'They're Animals'
These were the words of a reporter describing those responsible for the terrible scenes in London, Manchester, Liverpool and other major Cities, as gangs of young people rampaged through the streets, destroying everything in their path.
 The label 'animals' is also used to refer to people who deliberately come together, usually at sporting events, intent on causing trouble and sadly Britain has a reputation for having more than its fair share of them. The truth is that this sort of behaviour is only possible within modern human societies and doesn't occur in animal groups. Even our closes relative the Chimpanzee, will stay in their own groups when they attack to drive others away, or feel threatened by others and naturally react to defend themselves and their own members.
In the London of just fifty years ago, neighbours really knew one another and there was a sense of community, even if you didn't actually like some of those people within that community. This community living is exactly the same way that humans have lived since they first walked on this earth and everyone had to live by the rules to survive.
Of course there were natural eruptions, and youthful high spirits and challenges to the older generation but these were recognised and dealt with in a comparatively calm but very decisive manner.
I remember all too well watching the curtains twitching when, along with the other kids from the street, we gathered together, usually sitting on the walls in front of a couple of houses. We would moan life and how no one understood us, interjected with what we thought to be the best record in the charts that week and making important decision such as if it was nice weather on Saturday should we go to Wimbledon common.
Those fixed behind the curtains were always older members of the community, who we considered, to be 'nosey', because they always wanted to know exactly where we were and what we were doing but. The reality is, of course, that they just felt threatened and wanted to stay safe. We in turn knew, that were we to create a problem for them then the 'busy body' would tell our parents and there would be a definite negative consequence of our actions.
Sadly we will always struggle to create that community spirit again, even though there are people who are congregating to defend their districts, to clean the street and restore the essential calm and order, which makes life worth living and provides a feeling of belonging.
Perhaps it really is time to learn from other species and find a different way of describing humans who act in a negative way, as only people can or would behave in the way we are witnessing now.
These facts are one of the many reasons that I am so grateful that I listened to my dogs and found 'Amichien� Bonding'. Really discovered their qualities and recognised that by kindly providing the essential life rules for my dogs, I could really bring peace and not only help them cope in our crazy world but actually have a wonderful life, being a loyal pack member. So when your dog barks to warn you of perceived danger please thank him and let him know that he really is a valued member of your family.
There really must be a middle, logical and successful ground between imprisoning a person for stealing a loaf of bread, as happened all too often to those trying to feed their family, just a couple of hundred years ago and mildly scolding people for taking luxury items and destroying property.
Let us hope that nature comes to our rescue again and there is torrential rain for the next few days, as that would almost certainly help shut these people down.
Jan Fennell 10th August 2011 |