October 2006 More than Music Inc. Newsletter
Revolutionizing the culture at large one heart at a time through the means of multimedia, ministry and money given until everyone knows and lives the love that is in Jesus Christ
It's good to connect with you once again. SO much has been happening with MtM. It's thrilling to be a part of it all.

With over 100 concerts being done this year we are quickly learning the art of taking things one day at time, and relying completely on God and faith to get us through. No time to be nervous one hundered days out of year. Who could sustain that? So we've found it's much easier to just get over ourselves - it's not about us anyway!! Right!?

  • Melanie Sorensen, our own evironmental missionary, and a great example of the "more" in More than Music, has been in Kenya now for the last few weeks after serving in Mongolia for a four week stint. She is influencing many with her faith personally as she cares for humanity and creation through her experience and expertise as a naturalist. For more information please go to: http://www.mytripjournal.com/melanie The password is: melanie
  • The Sonflowerz continue to spread the joy and hope they've found in Christ through the sponsorship of More than Music Inc. For more info go to: www.sonflowerz.com
  • Stephanie Pauline has had over 30 concerts/singing engagements this last quarter alone in CO, MN, IA, ND, and SD. For many of those she has been accompanied by the More than Music Band.
  • We have handed our many CDs to hurting kids in detention centers and treatment facilities in keeping with our niche outreach among at-risk youth.
  • Stephanie Pauline has done a few radio interviews, one of which is available for you to listen to online on the events page on the web site. Just scroll down and find the KLMP interview done Sept and click on the listen. Enjoy!!
  • Our new PDXdesign T-shirts are going fast. You can check out your options at: http://www.morethanmusicinc.com/merch.html
  • "Rush the Sea" our newest CD, has met with rave reviews. You can listen to song samples at: http://www.morethanmusicinc.com/cds.html
From the Heart
by Stephanie Pauline  
Recently I've been struck by just how many of us have a hard time really connecting with God because of this ubiquitous sense that we are just not good enough. When we are truly honest with ourselves and enter into a real moment of self disclosure with the Divine it seems that is the unanimous reality that stares us in the face. Maybe there's a plaguing temptation or downright sinful tendency that causes us to feel that way, maybe it's just a vague but sufficating feeling, but whether there is a visible reason for it's presense or if it's just a deeply real internal doubt we seem to all wrestle with this.

I've found as I travel across the country and share my story of brokenness and redemption that people are aching in isolation everywhere under this fear. Even those who maybe know the truths presented in the life and death and resurrection of Christ still stumble beneath this weight. I have some news I'd like to share with you if you can count yourself amoung their thronging number. (We all can to varying degrees if we choose to lay down our pride and really be honest with ourselves.)

Here's the news: ready? Brace yourself. You're NOT good enough. The reason you constantly feel this doubt is because your heart knows the truth about the reality of death and fear and hurt and all the less than bests in your life. The Bible says it this way, "We all have fallen short of the glory of God." This not being good enough thing is real. But here's the deal...God still loves you. God still wants you. God still is reaching out to you and you do NO good to God or to yourself when you withold yourself from Him in fear.

You see God sent His son to die the spiritual death you know every choice you've made that wasn't really from a heart of love brought on you. There are real laws at work in the universe. We don't question that when it comes to water or gravity. We just purely accept that the density of water makes it able to bring us sustenance when we drink it but that same thickness causes us to not be able to breathe it in. We forget to thank gravity everyday that it continues to hold us on the planet and we rarely wake up and expect to fly. Am I right? My point is this. Our hearts know about a law our minds don't always let us understand. the law is this: "The wages of sin is death" Less than love brings real death and hurt and pain into our lives. It can be through our choosing, or through others choosing, but pain is real and it is here.

The second part of that spiritual law I just shared above is this: "The wages of sin is death BUT the GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE." You see God so loved the world that He GAVE His only son that whoever would believe in that, and really enter in to that would not perish, would not stay under that load of guilt and despair but instead would have eternal life...even right now; abundant life of deep joy and peace." God loves you. Not because you're good enough, but because He's good enough. Our rest, and freedom, true happiness and the overflow of strength to finally DO what is right...all of it...comes from really giving that credibility in our hearts. I am loved. I am loved. I am loved. Love loves because it's love. That's why!!

My sin was real. The death I felt in my heart was real. God's gift was real, and my salvation is real. It's right here everyday being lived out in application.


That's called freedom. That's called the GOOD NEWS! Let it wash the fear away. We are heirs of grace by FAITH!! So go ahead. Quit thinking and let yourself believe a little deeper. Aw go ahead! Why not believe a lot!! GOD LOVES YOU!! You're forgiven completely because of what God did through Jesus. He made a way for you!! It's not something you do. It's already done. YOU"RE FREE!!! Now live a life rejoicing in that truth!!

The Treasurer's Corner
by Genny Moellring  
Thank you to all of you who have faithfully contributed to More than Music. As we give in faith God continue's to expand this ministry. Stephanie Pauline is enabled to deeply touch many with the message of hope revealed in her vulnerable disclosure through story and song.

There are a few pressing needs right now. With Stephanie and her family doing a great deal of travelling we really need to provide them with a realiable van and a trailer for hauling all the gear and equipment needed to get these concerts done. They also need a quality lap top so their son can keep on schedule with his computer corriculum for school and Stephanie can be available to professional personnel and to maintain her management responsibilities while on the road. We need monthly supporters - those who will pledge to contribute faithfully on a monthly basis. Our goal is $2000/month. This breaks down to: 200 contributors at $10/month; 100 contributors at $20/month; 40 contributors at $50/month. I encourage you to pledge what you can and join us as Stephanie Pauline reaches out to the lost and hurting. The fruit can be yours, too! Thank you. To make your pledge, please go to More than Music website or call 651-226-8268.

Items for Prayer
  • Thanks for allowing us to get to know so many wonderful people. We have been overwhelmed with support and kindness from host families all along the way this last quarter.
  • Thanks to God for giving us favor and blessing in booking, radio play and now in a possible distribution opportunity.
  • Thanks to God for blessing Nathan's online merchandizing business enabling Stephanie to bypass a salary and allowing himself and Trevor, their son to travel with her. A huge blessing to her heart. (Nathan is Stephanie Pauline's husband and the Vice President of More than Music.)

  • Pray that God would continue to bless Melanie's efforts abroad. That God would protact her and give her awesome opportunities to share His love with a hurting world.
  • Pray that God will enable this work through the provision of a reliable vehicle and a trailer to help transport the needed gear.
  • Pray that God will bring the distribution option mentioned above to fruition.
  • Pray that God will provide the much needed lap top to enable the future work of MtM.

Concerts and Upcoming Events Open to the Public
  • Folks in the Springs! be listening for interviews with Stephanie Pauline on Power 88.3 FM and KLTF 90.5 FM on Friday morning the 10th of November from 7:20 -8:30 AM.
  • Stephanie Pauline and the More than Music Band at Jimbo's Friday November 10th 7 PM Cover: $12.00 per person at the door 2427 N. Union Blvd Colorado Springs, CO
  • Chapel Hills Mall Borders Book Store Concert/CD signing 2 PM to 4 PM Saturday November 25th Colorado Springs, CO

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