Eleanor Roosevelt High School PTA
Monthly Newsletter
October 2011
In This Issue
Volunteer Opportunities
College Planning Links
School Leadership Team
New Course: AP Chem
Contribution Fund  Thermometer - October 2011
So far we have raised $15,000 towards our goal of $60,000.

Freshmen Go
To Ramapo
Ramapo High Ropes Course
The Class of 2015 bonded at Ramapo Anchorage Camp, where they practiced teamwork skills on the high ropes course, hiked, participated in a talent show, roasted marshmallows and enjoyed a barbecue.
Upcoming Events
Thursday 10/6 @ 6:00p
PTA Executive Meeting
(open to all parents)
Thursday 10/20 @ 3:30p
Art Gallery Opening
Thursday 10/20 @ 6:00p
PTA General Meeting
"Supporting High
Performing Students"
Tuesday 10/25 @ 5:30p
Evening Parent-Teacher Conf
(Last Names A-L)
Thursday 10/27 @ 5:30p
Evening Parent-Teacher Conf
(Last Names M-Z)
 Friday 10/28 @ 12:30p
Afternoon Parent-Teacher Conf
Friday 11/4 @ 6:00p
International Dinner 
School Directory

Is your family's information included in our school directory? This is an essential tool for keeping in touch with your child's friends and their families. 

We cannot include your information unless you give us permission! Please use the links below to sign up. You can contact Mary Beth Walsh (marybeth@waynyc.com or 212 799 7049) with any questions or to check if you're listed. 
Quick Links




Eleanor Roosevelt in NYC

"Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in the long run it is easier. We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down."

Eleanor Roosevelt, You Learn By Living (1960), quoted by The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project of The George Washington University.

Join Our Mailing List
New Faces

Patrick Curran
Patrick Curran
I am currently in my 8th year of teaching. I previously taught at A. Philip Randolph Campus High School where I taught mainly A.P. U.S. and U.S. History. Prior to teaching, I worked in the financial markets and then spent three years caring for my two children. I am excited for the opportunity to join the ELRO staff and am looking forward to a productive and rewarding school year both for the students and myself.
Theodore Graboski
Theodore Graboski
I am proud to join the academic community at Eleanor Roosevelt High School.  Originally from eastern Long Island, I attended Boston College, where I majored in history. After working in television production for several years, I followed my dream to pursue a career in Social Studies education. My recent experiences include working at Hunter College as an adjunct lecturer. In my spare time I enjoy traveling, golf, and reading.
Dear ERHS Parents,

The PTA has two funding sources each year: the Contribution Fund in the fall and the Auction in the spring.


The school budget was cut substantially this year, making your financial support of the PTA more important than ever.


Sources and Uses Graphic  

Your generous donations pay for Model UN, Robotics, Kiboko, Global Kids Animation, Video Courses, Virtual High School, Memory Project, PSAL athletic teams, theater and musical productions, publications and after school activities, second night of parent-teacher conferences, professional development for teachers and so much more. As Mr. Saliani noted in his weekly letter, the PTA is funding all extra-curricular activities this year, to make up the difference due to the massive cut made to our school's budget


We have set a goal of $60,000 this year for the Contribution Fund. We are grateful for whatever support you feel comfortable giving. Our suggested annual contribution is $500 per student. Whatever amount you send will help make a difference and is most appreciated. No amount is too small. Our most important goal is 100% participation.


The PTA is a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law and goes directly towards your child's education. Please also ask your employer if they will match your gift. You can donate easily online by clicking here or if you prefer to send a check, you can download the paper form here.


This fall, the PTA will hold a Phonation to support the Contribution Fund. Please help us: if we receive your contribution by November 1, 2011, you will not be called during the Phonation.


Thank you for your support,


Eleanor Roosevelt High School PTA

Volunteer Opportunities 

Want to volunteer your time but not sure where to begin? There are lots of ways to help out. Here are some ideas to get you started:

School Tours

This week, on Wednesday 10/5, at 4:30p and 5:30p, we will begin our highly attended evening school tours.  Our Eleanor Roosevelt (student) Ambassadors and parents will be helping with the tours. Any ERHS parents looking to volunteer should contact Marty Trachtenberg, our Parent Coordinator, in the main office.

9th Grade Representatives

Nominations are now open for two 9th grade representatives to serve for a one-year term on the PTA Executive Board. Join a great team of parents and get involved with your child's school! Nominations will be accepted until (and at) the next PTA meeting on October 20. For more information, contact Mary Beth Walsh at marybeth@waynyc.com or 212-799-7049 or Susan Carr at jcm1990@aol.com.

Advisory Parents

Advisory parents coordinate with their grade representatives to reach out to families in their grade to welcome them to our community, inform them of important school activities and solicit their ideas and concerns, and encourage them to be involved in school and PTA events. For more information, contact Mary Beth Walsh at marybeth@waynyc.com or 212-799-7049 or Susan Carr at jcm1990@aol.com. 


Library Volunteers


Librarian Harriet Mendlowitz is always looking for volunteers to help out in the library. She can be reached at hmendlowitz@erhsnyc.net.


PTA Communications


Copywriters, graphic designers and photographers are needed to work on the monthly PTA email newsletter and other PTA communications. Help the PTA get its message out to the ERHS community in style! To volunteer, contact PTA Secretary Matthew Haiken at pta@erhsnyc.net.
Curriculum Night Photos 

Curriculum Night 1
Parents picked up their schedules ...
Curriculum Night 2
... watched presentations by teachers ...
Curriculum Night 3
... and mingled with other parents.
Counselor's Corner

College Counselor Allison Cohen recommends the following online college planning resources:

ERHS College Planning Guide
(available for download on College Office page of ERHS website)

ERHS College Office Blog (www.elrocollegecounseling.blogspot.com)
("Ruminations on the college process, advice from a former admissions counselor, philosophy on applying and all things college" -- Ms. Cohen)

The College Board (www.collegeboard.com/parents/)

Scholarship Search (www.fastweb.com)

FAFSA and FAFSA4caster
(Note from Ms. Cohen: only do the 4caster right now; the real FAFSA should only be completed in January of the student's senior year.)

CSS Profile (https://profileonline.collegeboard.com/prf/index.jsp)
(financial aid form required by some, mostly private, schools)

Colleges That Change Lives (www.ctcl.org)

Testing Optional Schools (www.fairtest.org)
What is the School Leadership Team? 

The School Leadership Team (SLT) is composed of the school principal, the PTA-designated co-president, the UFT chapter leader, an equal number of parents and teachers, and four students.  The core responsibility of the SLT is to develop the school's Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) that is aligned with the school budget. The team functions in a collaborative manner, helping to evaluate the effectiveness of the school's educational programs and their impact on student achievement. It emphasizes SMART goals, i.e., ones that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. Efforts on the part of our SLT have resulted in important initiatives in the school such as the new writing course for 9th and 10th graders. Parent members are selected for service on the SLT through a PTA election; students submit their requests to join the team to Mr. Saliani; and  teachers volunteer to serve. The term of each member is two years.

New Course Offering

AP Chemistry

The 2011-2012 school year brings the addition of AP Chemistry to Eleanor Roosevelt's growing science department. Accompanied by AP Physics B, AP Chemistry joins AP Biology as Eleanor Roosevelt takes the next step in science education. Open to both juniors and seniors, the class continues to build on the concepts that students learn in Regents Chemistry, ranging from atomic structure to chemical bonding, stoichiometry to kinetics, and thermochemistry to acid/base chemistry. Not only will AP Chem prepare the students thoroughly for a college level introductory chemistry course, but it will teach them new problem solving skills that will aid them in most every class and beyond.

The course is also accompanied by a lab program, which enriches and reinforces the concepts learned in class; the students find this aspect of class the most fun, because they can get their hands dirty and continue to try to find that elusive chemistry "explosion" that they have been asking about since their first day of 10th grade.

As a department and a school, we are eager, excited, and passionate about bringing this new class to your children. We hope that we continue to provide a fantastic education, both in the AP Chemistry classroom and beyond.

-- Peter D'Amico (Science Teacher)
Eleanor Montage - Photo by Maud M.
Photo taken by 9th grade student Maud M. at FDR Museum & Library.