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The First Prosecution for the use of
Shock Collars 

As a child my Math teacher's method of teaching me to get my sums right was to hurl a heavy board rubber at my head every time I got one wrong. I learnt alright, how to duck and as for the math, to this day I loathe the subject and even feel intimidated when it is mentioned.

How lucky children today are that such barbaric teaching methods are a thing of the past, or are they?

With approximately half a million electric shock collars in circulation it seems incredible that it is only now that the law has finally caught up with this most barbaric of 'training' weapons ever invented by humans (the superior species). 

Shock Collars

The main problem is that if dog owners are only offered 'training' methods that involve force, fear, gadgets and dominance, how we can be surprised that the thought of an electric shock seems acceptable, when they have probably also been encouraged to place a chain around their dog's neck and told to yank on this violently.

The reason why loving owners treat their trusting dogs in such a way is that they think that they have no other choice and if they are afraid of what their dog may do, whether it is chasing sheep, attacking other dogs or simply embracing the owner in front of other people then the owner can never show empathy to the dog. Just as the gentleman who contacted me because he had been advised to use an electric collar on his dog to stop it barking. The owner didn't want to do this but felt he had no choice. He told of his devastation when his dog screamed and flew backwards the first two occasions that he inflicted the shock, praying that his dog would quickly learn. It certainly did learn and the third time that the owner reached for the collar's remote control, the dog bit him. Confused and frightened the owner rang the advisor as to what he should do now and was told that he had to have his dog destroyed as it was aggressive. How happy I was that he contacted me first and how happy both the owner and his dog were that they found this successful way of working with a dog and the shock collar was consigned to the rubbish bin, along with the choke chain and can of stones.

With 'Amichien� Bonding' we are able to remove all fear from both owner and dog, as we can provide both of them with the information of calm success. A fact that so many people have come to realise and rejoice in and I would like to offer is a simple guide to any dog owner or care giver, regarding what are acceptable teaching methods. The guideline I use is, 'would you like the method to be used on you?' I know that the method that I use with dogs is to let them be calm, show them clearly what I want them to do, reward them when they get it right and be patient when they experience a little difficulty, enjoying the learning, sharing and fun process. The end result is a trusting relationship that can only grow stronger and more special.

Always remember that violence is the weapon of the ignorant bully.

Jan Fennell
19 July 2011