Working on the garden can become a real family affair, especially when younger members decide to lend a hand as with these two true stories, both involved the creation of a new vegetable patch.
The first focused on one family who decided to lay a 5 metre coloured path from the back door to the allocated plot. The three tone paving slabs, though small, were selected to provide a lovely feature.
On the chosen day, with the slabs collected together by their colour, Grandpa set to the task, ably assisted by his three year old grandson, who was to pass the correct coloured slab to the engineer as requested.
Progress was quick, as the little fellow ensured that Grandpa had the correct slab at every stage, wonderful. From the kitchen window the remainder of the family watched in awe and hysterics, just waiting for the triumphant elder to look back to view the masterpiece, as what he did not see was that his industrious assistant was taking the slabs from the path already laid and not from the new pile, resulting in the path being just nine slabs long.
The second "veg patch" event was told to me by friends who have made a similar choice but for this couple, they had reached the planting stage. Again what followed was eagerly observed from a kitchen window but with very similar effect; as the 'green-fingered' husband keenly drilled little holes for the delicate new shoots, watered then lovingly and surrounded the soft stem with nutritious compost.
Once again the worker was so engrossed in his achievement that he too failed to notice that their youngster had diligently followed on behind removing every plant along the way, delighted in the part he was playing in the endeavours of the day.
The only difference with the two youngsters was that the plant remover in the second story was a 15 week old English springer spaniel called 'Jim Bob', so who could be angry at that?
On sharing their stories with friends and family the first experience had others giggling, whereas the second couple were amazed how many of their associates asked how they had punished the naughty dog. When they said that they had never even considered this, were advised that they need to train their puppy to know right from wrong.
What would you have done and why?
Jan Fennell 4th May 2011