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Dogs are like Grandparents

GrandparentsWhen it comes to family events such as birthday parties, wedding receptions and, of course, Christmas celebrations, dogs and Grandparents have so much in common. 


Neither wants to be involved in the preparation orhard work that is essential to create a magical time for everyone  

Neither really appreciate being expected to wear the paper hat or dancing along to the play station, as this could result in becoming a little over excited, with the latter often causing a small puddle.  

Both appreciate a thoughtful gift, especially when it involves being more cosy, from inside or out.  

Both do the tasty food but remember that too much of anything could lead to an upset tummy.  Both want to avoid the tantrums, tears and above all the clearing up.  So this Christmas make theirs a very special one and let them watch and thoroughly enjoy the family happiness from the comfort of a sofa or deep blanket and preferably by a warm fire.  

Neither appreciates strong perfumes or an exercise DVD  

Above all please avoid becoming frustrated or angry with either, as they are what they are and need to be loved for that and on behalf of the worldwide Team, I want to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and the best of New Years 


Jan Fennell

21st December 2011

(Joy, as the days start to get longer now)