September 2012

Issue #34     


Ojai Valley Green Coalition

Food Council

Meet new friends who love good food: Growing it, Cooking it, Eating it


How about a community-owned food co-op?

A group is forming  to open a community owned grocery store! Come learn what a Co-op is, participate in the preliminary discussions of how a Co-op would benefit our community, and how you can get involved.  Attend Ojai's first Co-op organizational meeting which will be held in Meiners Oaks, Friday September 28th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.  If you are interested please contact:

Michelle Dohrn at
GMO Update:    
Films & Speakers  on Sept. 1st  (see Upcoming Events
"Seeds of Freedom" & TED Talk; speakers: Dulanie Ellis & Bill Hoff

New TV ad for Prop 37   (a must see, and do send support if you can, Monsanto & Dow are spending mega-millions to defeat this effort)  

Nifty buttons & new bumper stickers  You don't have to know anything to wear a pin that says "Vote to Label GMOs" or "Vote Yes on 37"   The bottom line is, "Don't we have the right to know what we are eating and feeding our children?  Get your button and bumpersticker & cool small written handouts of info on my front porch:    206 So. Blanche. 

Looking for endorsements (personal & professional) 
Sign up at the movies on Sept. 1st or contact the Food Council. A simple signature is about all this takes to add your name to support for the Prop. 37 CA Right to Know.

Why is labeling important?  Parents are super vigilent if their child is allergic to peanuts because even a little bit can cause serious reactions, even death. 
Little known factoid:
People allergic to peanuts have a 44% probability that they will be allergic to genetically engineered soybeans.  About 85% of U.S. soybeans are G.E. and are in all kinds of products. Kids have died because their parents didn't know, and withuot labeling, won't.

Your Local HIVE & Tomatomania 
10:00-3:00, Sept. 22   

Scott Daigre (Tomatomania) & Laurie Dill (HIVE) are doing a workshop & luncheon celebrating all things tomato, teaching, tasting, the works.  Starts at 10:00 sharp with a review of the stars of this year's field trials, moving on to canning, tomato jam and leathers and other nifty & delicious tricks with tomatoes.

Your Local HIVE is a new venture by Master Gardener and Master Food Preserver, Laurie Dill.   Your Local HIVE will offer great events, bringing community together through food, art, culture & craft in galleries, urban spaces & neighboring farms.  

ONLY 25 SEATS!   $100.00 per person.  Reserve by Sept. 10.

Cookbooks, Cookbooks, Cookbooks.......

Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine, by Gabriel Cousens, M.D.

Nourishing Traditions (The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition & the Diet Dictocrats), by Sally Fallon (WAPF)

The Grassfed Gourmet (Healthy Cooking & Good Living with Pasture-Raised Foods), by Shannon Hayes

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Fermentating Foods, by Wardeh Harmon.

Bob's Red Mill Baking Book
(featuring whole & healthy grains), by John Ettinger & the Bob's Red Mill Family. (A wide variety of Bob's Red Mill grains are available at Rainbow Bridge)

Green Ribbon School:  Meiners Oaks Elementary!

Food for Thought is looking for a few good-hearted people with surplus garden produce. We glean for the Mira Monte Elementary 6th grade class, which sells the produce to finance their science field trip. Anyone interested in participating please contact Jim Churchill at 558-7897 or

OPEN HOUSE:  Friday, Sept. 28th, 4:30-7:00
Please come visit the MO school garden, a lovely bean-corn-and-flower-filled instructional environment in the back of the school. This garden is planted and operated by Food for Thought for the children, and hosts a garden club, cooking from the garden, and garden-based instruction. Light refreshments provided. For more information

Chiropractor Kris Young was overheard saying.....

"that he's still eating lots of local, organic food....
and he vows to stay with it!"
Editor's note:  You either pay now at the cash register for good, clean food, or you can pay the doctor later. The first is far more satisfying.   

Thanks for your continuing interest in making the Ojai Valley a more delicious place to live.  Our food system is a vital part of our resilience and strength.


Growing food, growing community!
Dulanie Ellis, Food Council

Ojai Valley Green Coalition  

Upcoming Events

Sat. Sept. 1
$10 suggested
Passing Prop. 37 Rally
Films & Speakers
"Seeds of Freedom"
TED Talk: Robyn O'Brien
Ojai Theater

Sat-Mon Sept. 1-3

Flora Gardens Sale 
All pottery 15% off
 Pony packs Buy 6/1 Free Sat/Sun 8-5, Mon 8-12

Sept. 11-13
1-day $10/3-day $25
National Heirloom Expo
Top food celebrities presenting, amazing varieties of seeds & food.

Sat. Sept. 15
$10 suggested
Film: Cultural Creatives 1.0 
Heart & Soul of Resiliency 

Sept. 22
Ojai Community Garden

Sept. 21-23
Eat Real Festival
Jack London Square

Sept. 22
Tomatomania &
Your Local HIVE
(see article)

Sept. 28
Meiners Oaks Elementary
Garden Event
(see write up)
400 So. Lomita, M.O.

Sept. 29

Film: Genetic Roulette
Transitions to Organics
Ojai Theater

Sept. 29
Sol Food Festival
food systems in SB County
180 E. Cota St.(& Anacapa)
Plaza de Vera Cruz

summer salad   Fresh Summer Salad  
Randy Graham

 There is nothing better than a fresh tomato-based salad with fresh mozzarella cheese.
Fresh mozzarella is a soft, mild white cheese that originated in Southern Italy's Campania region. I use Galbani Mozzarella Fresca (Ciliegine). You can find it locally at Westridge Market. Add a couple of ripe California avocados and you've got a flavor combination that can't be beat.


2 ripe avocados (peeled, pitted and cubed)
3 medium tomatoes (cubed same size as avocados)
8 ounces fresh mozzarella cheese balls (cherry size)
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon red wine vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
2 teaspoons fresh basil (chopped)
Gently add avocados, tomatoes and mozzarella to a salad bowl. Set aside.
Mix together olive oil, vinegar and salt and pepper. Pour over avocado mixture and toss lightly. Garnish with fresh chopped basil and serve at room temperature for best flavor. 
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 Ojai Valley Green Coalition