

Tabita Logo 2010


M&K Pix
We just want to say how grateful we are that God has allowed us to be part of the ministry in Romania.  It is not something we planned but part of God's plan.  And you, our faithful supporters, are just as much part of the plan.  Thank You and we hope you have a
Blessed Christmas.
Love In Christ, Milton & Kathi 



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The Gift of Love
The Gift of Love



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Donate a wreck
Year end giving is a good way to maximize your income tax deductions.  This can be done with cash or gifts-in-kind.  If you have a vehicle (it doesn't have to be a wreck) or anything of value that you are not using or don't need, please consider participating in the Donate-A-Wreck Program.

So far this year we recieved two vehicles.  A special Thank You to those donors, this has been a big help.

Contact Milton
Phone: 604.854.1011 

Merry Christmas From Romania ... 
Marius & Tab/ Congregation
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Pastor Marius, Tabita and the Biserica Crestina Baptista Ciacova congregation would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and they pray that the Lord will Bless you all richly.  It is with deep heartfelt gratitude that they also want to thank all of you that partner with Tabita Ministries in Prayer and Finances.  Your partnership has made a huge difference in the church and in the community.

In His Service, Pastor Marius and Tabita Ianc  
Firewood Has Been Delivered ... 
Firewood Teresa 2011
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Thank You so much to those who sent Christmas Gift funds.  Firewood has been delivered to Teresa and the families of Carmen and Elena.  They are so grateful and encouraged. On-going needs: Christmas Grocery Hampers and help for the Bible Club Children.
Christmas List 2011