October 2012

   Issue 35


Ojai Valley Green Coalition

Food Council

Meet new friends who love good food: Growing it, Cooking it, Eating it


Heirloom Expo a Smash Success!!
This was the best food & farming event I think I've ever been to. No lie. Twice as many people as last year.  1000 kids one day, all visiting the bee exhibition, the heritage livestock breeds, old-time crafts, the exhibit hall full of the most gorgeous samples of historical food varieties still being grown from seed.  Like the best County Fair you've ever imagined, but better. People were engaged and excited and optimistic at all the booths. flowforms The food was OMG cuisine deluxe.
        This photo is a series of flowforms that swirl water, enlivening it. It was in the Biodynamic Lounge, where haybales sectioned off rooms to relax on comfy couches amidst huge informative garden installations.
       There were at least 20 different organic or heirloom seed companies offering varieties of seed with lyrical names like Tennessee Dancing Gourds or Nebraska Wedding Tomatoes. From sole entrepreneurs to well-known companies, these made me realize that Monsanto will NEVER win.  There will always be seed savers & traders.
     The speaker line-up was first class with our own John Roulac speaking on where to find "real food" - he was funny and fearless in his assessment of our food Jn Roulacsystem.
Dr. Don Huber, scientist/folk-hero spew shocking data about GMOs to a packed house for 50 minutes with a rousing standing ovation. I was taking notes fast & furious. The list of speakers & films filled 4 halls every hour, 12 hours a day for 3 days.  It was smokin' hot and I'm not just talking weather!!
This should be the last time you miss something this good. 

Ojai Valley Food System - Where Are We Now?
Films & Food Council Panel Discussion 

The Ojai Film Festival is coming October 25-28. We (OVGC) are hosting two films & a discussion on Sunday afternoon the 28th that you don't want to miss! "Love & Gratitude" is a short doc about a local architect who's designed a green life for himself. Then we're screening "Eating Alabama" - a quirky, funny look at one couple's attempt to eat solely food from within their state of Alabama.

We follow that with a panel discussion about the state of our own food system here in the Valley. The film's director will speak about his experience and the film. Kris Young will share the 2009  Locavore experiment of eating within 100 miles of Ojai. Johnny Fonteyn will speak as a local CSA farmer. I will speak about the role of kitchen gardening, the Culinary Club and developing a food culture.  Karen Schmidt will inform us about The Food Commons, a regional distribution hub concept developed by Larry Yee that other cities are using.  All in all, it'll be a great snapshot of where we are and possibilities down the road.   Hope to see you there!


Getting the Most from a Lemon

How can you use the whole lemon without waste? 
Simple..place the lemon in the freezer section of your refrigerator. Once the lemon is frozen, get your grater, and shred the whole lemon (no need to peel)

Sprinkle it on vegetables, salad, ice cream, soup, noodles, spaghetti sauce, rice, sushi, fish dishes. All of the foods will unexpectedly have a wonderful taste. Most likely, you only think of lemon juice.  Not anymore. Now you can use lemon even in instant cup noodles.

What's the major advantage of using the whole lemon ?
Well, lemon peels may contain as much as 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice itself. Lemon peels are health rejuvenators in eradicating toxic elements in the body.  

It is believed that lemon can treat cancer cells and labs are trying to make a synthetic version for a lot more money than your Sunkist lemon! (I don't know this to be true, but hey, chemo or lemons....hmmm...worth a try). It is also considered an anti-microbial spectrum against bacterial infections & fungi, effective against internal parasites & worms, and a stress antidote.

Note: If even half of this proves out, we've got a goldmine of health in this Valley!  (Thank you Deborah Moe for this article)

Transporting Coffee by Wind Power????

We all champion local eating .... until it comes to chocolate and coffee.  How do you do that responsibly? You may remember a few months back I was waxing poetic over "Delicious Peace" coffee from Thanksgiving Coffee ("not just a cup, but a just cup"). 

Well get this, Carrotmob ("Vote with your Money") is running a crowdfunding campaign to help Thanksgiving Coffee with their dream to start shipping coffee by sailboats to cut the carbon footprint of shipping by tankers.  Outrageous, eh?

I don't think they'll make their goal in the next 3 days of $150K, but I sure love the idea and their vision gives me a reason to keep buying coffee from them.


P.S.   Some crummy news about coffee is that you don't want to drink it with carbs in the morning - according to my fitness trainers,  it impairs glucose management: more insulin, less fat burning.  Jeez is there nothing left to enjoy????  Does an Ezechiel sprouted grain muffin count? (BTW, no problem with decaf... except that it's decaf).

Green Ribbon School:  Meiners Oaks Elementary!

Food for Thought is looking for a few good-hearted people with surplus garden produce. We glean for the Mira Monte Elementary 6th grade class, which sells the produce to finance their science field trip. Anyone interested in participating please contact Jim Churchill at 558-7897 or jrchurchill@earthlink.net.

OPEN HOUSE:  Friday, Sept. 28th, 4:30-7:00
Please come visit the MO school garden, a lovely bean-corn-and-flower-filled instructional environment in the back of the school. This garden is planted and operated by Food for Thought for the children, and hosts a garden club, cooking from the garden, and garden-based instruction. Light refreshments provided. For more information www.foodforthoughtojai.org.


Thanks for your continuing interest in making the Ojai Valley a more delicious place to live.  Our food system is a vital part of our resilience and strength.


Growing food, growing community!
Dulanie Ellis, Food Council

Ojai Valley Green Coalition  

Upcoming Events

Sept. 28
Meiners Oaks Elementary 
Garden Event 
(see write up)
400 So. Lomita, M.O. 

Sept. 29  
Film: Genetic Roulette
Just released new doc about GMOs from the Environmental Working Group.
Transitions to Organics
Ojai Theater

Sept. 29
Sol Food Festival 
food systems in SB County
180 E. Cota St.
(& Anacapa) 
Plaza de Vera Cruz

Oct. 6 
OVGC Green Home Tour
MOB Shop for tickets
Do it by bicycle this year! 

Oct. 6 Free
"What the heck are GMOs And why should I care?"
Unsure what all the fuss
is about with Prop. 37?
I'll bend your ear and answer questions.
Flora Gardens
(Come early & shop with 15% discount)   

Oct. 6-7
Hoes Down Festival
Annual family-friendly farm-o-rama & camping 
in Guinda, Northern CA. Old-fashioned fun.
Full Belly Farm

Oct. 28
$$ varies
"Eating Alabama"
& Panel Discussion
(What do we need to do in the Ojai Valley for a local food system?)
Ojai Film Festival
Check program for location

Tomato Garlic Soup

1 chopped onion
1 chopped carrot
2 Tbl. tomato paste
2 Tbl. minced garlic
3 Tbl. olive oil
3 C. tomatoes
3 C. water
Salt & pepper
Chopped basil

Use a medium to large soup pot. If you want a super smooth soup, use a blender to puree, and you could strain it (I wouldn't but you might). Garnishes are all optional, raid the garden. Herbs add a dimension that will be lacking otherwise. Taste as you cook, nothing could go wrong here.

Saute onion, carrot, tomato paste & garlic in olive oil for 5 minutes.

Add tomotes and water, salt & pepper to taste. Bring to boil. Reduce heat & simmer for 15 minutes.

Let cool and puree in blender to desired smoothness.

Garnish with basil.
Serves 4  
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 Ojai Valley Green Coalition