Greetings! I've got a new recording for you to hear. Also, if you're a musician who loves to play Mahler, and you're somewhere in eastern Massachusetts, the Concord Orchestra invites you to its open rehearsal next week. Read on...
New recording of Through the Mist trio
| In June, Lexington Symphony musicians Liz Whitfield, Danielle Boudrot, and Barbara Poeschl-Edrich made a really fine recording of Through the Mist, a 3-movement trio for flute, violin, harp. I was the recording engineer. My contacts at a record label told me that the quality was excellent, so I'm pretty proud of it.
Listen to Through the Mist for flute, violin and harp at the Spindrift Bandcamp store. It's available as a digital download. You can listen free, and you can buy the download for your audio library - only $3.
Read more about the piece at and get the sheet music here.
Musicians invited to Mahler 9 open rehearsal
 | Bust of Mahler by Auguste Rodin |
Traditionally, the Concord Orchestra begins its season with an open rehearsal the day after Labor Day. This year, we'll be reading Mahler's Ninth Symphony, with concerts planned on October 19 and 20.
Bask in Mahler's grand sounds for the evening; or if there are open seats for your instrument, immerse yourself every Tuesday and play the concert.
Especially needed are violins, violas, doublebasses, and percussion. The rest of our season is exciting too, so perhaps you'll want to stay on!
Tuesday, September 4th, at 7:30 p.m. at 51 Walden Street in Concord, MA. ConcordOrchestra.com
If you enjoy the new Through the Mist recording, please tell your friends. Thank you!
Pamela Marshall Composer, Publisher and Handyperson at Spindrift Music Company |