
HCA Today

October/November 2011 


 Dear Friend of HCA,   


      The involvement of the art & culture community in its own growth became apparent when HCA members filled the room to overflowing at the October 6 Tourist Development Council (TDC) public meeting. This showing has left its mark beyond the headlines it created. 

      Ten years ago county ordinance 8.222 mandated that 17% of the tourist tax funds collected by the TDC are to be used to promote art & culture events.  However, this has not come to pass.  But we now have reason to believe our designated share of the funds will soon be used as intended. 

      A&C has not been represented on the TDC from its beginning and there will not be any openings for A&C representation on the TDC until 2015.  In the meantime and in the spirit of partnership the TDC Director has invited us to form an advisory A&C committee. 

      Additionally HCAhas presented three proposals: a multi-purpose cultural video, out of county advertising for a cultural bus tour and sponsorship for a three day Art & Music Fest at Lakeshore Mall.  The door has been opened and we are working together with the TDC to bring our many cultural assets to the attention of the world.  The county as a whole will benefit from TDC partnership. 

      In other news the HCA in partnership with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission will be documenting for exhibit the Lake Wales Ridge.  This project will involve some 30 artists/photographers/writers. It is the largest art project ever undertaken by Highlands County talent.  It is our ambition to have this show travel statewide.  

      This issue of HCA Today is late to hit your screen for a wonderful reason.  Our correspondents Sherry Carlson and Chris Williams have been somewhat distracted by planning their November wedding.  CONGRATULATIONS Chris & Sherry!  You are a remarkable team that has given much to the community.      

    Just in:  Speaking of congratulations,  Please look at the Recent Letters below. Sunny Serafino you make us all proud! 


In earnest, 

Fred Leavitt, President 

Heartland Cultural Alliance 


News Briefs

By Sherry Carlson

SCRIBES NIGHT OUT: Original poetry, travel and historical articles, memoires, adventure stories, nature narratives, and humorous tall tales all have been read by local authors at Scribes Night Out. It's an evening of entertainment for all ages held at Brewster's Coffee House in Sebring at 6:30 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. Our writers, both published and unpublished, are often multi-talented: Arthur Wright brought in his hand crafted canes to show; Christine Yarbour her pen and ink illustrations. New readers last month included Em Williamson, Carolyn Henderson, Tom Butler, Rev. Robert J. Walker, and Nina Shuman. The November 13th gathering will feature author Mary Bailey (see website a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Florida Writer's Assoc., and several other writers' groups in Kentucky and Florida.

 Cake pic sept

PHILLIS JONES' RECEPTION/HCA's Airport Galleria: The rainy afternoon did not deter HCA members and an interested general public from attending the Oct. artist reception. Jones' paintings of nudes spanned a broad range of descriptions-graceful, alluring, playful, mysterious, realistic, beautiful. The art also varied in sizes from life-size to 8" x 12." Phyllis also took orders for 2012 calendars featuring prints of her work. The display at the airport will continue through November. The artist also displays her art at the Highlands Art League Gallery and has several paintings at Brewster's Coffee House.


HIGHLANDS LITTLE THEATER OPEN HOUSE: The dedication of those associated with HLT was evident to anyone attending the "Sundaes on Saturday" 9/24/11 open house. An informative tour of the expansive backstage area and description of the months of planning and practice required for "the Show to Go On" impressed theater goers, prospective actors and volunteers of all ages. Free entertainment gave attendees a taste of some of what is to come for the 2011-2012 season. The "special events" HLT produces (and advertises though the HCA network) are very affordable and expertly executed. Halloween events are coming right up!


KENNILWORTH ART OPENING: The September 14 "America the Beautiful" Art Opening show at Kenilworth Lodge had some new twists added. Ms. Kathy Rapp informed the audience of the work done by The Veterans Council of Highlands County, Inc. and sold raffle tickets for a painting by artists Alice Hansen, Pamela Paralikis, Shirley Stone and James Ward to be awarded Nov. 3rd , Local author, Sunny Serafino also held a book signing at the event. Artwork remained hung throughout Sept. and Oct. and had added lobby exposure via the moveable display panels during special events like Run to the Heartland, Days of Thunder and the Central Florida Bridal Gala.


Lake Wales Ridge Project: A Partnership

Report #1 by Sherry Carlson


           Heartland Cultural Alliance photographers, artists, and writers have joined the efforts of the Lake Wales Ridge Ecosystem Working Group to educate the public concerning the unique "Ancient Islands" of Florida or the Lake Wales Ridge. Preservation of The Ridge (over 100 miles long and 4-10 miles wide), its wildlife, insects, plants, and varied ecosystems are the concern of scientists locally, statewide, and nationally. The rare creatures, natural landscapes, and water aquifers need protection. The balances developed over hundreds of thousands years have been disrupted, and plants and animals, found only in this area, are now threatened by extinction.

            At the October 20th meeting, Ridge Ranger Coordinator Bill Parken, wildlife biologist Nicole Ranaldi, and Patty Lloyd of the Ridge Rangers presented the facts to HCA members for the first time. HCA project members listed their own areas of interest and expertise. For instance, Rick Knoche, a photographer, stated that he has a degree in horticulture and the desire to concentrate on flowers, plants or scrubs. Artist Christine Yarbour already has hundreds of photos and drawings about wildlife on The Ridge and has done extensive research at the Archbold Biological Station to authenticate the text of her proposed book. The core group of 16 HCA members will be joined by several others unable to attend this first meeting.

             It has been said, "a picture is worth a thousand words." HCA hopes to add an aesthetic touch to educating the public, by catch their eye, and captureing their curiosity, while commitmenting to supporting preservation efforts. We will be sharing our bonus-"insider" experiences and views on the Lake Wales Ridge!
            This art/documentary project will be launched in Sebring as an exhibit with educational text blocks. In partnership with  the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission,  HCA plans to have the exhibit  tour libraries, galleries and public venues in Florida. 


HCA Today sponsor 

 Coutures Gallery and Frame


Adventures with my Mother

By: Amanda Farmer 

Amanda's article - October


               On a rather wet weekend in September, my mother and I ventured to St. Petersburg to enjoy a free day at museums we had planned to visit for a while.  We had expected the traffic we encountered, and had expected to stand in lines for a little while, but we did not expect to run into an art show.

                Every year my mother and I participate in National Museum Day, a day where different museums open their doors to the public, for free. We love this day, and plan out an entire mother/daughter day that includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and souvenirs from wherever we attend. My mother usually gets a membership as well, if she deems it worthwhile. This year we chose the St. Petersburg Museum of Art and the Pier Aquarium. We planned our day, saved our money and ventured out into the not so ideal weather. We expected the Traffic (it is St. Pete after all) and we expected the lines, but I don't expect to see an art show/sale, and I loved what I saw. There were artist, young and old selling their wares to those participating in Free Museum Day, and boy did I get excited. I found several young freshly graduated college art students, like myself, selling art that was so creative I wished I had a house of my own to decorate.

                When I asked them how this event was organized, they said that their arts group saw the opportunity that was Free Museum Day and jumped on the idea of a bunch of art interested people gathered in one location. Kind of sounds like a no brainer to me. You have people who are interested in art coming for a free event, and if they are anything like my mother and I, they already intend on buying things since they are saving on the admission to the museum. The other plus I liked was the use of business cards and advertisement. Each artist had business cards that showed how to buy their art online or at least how to contact them to purchase the art. They also had advertisements for the local events they were involved in and upcoming art shows, which I'm sure, if I lived in St. Pete, I would attend.  Each artist knew what was going on in the arts community and details about upcoming events, they were all working together to support the arts.

                While I can't be sure this wasn't some secluded event or that the arts community in St. Pete is really working together, I did seem like they were to me. There was an article in a previous edition of this newsletter that talked about another small town that was brought together by art and has become an arts destination, which I thought about that entire day. You can ask my mother, I kept saying "what if this" and "I wish this." I think it would be really awesome if something like this could happen in Highlands County. Maybe then I wouldn't have to deal with St. Pete traffic.   


 Although it has already happened, click here for more information.


HCA Today sponsor
Boycotting Charity Art Auctions

 No to Donate  

            A recent article by Mat Gleason in the Huffington Post stated that artist should stop donating their artworks to charitable causes and that they should, for all intensive purposes, never donate art again. You can read his article here. He says that when an artist donates a work they depress the prices of art and damage their artistic career.

            Gleason says that when you donate art you are first off, undervaluing your art, and secondly, humiliating yourself. Your art will be sold for whatever someone wants to pay for it, and, in most cases, it will be significantly lower than what you would sell it for. This, the author says, will cause the public to think less of you and your art, putting it in a so called "bargain bin." Consumers will think that your art is not worth the full price you put on it, and will in turn not buy it.

            He says donating art will also humiliate you, particularly if your piece is among several donated pieces on a wall. He believes that you will disappear in the crowd and will become just another person with an invitation to an event.   

            If you really feel compelled to donate to a charity, the author says donating money is the best thing you can do for your art, and your career.  Collectors will assume the price you ask for in your gallery is the best price they will ever get, so your art will sell for what you feel it is worth, instead of 50 bucks at a charity event.   

           HCA does not have a position on the donating of art.  We are bringing it to your attention as food for thought.
          Members, care to share your ideas on this.on this?  Send them to us and you might see them in the next newsletter!


 Email HCA


HCA Today Sponsors
HCA Art & Music Fest @ Lakeshore Mall


Last year over $1,200 worth of art was sold, musicians sold CDs, got bookings and about 1,500 people attended the three day December event.  The mall wants us back.

  This year's Christmas event will take place December 2, 3 & 4 (the first weekend of the month).  All HCA members and members of member organizations are invited to submit work.


There is no cost for displaying art but a 15% commission will be charged for work sold.  This year, in addition to hanging fine art, we will have limited space for hand made jewelry.  More information will be forthcoming by email and submission forms will soon be posted on the HCA site.  Musicians contact Fred: 863-402-8238, [email protected].

Yesterday: A family Album of Highlands County


Email Leveys



Send letters to [email protected].  All letters for publication must be identified with the writer's name.


Recent Letters 


Hi, Fred,
Some news - I just returned from a 4 day Florida Writers Association Conference in Orlando. I was fortunate to come home with a first place award in women's fiction (unpublished) and the same book (Finding Amy) also was awarded the honor of Book of the Year. It was quite an honor and I wanted to share it with the HCA.
Sunny Serafino
Dear HCA, 
I just got my Florida State of the Arts license plate and the process could not have been easier!  I wanted this colorful, happy-looking tag the moment I saw it but I put it off because I thought the process would be a time-consuming hassle.  Was I ever wrong!  I was the only person at the desk and  I was in and out the door within 5 minutes with the tag in my hand. 


People ask me all the time where I got this pretty tag because they want one too.  I am quick to tell them that $20 from each tag is donated to the HCA.  Its a really good thing!


Miss J. L. "SAM" Heede
Spring Lake


Hello Fred: 
We want to thank you for the great articles in the HCA news letter. We really appreciate it, and, of course, we appreciate you and all you are doing. 
Harriet Porter


Well Fred,
I guess that is the answer for everything "We're all just volunteers here"! I guess another viewing of bureaucracy at work for your hard earned dollars! We can't say you didn't try, but unfortunately when you try and work with others that are still thinking in the past, you won't get far. Don't give in because it was very obvious by the turnout that our great?? T&D commision were very intimidated by the turnout. Thank you for everything that you are trying to do for all of the artists in Highlands County...  

Rick Knoche


New Members at HCA
Sandra Hartman
Dorothy Bade
Peggy Miller
Pamela La Joy Parlikis
Steve Williams
Boys & Girls Club of Highlands County
Patsy Cross
Support HCA Today and grow your business:

On Your Birthday 

Buy a Florida State of the Arts license plate and enrich yourself and your community!

 $20 from the cost of the plate is donated by the state to HCA. Show you care and wear your new plates proudly!

In This Issue
News Briefs
Lake Wales Ridge Project: A Partnership
Adventures with my Mother
Boycotting Charity Auctions
Art & Music Fest
New Members of HCA





 Coming Home:  SFCC Alumni at MOFAC, 

Opening October 20th, Whitney Broadaway, Caroline Colby, Max Gooding, and Laura Wolfe showcase things they have learned since graduation from SFCC.

Nov. 2 - Dec. 3 - Celebrating Florida's Landscape: Mary Ann Carroll, Highwayman

SFCC MOFAC - Museum open Wednesday - Friday, 12:30 - 4:30 p.m.

  Thursday, Nov. 17:  A Florida Legend:  Mary Ann Carroll, SFCC MOFAC, 1 p.m.

 Carroll shares her stories as one of the original Highwayman.


 The Art Studio Classes:

Clay Puzzling Class: 1:30-4:30 
     Saturday October 22th

  On Going Classes as follows:

Watercolor Beginning 


1:30 - 4:30 & 6 :00-   9:00

Advanced Classes/Wednesday  9:00 - 12:00

Intermediate Classes 


Ceramic Classes Saturday 10:00 - 4:30

Clay Puzzling Classes  Thursday  1:30 - 4:30

At The Art Studio,  1198 C R 621 E. Lake Placid, Florida 863-273-9098


South Florida Community College Theater for the Preforming Arts
Mon. Nov. 14 -  Benise-Spanish Guitar / Artist Series
 Tue. Nov. 29 - Steve Lippia-Simply Sinatra / Artist Series
Mon. Dec. 6 -Four Freshmen / Jazz Series
Tue. Dec. 13
- The Irish Tenors / Artist Series


  Full Immersion Art Clinic 

Full Immersion Art Clinic with Mara Trumbo

November 11-13, 2011

Full 3 Day Classes $222.00 includes canvas.

Daily classes if you are not able to attend the full Workshop.

Call Judy Nicewicz for daily fees at 863-273-1339


The Artists' Group, TAG

 "Creations in Clay"  Fridays 11/04-11/18  9AM to NOON  (3 classes)  Total cost: $60

The Artists' Group, TAG

 Taught by Betty McCarthy; hand-building items with self-hardening clay

   "Acrylic Painting I" Wednesdays 11/02 - 12/07 12:30PM to 4:30PM  (6 classes)  Total cost $105.00

   Taught by Louise Weis

 Classes held in the TAG studio inside the Hotel Jacaranda in Avon Park

Please register thru the SFCC Community Education office  (863) 784-7405  or (863) 784-7388


45th. Fine Art & Craft Festival

November 5, Sebring Downtown Circle.

Heart of Highland, 

Sweet Adelines',

Scholarship Fundraiser's Fashion Show and Luncheon, "Adelines' Fashions on Parade," will be held in the Plantation Room of the Kenilworth Lodge, on Sat, Nov 12, 12 Noon.

Tickets $20.00.  Participating Shops:  Belk, Bonworth, Dress Barn, Sebring, Kasie's  Collection of Lake Placid. Join us for FASHIONS, FOOD, FUN.  For tickets call:  382-6632, 699-1288. 452-1927, Polk County 638-1598


  Primal Connection, Sebring, FL 

Community Drum Circle

3rd Sunday 

 3-5pm behind the

Sebring Civic Center on Lake Jackson
Free Event- some

instruments available


 Fred: (863) 402-8238, 



 Brewsters Logo

 Scribes' Night Out 

 2nd and 4th Sundays

 Brewster's Coffee House

 2191 US Highway 27N


 6:30 pm- closing  

Readings by local authors. 

Open mike for both published and unpublished writers after the featured reader. To schedule as a featured reader, call or email Sherry Carlson at 954-319-2140 or [email protected]. 


Sebring Scribblers & Scribes

First Wednesday of every month at Beef O'Brady's

Meeting at 7 pm

Come one hour early for dinner. 

The Lake Placid
Art League

is proud to announce beginning and advanced oil painting classes on Tuesdays, from 9:00 am to 12 noon 
at 127 Dal Hall Blvd, Lake Placid. 

Bill Snyder will be the instructor for this class. Anyone in the community who wishes to participate is welcome and the cost will be a $15 donation to the Lake Placid Art League per class. There will be no charge for orientation which will include discussion of materials needed for the classes and types of paintings artists may wish to create such as landscapes, still life, animals, birds or abstracts. The first lesson will include some drawing exercises.  For more information call Bill Snyder at 699-2665


Members Links


Photo by Bill Dailey

Anne Watson, Artist

Weekly painting and drawing classes with Anne Watson are available in Sebring, Avon Park and Lake Placid.  For additional information, please contact Anne at anne@annewatsonstudio

HCA members this is your space for announcing events.  It is a free membership perk. 

HCA is your voice to the creative community.