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The Duty of All Owners
Last Friday I spent a brilliant evening with 'The man who listens to horses', my friend Monty Roberts, something that I have been doing now for over twenty years. Unlike in the early days where there were audiences of about 50 people, on this occasion there were close to a thousand people with me enjoying him work his magic with the horses that come into his care for the evening.

A young horse was 'started' and within a half an hour went from never having a saddle on its back to happily accepting saddle and rider. Then there was the horse terrified of electric clippers, again this was overcome and as for the horse who had usually taken his owner four hours to get into a trailer, (who arrived with his own fan club to see him),he was not only be taken into a lorry by Monty but even put himself in without a hesitation.

We were also treated to seeing Monty ride the most beautiful quarter horse, Coffy and as Monty rode he said that it the second duty of all owners to have fun, the first has to be for the horse to have fun and believe me they both did.

Why I mention this is because, so often, we become conditioned to finding the negative, concentrating on faults and problems forsaking all of the great stuff, so I invite you to join in our quest to find the route to enjoyment, make this your priority as life is far too short to spend in sadness. Horses, dogs, cats, people it makes no difference, we can all improve our quality of life, improve our skills and bring joy to each other when we make the sharing of great experiences a way of life. Everyone who was there will tell you that Coffy and Monty shared a very happy experience together. 

We all know that a smile is so contagious and as fun is a smile from within, just think what you can achieve when you become 'Willing Partners'.

Jan Fennell
27 October 2011 

monty having fun.wmv
Monty Having Fun