Christmas Greetings / 2009
Picture 16 Tabita Logo

    'Sharing Hope for a Better Way'

In This Issue
Accidently Scalded
Your Special Gift
Losing everthing was the Best Christmas Gift Ever ...

Torio Border
Many years ago, while in the school of hard knocks, I came to a point in my life of losing material possessions, family and health to realize all I ever really needed was God. 
Knowing and having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is by far the best Gift one could ever receive. 
This Christmas, as our thoughts turn toward Him, lets rejoice in the Best Christmas Gift Ever.
Wishing you a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!
Milton Torio
Executive Director/ Tabita Ministries
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Accidently Scalded!

If you look real close you can see little Valentina's scars, but they are fading with surgery and time. 
Many children and adults in Romania have scars, but not the kind you can see.  They are scars of neglect, scars of poverty, scars of abandonment, scars from a diabolic communist dictatorship that stripped Romania and its people from their dignity and productivity. 
Almost twenty years have passed since the collapse of communism in Romania.  The scars are slowly fading but corruption doesn't die easy.  Economic prosperity is coming to Romania, but it is leaving the poor and disadvantaged behind. 
Tabitha, a lady from Joppa, sometimes called Dorcas, befriended and helped the poor.  Peter also raised her from the dead. This is the heart of Tabita Ministries, befriending and helping the poor, teaching them all about Jesus who raises the dead in sin to new Life in Him.
Your partnership with Tabita Ministries is helping fulfill the Great Commission. As you consider gifts for this Christmas please include Tabita Ministries.  This will bring smiles to the hearts and faces of many children, families and the elderly this Christmas and into the New Year.
KT and little girl Your Special Gift this Christmas will make a difference!  Your Gift will make a difference by  helping to construct the Multi-Purpose 'Learning for Life Center'.   This building will be used to facilitate many of the programs that reach out in the community.  Your Gift will help send Shipping Containers 
from Canada full of Clothing, Medical Supplies, Gleaners Soup Mix, Bicycles, Toys etc.  Your Gift will help provide Grocery Hampers to Families in need.  This is a practical way to demonstrate the Love of Christ.  Your Gift will help provide Hope to the elderly and the infirm. Your Gift will help provide Emergency Shelter  and Firewood.  Most importantly Your Gift will help provide opportunity to Share the Word of God.
Put a Smile on the face and in the heart of a child in Romania. Please Send Your Gift Today!