How often do we hear people say that something is unforgivable when faced with a situation that they find personally offensive or uncomfortable and whilst many actions taken by humans are unacceptable, until we learn to forgive we can never grow and really enjoy life.

Our dogs can prove such excellent teachers of this in many areas of our lives, as many of them have forgiven humans for barbaric and abusive actions over and over again. Something that many people who take a dog from rescue can testify to, as dogs can and do come through some horrific experiences and when faced with a loving new home can blossom into a delight to be with.
We are advised to forgive but never forget and here too our dogs prove the value of this advice. A good example of this is with the dog that refuses to get into the car, despite owners trying everything, all because the dog was thrown from a moving car just a few months earlier. Another example is the dog that growled when a broom was used to brush the dust from the step but then, if I had been hit with a broom I would be very, very cautious too.
People are always seeking traits that we share with our dogs and this is most certainly one area where we really bond, as dogs can come with their baggage too.
Recently I was told of a dog that arrived at its new home almost bouncing off of the walls and had a reputation for nipping. His new family immediately adopted 'Amichien� Bonding' and even decided to put on a long line every time that he went into the garden for the first few days as they were not sure what he would do and wanted to keep him safe.
Three weeks on he has become the most chilled, responsive and loving companion. He hasn't made it past the front gate yet but as he has come this far, he will get there when he is ready, when his baggage allows him to take this huge step.
He really has forgiven people but just can't forget, how wise.
One fact that I have found is that humans are the only species that actually do unacceptable things for personal reasons or gain, as all other species do what they have to do only to survive. Even when a predator kills to eat it is nothing personal against the other animal, just life and when they take out another predator it is to reduce the competition for food, again nothing personal.
We really do have so much to learn from them.
Jan Fennell
19th October 2011