Real Estate Review Everything You Need to Know About Real Estate in the Bahamas |
Issue 2009-10 |
December 2009 at HG Christie
'Tis the season again.
We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday and are looking forward to 2010.
The Bahamas has received a glimpse that good things are in store for us.
Our snow birds are back, the weather is sunny and cool, hotels are bustling and our real estate market is showing definite improvements.
This month's newsletter covers great real estate opportunities, including stunning private islands, beach front lots and distinguished island homes. We have mentioned details of the launch of HGChristie's stellar Vacation Rentals division and various community news and events updates. Also featured is a special little story of an American artist mesmerized by Nassau's Junkanoo, which lead to the genesis of her magnificent, colorul Junkanoo collection, one of which we have chosen to display in this newsletter. For more information about the artist, visit Theresa Reuter's website at
We invite you to enjoy all we have to share in this month's exciting issue.
 John Christie HG Christie Ltd.


Feature: Cornish Cay, Abaco A Perfect Hide-Away

"This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea . . ." - William Shakespeare
Shakespeare obviously had Cornish Cay in mind when he wrote these words. However he overlooked some conspicuous virtues - such as the island's eminent suitability as a corporate retreat, as a magnet and adhesive for an extended family, as a bone fish and ocean fishing club, as a romantic cruise ship destination, or as a barefoot Robinson Crusoe hide-away.

Cornish Cay comprises approximately 34 acres, located in Abaco Sound in the northern Bahama Islands. It lies about 200 miles east of Palm Beach and 90 miles north of Nassau. There is scheduled air service from Florida direct to nearby Marsh Harbour International Airport by American Airlines, US Air, and other major carriers. Flight time is about an hour.
From it's 55 ft hilltop the island commands views of Pelican Cays National Park, North Bar Inlet and historic Pelican Harbour which is the deepest protected anchorage between Charleston and Nassau. There, treasure galleons sheltered and pirates preyed and played long before the American Revolution. The Park is a Bahamian treasure, an underwater fantasy world. It is famous for it's glorious coral gardens and magnificent scuba diving reef.

North Bar Channel, Abaco Sound's deepest and safest access to the open ocean, lies just a mile from the cay. Looking north from the hilltop cottage one sees Marsh Harbour, Hope Town and Man O War ten miles away. At night the friendly lighthouse at Hope Town winks its seductive five flash greeting.

Current accommodations include a marina guesthouse and a beachfront guesthouse, the main residence sits on the highest peak of the island featuring a 360 degree view of the surrounding waters. Support structures on the cay include a workshop, a large storage barn, a covered electric lift for boats to six tons in a boat harbour carved in rock, a stone garden house for stone vegetable planters, generator shed. Additional features include two boat launch ramps, an old tennis court, an 80,000 gallon water storage cistern, 4 deep wells, diesel generator, a new native stone retainer wall along the western coast. Six boats are included in this offering.
Cornish Cay - the ideal family private island - offers, civilized seclusion, manageable size, convenient location, modern services and conveniences, political stability, all-season accessibility, and sensible development.

HGC Update:
Ripped Chix blazed to the finish line
Follow up on Grand Bahama's Conchman Triathlon
HG Christie proudly sponsored the "Ripped Chix" team in this years Conchman Triathlon. This team consisted of four intrepid ladies, one of them HG Christie's own Grand Bahama's agent, Allison Lefrenier. This team provided a stellar performance with all placing in this year's event.
In addition to their notable performance they raised $1,500 for the Breathe Easy Campaign, a landmark effort to raise money for much needed ventilators and incubators at Nassau's Princess Margaret Hospital.
Lisa placed third overall, Allison came second in the womens 40-49 age category, Christine came in third in the same category, and Laurie won the woman's 50-59 age catergory.
Team members left to right: Laurie Tuchel, Christine Bonaventure, Allison Lafrenier (HGC Estate Agent), Lisa Delusignan.

Island Buzz:
Vacation Rentals HG Christie Sets the Standard in Vacation Rentals
HG Christie Rentals continues to set the standards for vacation rentals in The Bahamas. In addition to an already impressive line up of affiliate sites, HGC Rentals Clients now enjoy distribution on YAHOO! Travel.
YAHOO! boasts over 8 million visitors a month!
YAHOO! has acknowledged the growing marketing for vacation rentals and changed the layout of their web pagee and search in order to showcase vacation rentals proinently.
To view HGC Rentals units on YAHOO! Travel visit, click on Vacation Rental and search for your location. Other sites, in addition that HG Christie Rental Clients enjoy include,,,,,,, and many others.
 Contact us today to list your rental home. Enjoy service excellence and a dedicated team of specialists who combine cutting edge technology to provide and outstanding rental experience for home owners and rental clients alike. Visit us at |

Our Community:
Mr. Peter Christie Turns 80! HG Christie Celebrates this Momentous Milestone
William McP. (Peter) Christie, J.P., was born on December 17, 1929, and celebrates his 80th birthday this month. Known for his brilliance and generous kind nature, Mr. Christie is an amazing gentleman to be in the presence of.
As a boy Peter Christie attended Queen's College in Nassau before traveling to England to study Law at Middle Temple, London. In 1951 Peter was called to the Bar of the United Kingdom and The Bahamas and returned to New Providence to open a law firm, William McP. Christie & Co. In addition to representing numerous private clients, Peter acted as HG Christie Ltd.'s principal real estate attorney, assisting his uncles -- the founder of the company, Sir Harold George Christie, K.T., C.B.E., and his brother, the Honourable Frank Holmes Christie, C.B.E. -- in the purchase of all of the firm's major properties.

An avid sailor, Peter has been a member of the Royal Nassau Sailing Club since 1951, and has served as its Commodore. He is the only person to have taken part in the Club's Inaugural Snipe Fleet competition as well as its 50th Anniversary race in 2004. He also enjoys tennis and skiing, and is a Past President of the Rotary Club of Nassau, which he joined shortly after it was founded in 1963. He is married to fellow Attorney Rosemary Christie and has three children, two of whom -- John and Cara -- work with him at HG Christie Ltd.
Please join the team of HG Christie in extending warmest wishes to Mr. Peter Christie for a very Happy 80th Birthday!

Our Community Cont'd.:
HG Christie Top Producers attend NAR San Diego, CA
HG Christie's top producers for 2008 were awarded the opportunity to attend the renowned National Association of Realtors (NAR) seminar held in San Diego, California last month. Top preforming agents in attendance were: Elbert Thompson from our Nassau office, Donna Laing-Jones from Grand Bahama, and Neil Aberle from our Marsh Harbour office. Of this experience Elbert Thompson (HG Christie Broker/Appraiser) is quoted as saying, that NAR is "an educational, enlightening and inspiring experience that every realtor who wants to be successful should attend."
 For more information about NAR, please visit:
Theresa Reuter Inspired By Nassau's Colors NY Artist tells her story of "Junkanoo Girl"
Our featured Junkanoo artist, Theresa Reuter is originally from Upstate New York. Theresa attended The College of Art and Design in Columbus, Ohio to study illustration. Following her education she taught for 16 years in New York and then left in 2004 to become a full time artist. In 2003, following the loss of close family members, Theresa and her husband chose to get away for Christmas on a cruise. In describing their arrival into the port of Nassau, Theresa is quoted as saying, "On Christmas day the ship landed in Nassau, Bahamas where we could see the streets moving with color in the distance. As soon as we could get off the ship we ran out to the streets. I had never see anything like it. At first I felt like I didn't belong, like there was this really special celebration going on, but realized when we got closer that the people participating were totally hamming it up for us. We yelled and danced with the music and I got down into the street and took pictures... at the time I did not have a digital.. just a 35mm." Theresa and her husband were impacted by the intensity of the music, colors and dancing. They took this experience home with them, savouring the memories. Sometime after their visit, Theresa and her husband moved to the mountains of North Carolina. Enduring inspiration from her visit to The Bahamas led Theresa to create her first serious painting in a series of four Junkanoo themed pieces. Hence our featured image, "Junkanoo Girl" was born.
 To learn more about this talented artist and see more of Theresa's work please visit: |



Our Blog: Horizons
Keep up with our HGC Real Estate Blog
Upcoming Events:
December 26, 2009 & January 1, 2010 Junkanoo Parade downtown Nassau - join the community for 2009's Boxing Day and New Year's Day Junkanoo Celebration. Tickets on sale for seating, contact Ministry of Tourism

January 21-25, 2010 Eight Annual Michael Jordan Celebrity Invitational Ocean Club Golf Course

HG Christie Office Directory
Head Office: Millar's Court P.O. Box N-8164 Nassau, Bahamas Phone: (242) 322-1041 Fax: (242) 326-5642
Abaco Main Office: P.O. Box AB-20106 Marsh Harbour Abaco, Bahamas Phone: (242) 367-5454 Fax: (242) 367-5452
Hope Town/Elbow Cay Abaco, Bahamas Phone: (242) 366-0700 Fax: (242) 366-0701
Eleuthera Main Office: P.O. Box EL-25148 Governor's Harbour Phone: (242) 332-3404 Fax: (242) 332-3406
Windermere Island Eleuthera, Bahamas Phone: (242) 334-2298 Fax: (242) 334-2818
P.O. Box EX-29122 George Town, Exuma, Bahamas Phone: (242) 336-2274 Fax: (242) 336-2272 |
P.O. Box F-42498/#360
The Mall Drive
(Opposite International Bazaar)
P.O. Box 264 Providenciales Turks & Caicos Islands Phone: (649) 231-2110 Fax: (649) 342-1522 | |