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'The Rhythm of Life'
Thinking DogThis expression is familiar to most people but it is when we become involved with other beings that we find an understanding of this as being a truth that will help or hinder us in all that we want to achieve.


When we breathe in a steady pattern we feel at ease and calm but when we raise our heart rate, breathing rate or anxiety then we know only too well how this can affect not only our well-being but also the quality of the decisions that we make. 'Act in hast, repent at leisure' is never more honest than when we work with others, of all species.


Only today I watched with great sadness as a family tried to entice their beautiful dog to them. This dog repeatedly escapes from their garden and heads out to investigate its world and on each occasion we hear the owners yelling its name usually in a very harsh way and I leave it to you to imagine the actions of the 'master' when it is finally captured. I am reminded of the story of the west wind that determined to blow so hard that it would remove the coat from the man walking along a lane and so it blew harder and harder, colder and colder, almost knocking the man to the ground but rather than removing the coat the man only wrapped the garment tighter around himself.  At which point the sun said that it could remove the coat from the man with no effort at all and began to shine bringing warmth to the world and within a few minutes the man removed his coat of his own free will and stepped out happily.


As I work with my new young horse I am reminded of this, as I set out to encouraging him to walk forward in a rhythm, just as happy as my dogs are with the steady rhythm they have as they walk alongside me when we venture from the house.  When my horses, or my dogs become confused or uncertain about a situation or an object I simply slow my breathing, relax and allow them to look and most importantly, understand what they see then move on. I know that they will gain in confidence and learn to cope in this crazy world and as long as I make it possible for them to trust me.


Remember it is always easy to misinterpret anything we see when we only see it from one perspective without complete understanding, or information. Harsh correction of an animal because it doesn't understand helps no one in the relationship. So if we set our sights on breathing with them, feeling what they do and seeing things from their perspective, it is easier for us to give them the correct information and help them to see when they have no need to fear.


A partnership that is based on understanding the needs of all parties is the strongest kind and will lead to happiness and contentment for all the individuals involved. Us and our dogs!


Wishing you all the very best for 2012


Jan Fennell

1st January 2012