August 2012 

Issue #33     


Ojai Valley Green Coalition

Food Council

Meet new friends who love good food: Growing it, Cooking it, Eating it


Organics and Beyond:  Biodynamics!

Transition to Organics really hit the jackpot July 27-29! Two and a half days of rapid-fire information about biodynamic farming/gardening was conducted by Gena Nonini, one of the country's pre-eminent biodynamic farmers and consultants. The workshop was co-hosted by Pesticide-Free Ojai and Sacred Cow Compost (see box below) and drew about 30 people -- one all the way from the Phillipines, where biodynamic farms were the only ones to survive record droughts. 

On Saturday afternoon there was a film at the theater, "One Cow, One Man, One Planet" that showed the work being done in India, which was so damn heartening - to see village farmers rejecting Monsanto and embracing this low-tech solution. 

Then the gals hosted a farm-to-table dinner at an East End orange ranch, Stony Grove. It was like stepping in to the south of France, or Italy.  Three long, white table-clothed, family style tables, candlelit, with course after course of delicious organic dishes, a mellow band for tunes and the coup de gras was a meteor streaking across the night sky!  Well done!

Sacred Cow Compost ...  it's alive!!!!

You may remember me raving about Malibu Compost in the past.  Well, one of the previous owners, Denise Ritchie, and Gena Nonini (who made it) have started their own company: Sacred Cow Compost.  The beauty of buying this compost is two-fold.  (1) The cow manure comes from organic dairy cows, so you're not getting any antibiotics or bovine growth hormones in your garden food; and (2) it's prepared biodynamically, so the microbial life in it is extremely high.   That means it's giving much more nutritional support to your food.

The plant is only as healthy as your soil.  Your soil is only as healthy as its microbial life.  Healthy soil, healthy plants, healthy people!

You can buy SACRED COW COMPOST at Aqua-Flo Supply, just past Ojai Lumber.    

Creating an Ojai Co-Op 

Michelle Dohrn is actively pursuing the creation of a co-op here. She's met with Isla Vista Co-Op and has some great info to share. Coincidentally, 2012 is  the United Nations International Year of Co-Operatives -- a very good omen, eh? 

The OVGC's November Quarterly Potluck get-together will focus on this potential project.  Michelle would like to have a gathering of folks in September to brainstorm ideas, share pros and cons, field questions and get feedback. She'd sure like to hear from some folks who'd like to add their 2 cents, and inform that November presentation to the community.

If you'd like her email sent to you, please let her know. It contains an intro to co-ops, values, principles & practices and links to more information.

Contact:  [email protected] (Michelle)


 ** It's time to start planting seeds for fall and winter crops. Start seeds for brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, mustard greens,carrots, radishes and peas.

**Keeping plants irrigated in our heat will prove to be your most important chore this month. Your container plants in the sun will likely need to be watered once daily of not more. Shallow-rooted plants like avocado and citrus need to be watered more frequently as well. Established shrubs, perennials, and shade trees will benefit from a slow, deep soak.

MY NOTE:  With temperatures in the 100's this week, drag out that shade cloth, shake off the spiders, and drape plants that will burn. Even heat loving tomatoes will burn in this weather!! 

Thanks for your continuing interest in making the Ojai Valley a more delicious place to live.  Our food system is a vital part of our resilience and strength.


Growing food, growing community!
Dulanie Ellis, Food Council

Ojai Valley Green Coalition  

Upcoming Events

Now thru August 12
$12, Seniors & Kids $9
Ventura County Fair
Don't miss the Grange & GMO exhibit in the Ag Bldg. They won 1st Place! Remember, Ag was the reason for County Fairs, long before rides and junk food.

Sat. Aug. 11 & 25

Ojai Produce Exchange

Share your excess garden produce at this new event. Produce, herbs, flowers, plant cuttings, organic or label that it's not.Flora Gardens
Hwy. 150-Across from Honor Farm
BYOB: (baskets that is)

Sun. Aug. 12
How to Make Fermented Drinks: Ginger Ale & Beet Kvass
Mikki Coburn/WAPF
First Baptist Church
930 Grand (bldg in back)


Sept. 1
Film: Seeds of Freedom
Ojai Theater
Sponsored by OVGC & Prop. 37 Label GMOs

Sept. 11-13
1-day $10/3-day $25
National Heirloom Expo
Top food celebrities presenting, amazing varieties of seeds & food.

Sept. 22
Ojai Community Garden
[email protected]

Sept. 21-23
Eat Real Festival
Jack London Square

Cilantro Lime
Chicken Salad on Avocado

cilantro lime chicken

3-4 cups shredded, cooked chicken (from pastured hens)
3 heaping Tbl. mayonnaise
1 Tbl. brown mustard
1 Tbl. diced onion (red or green scallions)
1 lime, juiced
5 Tbl. cilantro, chopped
Salt & pepper to taste
2 Avocados, halved and with seed removed

This is so simple it's crazy! Mix the first 7 ingredients together in a small bowl.

Scoop into avos & serve.


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 Ojai Valley Green Coalition