GLIFAA Board - 31 Mar 2009T

 GLIFAA Update

President Obama Proclaims June Pride Month! -- Save Saturday, June 11th for the DC Pride Parade Reception


In This Issue
- USAID Pride
- OPM Director & Counselor Cheryl Mills State Pride Event
- Pride Happy Hour
- Obama Pride Proclamation
- GLIFAA Board Positions
Quick Links...



GLIFAA Friends (advocacy for allies and members!) 


Join Our Mailing List
Dear ,

Please save Saturday, June 11th at 2pm for GLIFAA's annual Pride Parade Reception.  Join us for appetizers and drinks before the Parade - then march with us and show your Pride!  We'll be selling our t-shirts at the Tuesday Happy Hour and at the Reception.

President Obama has proclaimed June 2011 as Pride Month!

See 2 events below:  Celebrate with USAID Tomorrow - and at Main State on Tuesday at Noon.  Look for future emails about State Department 3 more exciting events with Foreign policy seniors!
BOARD Nominations -- DUE Friday, June 3rd!  See below for details.  Don't forget to submit a 100 word bio and a picture for all nominations!

  -The GLIFAA Board

HappyTomorrow! -- USAID Pride Celebration

Look for our full list of Pride events next week!

The USAID Office of Civil Rights and Diversity (OCRD), in partnershipwith other Federal Triangle agencies, is pleased to announce its program commemorating LGBT Pride Month.  The program will be held on Thursday, June 2, 2011, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the Department of Commerce Auditorium. 


Congressman Barney Frank to the U.S. House of Representatives, one ofthe most prominent LGBT politicians, is the keynote speaker. Amanda Simpson, one of the first openly transgender presidential appointees and the Senior Technical Advisor to the Under Secretary of the Department of Commerce, will be the Mistress of Ceremonies.  The program will also feature a performance by Peter Fox, a professional vocalist. USAID Counselor Bambi Arellano will attend this event on behalf of the Administrator. 


Managers and supervisors are encouraged to attend and afford employees the opportunity to attend this commemorative event. A sign language interpreter will be provided.  Individuals with adisability, who need a reasonable accommodation to attend this event, please contact Danyel B. Hall, OCRD at (202) 712-5265 at least three(3) days prior to the day of the event.  Those requiring wheelchair access should enter through the Aquarium entrance.     


Any questions concerning this notice may be directed to -- Daniella Gayapersad-Chan, OCRD, (202) 712-1191.  
Location: Department of Commerce Auditorium
 14 th & Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W
Metro: Federal Triangle

Thursday, June 2nd 
9:00 am - 10:00 am
HappyTuesday! -- Main State - OPM Director Barry & Counselor Cheryl Mills

Look for our full list of Pride events soon!


Please join the Office of Civil Rights (S/OCR) and Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies (GLIFAA):






Location: Harry S Truman - Main State
Loy Henderson Auditorium
Metro: Federal Triangle

Tuesday, June 7th 
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
HappyHrTuesday! - June PRIDE Happy Hour  

We will be selling PRIDE T-shirts!

All are welcome for this all-inclusive happy hour - the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex -- EVERYONE!  Please join us on Nellies rooftop on Tuesday, June 7th.


We'll have new GLIFAA t-shirts available for purchase at Happy Hour and before the Pride Parade on June 11. (Shirt image below.) The shirts are printed on light blue American Apparel short-sleeved v-necks and cost $20. Please considering buying one and supporting GLIFAA!

All are welcome! 

Location: Nellie's Sports Bar
 900 U Street NW
Metro: U Street (Green/Yellow Line) 

Tuesday, June 7th 

descPresident Obama Proclaims June Pride Month

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Presidential Proclamation--Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month



The story of America's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community is the story of our fathers and sons, our mothers and daughters, and our friends and neighbors who continue the task of making our country a more perfect Union. It is a story about the struggle to realize the great American promise that all people can live with dignity and fairness under the law. Each June, we commemorate the courageous individuals who have fought to achieve this promise for LGBT Americans, and we rededicate ourselves to the pursuit of equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.


Since taking office, my Administration has made significant progress towards achieving equality for LGBT Americans. Last December, I was proud to sign the repeal of the discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. With this repeal, gay and lesbian Americans will be able to serve openly in our Armed Forces for the first time in our Nation's history. Our national security will be strengthened and the heroic contributions these Americans make to our military, and have made throughout our history, will be fully recognized.


My Administration has also taken steps to eliminate discrimination against LGBT Americans in Federal housing programs and to give LGBT Americans the right to visit their loved ones in the hospital. We have made clear through executive branch nondiscrimination policies that discrimination on the basis of gender identity in the Federal workplace will not be tolerated. I have continued to nominate and appoint highly qualified, openly LGBT individuals to executive branch and judicial positions. Because we recognize that LGBT rights are human rights, my Administration stands with advocates of equality around the world in leading the fight against pernicious laws targeting LGBT persons and malicious attempts to exclude LGBT organizations from full participation in the international system. We led a global campaign to ensure "sexual orientation" was included in the United Nations resolution on extrajudicial execution -- the only United Nations resolution that specifically mentions LGBT people -- to send the unequivocal message that no matter where it occurs, state-sanctioned killing of gays and lesbians is indefensible. No one should be harmed because of who they are or who they love, and my Administration has mobilized unprecedented public commitments from countries around the world to join in the fight against hate and homophobia.

At home, we are working to address and eliminate violence against LGBT individuals through our enforcement and implementation of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. We are also working to reduce the threat of bullying against young people, including LGBT youth. My Administration is actively engaged with educators and community leaders across America to reduce violence and discrimination in schools. To help dispel the myth that bullying is a harmless or inevitable part of growing up, the First Lady and I hosted the first White House Conference on Bullying Prevention in March. Many senior Administration officials have also joined me in reaching out to LGBT youth who have been bullied by recording "It Gets Better" video messages to assure them they are not alone.


This month also marks the 30th anniversary of the emergence of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, which has had a profound impact on the LGBT community. Though we have made strides in combating this devastating disease, more work remains to be done, and I am committed to expanding access to HIV/AIDS prevention and care. Last year, I announced the first comprehensive National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States. This strategy focuses on combinations of evidence-based approaches to decrease new HIV infections in high risk communities, improve care for people living with HIV/AIDS, and reduce health disparities. My Administration also increased domestic HIV/AIDS funding to support the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and HIV prevention, and to invest in HIV/AIDS-related research. However, government cannot take on this disease alone. This landmark anniversary is an opportunity for the LGBT community and allies to recommit to raising awareness about HIV/AIDS and continuing the fight against this deadly pandemic.


Every generation of Americans has brought our Nation closer to fulfilling its promise of equality. While progress has taken time, our achievements in advancing the rights of LGBT Americans remind us that history is on our side, and that the American people will never stop striving toward liberty and justice for all.


NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2011 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the people of the United States to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to celebrate the great diversity of the American people.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.


              BARACK OBAMA



BoardBoard Position Description Examples
All positions are up for re-election - Remember that nominations (for yourself or others) are due by June3rd!  The descriptions below remain flexible; we can match a job with any interests, talents, and background.  What is most important is new leaders step forward to be active and take leadership of GLIFAA, with most of the current board moving on.

Please note that the below descriptions are just general ideas about areas where we can specialize; make your nomination based on your desire to serve and what areas interest you!  Thanks! 


REMEMBER:  All nominations MUST include a photo and ~100 word description of who you are and why you are interested in GLIFAA.  Send nominations to


Leads and strengthens the organization in all areas, including policy, management, outreach, member relations, and in setting the long term agenda. Chairs board meetings and monthly meetings. Coordinates agenda for and represents the organization in GLIFAA's regular dialogue with senior State Department leadership.

State Deputy
Organizes meetings and events at State, coordinator of member activities and outreach to new members at State, maintains archives and structure of organization related to State while providing assistance to the President in the management of GLIFAA. Must currently serve at Main State or in a nearby Annex.


USAID Deputy
Organizes meetings and events at USAID, coordinator of member activities and outreach to new members at USAID, maintains archives and structure of organization related to USAID while providing assistance to the President in the management of GLIFAA. Must currently serve at USAID or nearby.


Policy Director
Leads and establishes policies (working with policy and legal/visa team and Board) that affect LGBT community in foreign affairs agencies and in the federal government, oversees and provides guidance to the legislative and outreach team, LGBT and human rights advocacy organizations with domestic and international scope, and coordinates GLIFAA's responses to government policy decisions. Also provides guidance to LGBT civil service team
Treasurer/Recording Secretary
Manages GLIFAA finances and budget, organizes GLIFAA's legal steps to becoming a 501 (c) 6 tax-exempt organization, ensures adequate finances for GLIFAA activities, reports to the board concerning finances,  responsible for drafting and clearing meeting minutes, and offers input on GLIFAA expenditures. 
Public Affairs and Communication Director
Responsible for overall communication for GLIFAA, including coordinating responses to media, maintaining a membership database, responding to correspondence, drafting and distributing the newsletter, and overseeing the website.

Outreach Director
Responsible for coordinating PRIDE events, planning monthly membership outreach events such as happy hours, meetings, and speaker events. Manages contacts with other LGBT organizations in the US government and elsewhere in DC.
Post Representative Coordinator
Support LGBT related events at missions abroad, supervise the post representative network and actively participate in the MOH network, answer requests regarding conditions at foreign posts, and serve as focal point to address concerns of members abroad; must be a GLIFAA member serving abroad.
Other positions available
Besides the six voting board members, we have additional opportunities for interested GLIFAA members to serve in leadership positions in charge of committees (such as Membership, Legislative, Legal/Visa issues, Policy, Public Affairs) or special projects (PRIDE). Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering for a leadership role but don't want to serve on the board.
All are welcome, experienced GLIFAA members as well as newcomers.Elections


ScholasrhipDonate! - LGBT Foreign Affairs Scholarship
The LGBT Foreign Affairs Scholarship Board will award one $2,500 scholarship to a disadvantaged student who plans to intern in a foreign affairs-related field. The LGBT Foreign Affairs Scholarship serves as need and merit-based financial aid for students pursuing degrees and/or careers in foreign affairs.

The fund helps reduce the personal costs for students in high cost housing areas such as Washington, DC or in other world capitols or cities. The Scholarship partners with GLIFAA to foster knowledge of international issues and careers for disadvantaged youth.

The scholarship committee will award the scholarship based on the following criteria:

Demonstrated financial need
Demonstrated strong interest in working in foreign affairs
A committed LGBT advocate
Attainment sophomore status or higher

Contact Ashton Giese to find out more about the organization.  Email
To Donate
Send Check to:
P.O. Box 18774
Washington, DC 20036-8774
Memo: "Scholarship"