


Christian Formation Secretariat Newsletter 

December 2011  

In This Issue
Advent in 2 Minutes
Children's Nativity Set
Overpopulation & Contraception
New Liturgical Year
New Evangelization Series
 Youth & Young Adult Ministry Like us on Facebook


"Advent in 2 Minutes"

 Do you know how to explain to teens and young adults the difference between Christmas and Advent?  Busted Halo has prepared a short 2 minute video to explain it.  They also have an
and a funny video of Fr. Jack Collins interviewing people in New York about Advent.


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Happy Advent!  May you take some time over the next few weeks to slow down and reflect on what it means to wait for the birth of Jesus.  We have included in this newsletter some news as well as helpful tools and some fun things to help you in this Advent season.  We hope that you enjoy them!
Marriage & Family Life

"Children's Nativity Set"



It is often difficult to share with young children the story of Jesus' birth in a tangible, age-appropriate way.  A kid-friendly nativity set allows kids to play with the characters as they learn about the first Christmas.  This Advent, consider using a toy nativity set in your classroom (and in your own home) that allows them to play and imagine what the birth of Jesus was like.   Combine this nativity set with children's Scripture readings and let their imaginations soar!  You can find many different toy nativity sets online including this Little People Nativity Set and some other creative resources on relating the scriptures for children here.
Respect Life Ministry

"Suprising Research on Overpopulation and Contraception"   

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A recent New York Times article argued that overpopulation, poverty, climate change, and abortion can all be solved by more birth control, but that religion was preventing this solution from being explored.  This article incited a response from Susan E. Wills, the assistant director for education and outreach at the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities.  Wills finds research on population trends, contraceptive use, and abortion that reveals some surprising and unexpected results to refute these claims. You can read Wills' response here.  



"New Liturgical Year Begins"


Last Sunday marked several beginnings in our Catholic faith!  It was the first day of the new liturgical year, the official implementation of the new translation of the Mass, and the beginning of the Advent season. Our Catholic faith is rich in traditions for each season of the year. For an interactive liturgical calendar that includes feast days, readings, and activities, visit the



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"KC's Launch New Evangelization Series"  Pope Benedict XVI


According the the Catholic News Agency, the Knights of Columbus' Catholic Information Service will launch a series of booklets and online materials focusing on new evangelization.   "Pope Benedict XVI has made the New Evangelization a priority," said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson on Nov. 29.

"It is our hope," he added, that the new series "will help Catholics to learn about their faith in a way that allows them to participate first hand in the Church's mission of the New Evangelization."  The New Evangelization Series will feature online content and booklets focused on issues related to evangelizing modern culture and will draw from the writings of Popes Benedict XVI and Blessed John Paul II.  To read the rest of the article, click here.