Holiday Season Celebrations
As many of us here in the UK, Europe and North America prepare for the winter months, we are also reminded that this is the season of celebrations, from Guy Fawkes night on the 5th November, Thanksgiving later in the month through to Christmas and culminating with bringing in the new year on December 31st. These celebrations bring great joy, delight and fun for most of us but not for all of those who share our world. We know and accept that every living creature is naturally wired to react defensively to any sudden and loud noise, so we can never be surprised that the annual celebrations, that people around the world enjoy, can and do cause tremendous stress for many pets and consequently, their owners.
As fireworks are the chosen expression of joy, many pet owners reach for the drugs or turn their radios up to full volume, in the vain hope that the music will drown out the bangs and whizzing sounds that terrify animals everywhere.
I remember so vividly having to drive into the countryside, far from any houses and settling there with my flask of hot soup and the car radio on with my dogs stretched out in the back of the car and all because one of them had become a trembling heap with the first bang or whiz.
That was before I discovered 'Amichien� Bonding' and since then not only have all of my dogs been completely unconcerned by the noise but I have been able to help thousands of other dogs, who's owners have adopted the method.
I recall a 12 year old rescue dog that was so terrified by thunder that she would wrap herself behind the television amongst the wires, who within two days of being introduced to this method only raised her head, looked at the reaction of the owners and seeing that they were completely relaxed simply laid her head back down and fell asleep.
When your dog is confident in your abilities as the decision maker, they will look to you to see how you react when something unexpected happens. They will take their cue from you as to whether or not to run away or to treat the perceived threat as of no consequence. With that level of confidence in your decisions comes the ability to relax completely.
When you implement Amichien� Bonding, your dog may do what some of mine do when the fireworks start lighting the sky, they stand, watch and enjoy the spectacle just like us! You may decide you prefer to snuggle up by the fire relaxed in the knowledge that there is a calm and contented dog beside you. Perfect!
Jan 2 Nov 2011 |