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Employers goals for their heatlh plans have changed with the econmic climate in a survey by Hewitt Associates.
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AMS Business News Letters 

Whether your interest is Benefits, Business and Financial, or Retirement in a few minuets are news letters can be reviewed for concise ideas to help you manage your business.
Cost Management Creates
a Firm Foundation
From the smallest proprietorship to the largest international conglomerate, cutting costs can often be perceived as a "quick fix" for improving the bottom line.  However, such cost management decisions may not always be in the best long-term interest of an otherwise healthy company.
Guidelines to Consider When
Planning Your Estate
 Estate planning is not just a matter of ssaving dollars and minimizing taxes.  The process of planning your estate also raises some difficult emotional and personal issues.  First, it forces you to face the fact of yiour own mortality; you are trying to plan for a time when you won't be around to make decisions.  Others, particularly those you love, will be affected by the plans yiou make now and will be required to exercise their own judgement once you are gone.
read more here...Financial Monitor 
Time is at a premium, thats why our news letters are keep informative and brief.  AMS Newsletters

John Beyer
Agency Marketing Services
A leader in benefits for small business
 Life, Health, Dental, Vision, LTD, LTC, Voluntary Beenftis and Pension.

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