Pure Energy Coach LLC

Coaching the future of America's home improvement industry with our grassroots approach to no-holds-barred audits, quality assurance inspections, home energy retrofits, and coaching, training and mentoring programs

In This Issue
BPI Testing Opportunity
New Spring and Summer Courses and Testing
What are you breathing right now?
PureEnergyCoach YouTube Channel
COACH at ACI National Conference
Always Separate the Attic from the Living Space ...WHY?
BPI Helping Veterans
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We'd like to share some exciting news with you about what's happening at Pure Energy Coach and in the Home Performance industry.  

BPI Testing Opportunities in April, May, June
Take BPI Certification Exams
BPI TestingPure Energy Coach is an approved BPI Test Center.  We have set some dates and times for you to schedule your certification or recertification exams.  Reserve your date and time now!
New 2012 Courses
Available for Registration Now!
Get started on a new career or grow in your current career!  Get BPI CEU's!

ASHRAE 62.2-2010, IRC 09 Air Leakage Testing, Combustion Equipment and Testing, and more.


Practical, hands-on teachingPure Energy Coach continues to deliver its continuing education programs at its Lancaster Training and Test Center. Our course leaders' deep and pragmatic knowledge, coupled with hands-on and individually attentive delivery of training, means you get the most comprehensive and practical professional training in the industry - which will help you get a good job, keep your current job, or advance in the field.


Furnace GuyPure Energy's course schedule, as usual, includes timely courses for technicians working in the HVAC, Home Performance, Retrofit, Weatherization, Building, Real Estate, Codes, and Energy Auditing industries, as well as others who want or need to understand how buildings work. Mark your calendar and check out our courses web page for details and course registration. Call now to book for spring and summer.


What are you breathing right now?

The following article is from the Central Pennsylvania Preservation Society's recent Newsletter. 

Central PA Preservation SocietyThe cold winter months always bring energy efficiency to the forefront of everyone's mind, and at February's meeting, the Central Pennsylvania Preservation Society brought energy efficiency expert A. Tamasin Sterner from Pure Energy Coach to their monthly breakfast.

A single hour in Tamasin's presence is easily one of the most informative hours you'll ever experience in your life and this session was no exception...


Read on 


Pure Energy Coach Launches YouTube Channel


YouTube VideoThe PureEnergyCoach YouTube Channel is the go-to place for videos featuring Pure Energy courses, The Pure Energy Center, and links to partner's videos.  New videos are being added frequently.  Keep an eye out for something that may boost your skills!  And, if you have a request for a special video, please email Tamasin.


YouTube icon Start watching now! 


COACH at ACI National Conference in Baltimore on March 27 - 30, 2012

COACH at ACI 2012 New YorkFor the first time at a National ACI Conference, COACH, our repurposed motor home, will be prominently featured! COACH is a mobile training and testing lab that allows hands-on and on-site technical training opportunities for technicians who are responsible for assuring the health and safety of the people whose homes they work.

Mechanical ventilation requirements for WAP (as part of the new Health and Safety requirements and ASHRAE 62.2) will be shared as part of the Exhaust Fan Flow Measurement session.  A must for those who need to understand the new standards.


Pure Energy, partnering with Therma-View Infrared and Energy Consultants, is proud to offer training on: Combustion Testing, Gas Furnace Evolution and Parts, Air Leakage Testing, including Zone Testing, Exhaust Fan Flow Measurement, Oil Burner Comparision, Thermal Imaging, and BPI Field Exam Practice.





Always Separate the Attic from the Living Space by Air Sealing. WHY?
Q & A with A. Tamasin Sterner
Pressure boundary re-establishedWhy does the Home Performance Industry and every program make it the top priority to fully separate attics from living spaces? Why is it so important to keep attic air out of the house and house air out of the attic? What can happen if the attic isn't fully air sealed from the living space?
BPI Helping Veterans Receive GI Bill Reimbursement for BPI Testing and Certification
BPI Veterans ProgramBuilding Performance Institute (BPI) is working to help veterans receive GI Bill reimbursement for the costs of BPI testing and certification. BPI is providing logistical assistance to help veterans through the reimbursement process. Testing and certification costs for BPI certifications can be covered by the GI Bill in the VA's Eastern Region, and soon will be nationally available.
If you have any questions about Pure Energy Coach or are interested in any of our courses, please call us at 717-293-8990 or email us at info@PureEnergyCoach.com.




A. Tamasin Sterner, Chief Coach
A. Tamasin Sterner

President and Chief Coach
Pure Energy Coach LLC