Gourmand or Glutton, hmm?
Had enough chocolate yet? I could rationalize that health experts tell us that a square (or so) of dark chocolate every day provides all kinds of antioxidants & endorphins. If that's true, I'm going to be very healthy and very happy for a very long time... because Santa did not hold back.
On the other hand.... a cleanse is sounding better and better, along with a renewed vigor for getting to the club. Any club. Or a hill bigger than a driveway, to work this off.
My kitchen turns into Auntie Claus's spice heaven during the holidays. Having 5 persimmon trees is both a blessing and a curse. Lots of ripe fruit means rounds of persimmon-walnut bread in the oven, 20 loaves this year, for gifts.
Had a duck on Christmas that I got at Starr Market. OMG delicious, simply roasted at 375 for 2 hours with fresh orange and lemon juice squeezed over it and dusted with curry powder. So easy, so good. I'm going back to grab a couple for 2012! I'm not waiting another year for that!
Hope you were able to share good food, rich stories and dear friends and family (blood or chosen) this holiday.
Now to the visioning for our New 2012 Year ... which if even 10% of the prophecies are true... ought to be a doozey! January is the perfect time to buy and plant bare-root fruit trees and start planning for Spring and Summer gardens. Let's each of us plan to plant an extra row for Food Share this year.... and join the Ojai Gleaning Team (see below).
The Best Way to Defeat GMO Food is.... GOING TO SEED: 4TH Annual Seed Swap
Friday, Jan.27 @ 7pm Bill McDorman (in Ojai last year)
Faulkner Gallery at Santa Barbara Library, 40 E. Anapamu ($5) Bill is an enthusiastic, experienced seed collector/speaker Sat., Jan.28 @ 9:00-4:00 - Seed School Workshop Fairview Gardens, Goleta ($85 til Jan.20, $110 after Jan. 20)
Sun., Jan.29 @ 11:00-3:00 - Seed Swap Faulkner Gallery at Santa Barbara Library, 40 E. Anapamu (free!)
Know your target audience. Who are your most important customers, clients or prospects, and why? Kadditional inforon on your website. |
COMING SOON: February 17th
8:00 - 3:30 Keynote Speaker: Karen Ross California Secretary of Food & Agriculture http://www.aginnovations.org/alliances/ventura/

Thanks for your continuing interest in making the Ojai Valley a more delicious place to live. Our food system is a vital part of our resilience and strength.
Growing food, growing community!
Dulanie Ellis, Food Council
Ojai Valley Green Coalition
Upcoming Event
 Dec 28 & Jan 3 Signature Gathering Training This is the year for us to take back control of our food system and get mandatory labeling of GMO ingredients on our food packaging in California.
If we get this in California, other states will follow.
Whether you gather 3 signatures or 300, we need 850,000 by next April -- so every signature counts.
See you at the
Ojai Grange 381 Cruzero Dec. 28 - 11:00am Jan. 3 - 7:00pm
Contact me if you'd like to see the DVD: "Scientists Under Attack" about the biotech scientists who have been slandered by their own companies for speaking out about the dangers of genetic engineering. It is estimated that 75% of food in our grocery stores contain GMO corn, soy or wheat. Fruits & vegetables are next. Join the Millions Against Monsanto!
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Help Food Share
Food Share, Ventura County's food bank, has an ongoing need of volunteers to join the gleaning team in Ojai. On most Tuesday mornings, a group of volunteers meets in Ojai for the purpose of picking local fruit & vegetables. The volunteers meet at 8:00am at a designated meeting place near the pick site. They work for about 1-2 hours.
Call 983-7100 x.105