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Dear Volunteers,


One of the key outcomes for girls that we strive for in this council and in Girl Scouting across the country is:


Girl Scouts gain practical life skills that prepare them for a positive, healthy and independent future.


The Girl Scout Research Institute considers this outcome critical to developing girls into self-confident women leaders. And our council's volunteers who have encouraged GSHPA leadership to create a health initiative for girls know it, too.


With Healthy Promise, the new initiative our council is rolling out this month, we have a marvelous opportunity to help thousands of girls become better at making healthy choices. Think of the impact we can have on the lifetime of every girl!


We know across Pennsylvania 48 percent of girls do not participate in team sports. And we know poor nutritional choices and lack of activity are linked to diabetes, heart disease and even Alzheimer's disease. With Healthy Promise we have a serious chance to raise girls' awareness level about the choices they are making, help them become more physically active, and give them hands-on experience in activities like preparing healthy meals.


Developed by Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania in partnership with the Susan P. Byrnes Health Education Center, this two-year initiative features:

  • User-friendly leaders' guides for all levels of Girl Scouts
  • Fun and content-filled virtual learning for girls
  • Service Unit Healthy Promise mini-grants
  • Council-wide events (one in the South and one in the North) featuring a rock star nutritionist and an olympic athlete

Please continue reading below for more about Healthy Promise and how your troops and Service Units can easily become involved.


Here's to you for your commitment to girls, and here's to a healthy, active new year of Girl Scouting.


Best regards,

 Signature - Kate Crowley         Signature - Jane Ransom

Kate Crowley                                      Jane Ransom

 Board Chair                                        President & CEO

Challenge Your Girls to Make a Healthy Promise this Fall 
Logo - Healthy PromiseWith so many ways to take part in our council's very own Healthy Promise initiative, every troop leader and assistant troop leader is encouraged to challenge their girls to make a Healthy Promise throughout this troop year. Here's how they can get started this month:

Healthy Promise Kicks-Off this Month
Thanks to high demand, the registration deadline for the Healthy Promise Kick-Off event on Saturday, October 20, at Central York High School in York, PA has been extended until October 8.  If this is something you and your troop have been thinking about attending, don't let this deadline pass you by!  Guaranteed to be an awesome time - what better way to start your troop year?! Click here to register.
Healthy Promise Adult Leader Guides Available for Pre-Order
Healthy Promise Book Covers  
Couple your troop's attendance at the Healthy Promise Kick-Off on October 20, with your own troop activities that teach girls how healthy eating habits and activity impact their overall health.  By pre-ordering* your free, grade-level specific and user-friendly adult leader guide book, you'll be ready to get moving by November.
*Only troop leaders who are registered GSHPA members for the 2012-2013 troop year are eligible to receive a copy of the guide book - limit one copy per troop #.
Click on your troop grade level to pre-order your adult leader guide book today.


Daisy | Brownie | Junior | Cadette | Senior | Ambassador 


Healthy Promise Goes Online in November
Coming soon, every girl will be eligible to continue her Healthy Promise using an online toolkit. While not a troop activity, this online resource will help reiterate important lessons learned through Girl Scouts while at home with friends and family. Look for more information in the November newsletter so you can encourage girls to take advantage of this free resource.

Healthy Promise Webcast Set for January 12, 2013
Save this important date as an opportunity for girls to attend a talk-show format discussion with special guests from the Susan P. Byrnes Health Center on the set of WITF in Harrisburg. Girls are welcome to attend in person or participate via live streaming webcast. Look for more information in your inboxes soon.
And Much, Much More... Be sure to watch your inboxes and encourage your girls to do the same to learn more about special Video Chats for Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors, the Million Mile Challenge, Healthy Promise Service Unit Mini-Grants and more.... Check out the Healthy Promise webpage for the most up to date information!
The Lowdown on Setting Up a Troop Bank Account 

Now that the troop year is well underway, here's an overview of how to go about setting up your troop's bank account and/or updating your troop's current account:

  1. After completing GSHPA's Council 101 Section 3 online training, qualified troop leaders should open a Girl Scout checking account. Personal bank accounts should never be used to manage funds on behalf of Girl Scout activities. 
  2. Contact your Membership Associate to receive the corporate identification number and a copy of the Council's Board of Directors resolution which authorizes troop accounts. You will need both of these when opening a new bank account.
  3. Troops may open accounts at the bank of their choice. If your troop is interested, GSHPA does have an existing relationship with PNC which offers free checking for all affiliated Girl Scout troops. Prior to opening your troop bank account, you will need to identify three signatories (individuals who are authorized to access funds from the account). This is a GSHPA requirement. Two of the three signatories must be unrelated. All signatories must be registered Girl Scout members prior to opening the account. All three signatories must be present when opening the account and the banks will require each signatory to provide identification including a social security number.
  4. Your troop's bank account must be listed in the name of Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania under the corporate identification number along with the five-digit troop number. The check heading should read "Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania Troop 12345". Please use the five-digit troop number for troop accounts.
  5. After opening the bank account, you should complete the Troop/Service Unit/Group Banking Information Form and an ACH Authorization Form and return the forms to your Membership Associate.
  6. Keep all of your receipts and bank statements to serve as back-up when completing your Troop Finance Report. *Final Troop Finance Reports" are due on July 31, 2013.

Already have a troop bank account?

At the start of each troop year or when taking over a bank account from another volunteer, signatories on the account should be verified with the bank. If signatories change and your troop has an ACH Authorization form on file with GSHPA, the ACH Authorization form should be updated and sent to the GSHPA Finance Department in Harrisburg.

Membership First, Placement Second

The concept of membership first and placement second is a GSUSA endorsed approach to recruitment that GSHPA has decided to adopt this year in an effort to connect more girls with Girl Scouts.


Each year, parents contact us inquiring about the process for getting their daughters involved with Girl Scouts. And each year, we have collected their information and told them that we would get back to them once we have found a troop for them. For many, in some cases 40 - 60% of them, that day never comes or when it does, they've lost interest.


This year, we're trying a new approach - we're asking parents to register their daughters as the first step in the process. By becoming a member first, girls and their parents will be eligible to participate in the Healthy Promise Kick-Off on October 20, attend activities hosted by the Nature Explorers at the STAR Center and/or the Foxfire House, take advantage of online resources like those affiliated with Healthy Promise, participate in other council, regional and service unit events and activities, even sell cookies and much more while we work tirelessly to connect her with a troop. In fact, pooling a group of 6 girl members who are interested in being a part of a Brownie troop in XYZ community may actually make it easier to recruit volunteers.


Not that different from the way parents register their daughters for other volunteer-led activities, the response from parents has been positive. We look forward to sharing our progress with you during Service Unit meetings throughout the year.

Seats Still Available in Upcoming Diversity Workshop

As adult role models, how we connect with diverse communities in our region can greatly impact how our girls are able to participate in and benefit from the Girl Scout leadership experience. Don't miss out on this free, one-day Diversity Workshop for any Girl Scout volunteers on Saturday, October 27, from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at our Harrisburg office. Click here to register.

GSHPA Charter Renewed for Three More Years! 
Good news! GSUSA has renewed GSHPA's Girl Scout charter for another three years effective January 1, 2013. GSUSA made this decision based on the most recent council review of whether GSHPA was meeting the criteria and standards for Girl Scout Councils, as well as an assessment of council activities. Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped make this possible!
In This Issue
Challenge Your Girls to Make a Healthy Promise
Setting Up a Troop Bank Account
Membership First, Placement Second
Diversity Workshop

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Cadette Troop Receives Community Service Award

Community Service Award 10_12
Pictured left to right: Kaylee Z., Caitlin S., Bailey C., Leah H., McKenna H., Seated: Trinette Ream

A year of hard work paid off for Girl Scouts in Cadette Troop 11864 of Enola. After providing 20 hours of service to the Cumberland County chapter of the Salvation Army, they earned their Community Service Award!


The award was presented to the girls by Trinette Ream, Social Services Directory of the Salvation Army.


Last October started things off when the girls marched in the East Pennsboro Township Halloween parade. They dressed as "Scouts through the Eras" for the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts and won a prize for "Most Original." The girls donated the prize money to the Salvation Army holiday Adopt-a-Family gifts.


In December, the girls wrapped gifts at a local store. They used tips they earned to buy gifts for their Adopt-a-Family at Christmas. Later that month while caroling in a local neighborhood, they collected canned goods for the Salvation Army's food pantry.


In March, the troop hosted a roller skating party for all Girl Scout troops in Enola. Each girl attending brought a personal hygiene item as her admission fee. The troop then donated all of the items to the Salvation Army pantry to help families in emergency shelters or those struggling financially.


As a final push toward their community service, the girls held a food drive at a local grocery store. They decorated flyers and handed them out to customers before they entered the store. Many responded and donated 180 canned and boxed food items to the troop which the girls then donated to the food pantry and the Salvation Army's daily meal program. Great job girls!


2012 - 2013 Delegates


Congratulations and a big "thank you" to those who have been elected as GSHPA's 2012-2013 Service Unit Delegates.


Click here to see the list.


The GSHPA Service Unit Delegate serves as the primary communication link between the Girl Scout members in her/his service unit and GSHPA's Board of Directors. Delegates have the opportunity to influence governance decisions which benefit all girls in GSHPA's jurisdiction.


Service Unit Managers, please ensure your service unit is represented by electing delegates at your next meeting.


For more information or to have questions addressed, contact your Membership Associate or Regional Director.

Save the Date!

October 6, 2012 - Traveling Store visits the York Office


October 13, 2012 - Traveling Store visits the State College Office


October 13-14, 2012 - GSHPA Fall Volunteer Training Weekend at Camp Echo Trail


October 15, 2012 - West Regional Governance Meeting at the State College office


October 16, 2012 - North Regional Governance Meeting at the Montoursville office


October 17, 2012 - Northeast Regional Governance Meeting at the Scranton office


October 18, 2012 - South Regional Governance Meeting at the York office


October 20, 2012 - Healthy Promise Kick-Off event at Central York High School


October 23, 2012 - South Central Regional Governance Meeting at the Harrisburg office


October 24, 2012 - Council-wide Regional Governance Meeting via Webinar


October 26-28, 2012 - GSHPA Fall Volunteer Training Weekend at Camp Golden Pond


October 27, 2012 - Traveling Store visits the Montoursville office


October 27, 2012 - Diversity Workshop


November 3, 2012 - Traveling Store visits the Scranton Office

Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania | 350 Hale Avenue | Harrisburg, PA 17104
www.gshpa.org | general@gshpa.org | 1.800.692.7816