is August 24, 2009


The CoC also fills vacancies on Board-appointed committees as they occur, and appoints to elected committees (usually the Nominating Committee's purview), if vacancies occur between election cycles.  Vacancies are posted on the home page of uua.org.  If you would like to be considered for a vacancy, it's a good idea to check the home page every week or so.

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email:  [email protected]  
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