Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home & School Association 
Miriam Van Dyck, editor
 September 18, 2012
In This Issue
From the HSA
From the School Nurse
Fall Festival
Auction Update
Community at Lafayette
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
From Principal Lynn Main
Lynn Main

A few years ago, DCPS decided to make the counselor position optional at elementary schools. The recommendation instead was to have a social worker on staff. In looking at the differences between the roles and respon-sibilities of both positions and the needs of the Lafayette community, we decided to continue having a counselor. And as the school continued to grow, we added a second one last year. >> Read More
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Mark Your Calendar 


September 19 (Wednesday)

HSA Open Chat, 8:45 a.m.   


September 20 (Thursday) 

Moms and Dads Matinee at the Avalon Theater, 10:30 a.m.  


September 27 (Thursday)

HSA General Meeting, 7:30 p.m. 


October 3 (Wednesday)

Walk to School Day


See full school calendar 

school sign  

From the HSA 

Jenny Murray & Gayle Moseley, co-presidents


Looks like the weather will continue to be beautiful this week, so we will be at the flagpole in front of the school on Wednesday morning for our first Open Chat. Please stop by between 8:45 and 9:30 a.m. to talk with us about anything Lafayette, or anything else for that matter - show us your new shoes or tell us about a delicious recipe you recently tried!


Volunteers are now hard at work combing through the Family Directory and making sure every Lafayette family is entered and their information is updated. Please help these fellow parents out by adding or updating your information now before they have to contact you. Even if your info has not changed since last year, you need to log in and verify your information. The sooner everyone's entered, the sooner the Directory will be in your hands!


Every so often, the Avalon movie theater has an early weekday matinee for parents who are able to take a little break from their daily responsibilities. "The Words" will be shown this Thursday at 10:30 a.m. We hope you can take a break and relax for a couple of hours with some fellow Lafayette parents!


What's happening in March 2013? Why should you be interested now? Lafayette's annual auction takes place in March, but planning has already begun and continues all the way up until the day of the event. It's our biggest fundraiser, and co-chairs Hope Scheller and Julie Raley are hosting an informational meeting on Thursday evening (details below). If you're new to Lafayette or think you might like to help put on this fun and fabulous event, please come to the meeting and learn about what's involved and how you can be a part of it. It's a great way to feel connected to Lafayette and make some new friends. 


From the School Nurse  
Chris Cockrell, RN, BSN, School Health

Chris Cockrell
Parents, you should have all received letters in your child's backpack Friday regarding Whooping Cough, and the fact that we have had 2 cases at Lafayette.

First, thank you to everyone for submitting health records so thoroughly and quickly this year. It has helped me be able to identify children due or overdue for the Pertussis (whooping cough) Vaccine and advise parents accordingly.


It turns out that most everyone here is immunized.  Children receive five doses by the time they enter school, and a booster at age 11.

Our cases involved two 5th graders, who would have soon been due for the booster.  If your child is due for the Pertussis Vaccine, please discuss this with your pediatrician and make a decision about vaccinating sooner rather than later.


There have been reports in the media regarding adults needing a booster as well.  Please check with your own doctor about this.  The biggest risk is to babies who are not yet vaccinated.


If you have any questions, please feel free to call me any time at 202-282-0462.  

Seeking Captains for 2012 Fall Festival

pumpkin Mark your calendars for this year's Fall Festival at Lafayette on Saturday, October 27! 


Preparation for this year's Festival is well under way, and we are looking for a few good parents to serve as Captains overseeing some of our most popular events:

  • Movie Night
  • Bake Sale
  • Bake-Off
  • Carnival Games

If you are interested, please contact Fall Festival chairs Brendan O'Brien  and Annie Bennett.  Room parents will be contacting all parents in a couple of weeks to gather other volunteers.

See you at the Fall Festival!

Auction Update

The date of the Lafayette spring fundraising auction has been changed!  The new date is March 9, 2013.


What is the school auction? How can I participate? We realize there are new parents who've never even heard of the auction...and some not-so-new families that want to get involved, but don't know how.  


Our annual spring auction is Lafayette's biggest and primary fundraiser. The auction dollars raised through your generosity allow us to hire teachers, finance renovations, and fund the innovative programs unique to our school. We are currently looking for a few brave volunteers to help us out with the following:

  • General Solicitations (done via email)
  • Publicity
  • Live Auction Chairs
  • Party Planners
  • Decorations
  • and much, much more

Join us this Thursday, September 20 at 8:00 p.m. for an introductory auction meeting at Julie Raley's home (5444 Nevada Ave) to learn more, or email Hope Scheller or Julie Raley for more information.



Spanish Language Classes    

It's the final week to register for before-school Spanish classes at Lafayette!  Classes are open to students in grades 1-5, and the deadline for applying is September 21.  Applications and information are available online.

Last Call For Babysitters
We are compiling listings of neighborhood babysitters for the Lafayette Family Directory. As in previous years, this is intended for sitters--mostly neighborhood students and often Lafayette alums or siblings--who will be available for weekend, evening, and other casual babysitting. The listings are free, but please only submit a listing if you expect to be reasonably available, and limit the entry to a few sentences at most. Include your name, age, and at least one contact such as a phone number or email address, as well as any particular restrictions (such as days or neighborhood or what age group you want to babysit). Please email submissions no later than Wednesday, September 19 to Holly Idelson.   


Moms (and Dads!) Matinee at The Avalon  

On Thursday, September 20 at 10:30 a.m., join us for a fun morning movie at the Avalon--and coffee and pastry beforehand at the Avalon Cafe.  The film is "The Words" starring Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana.    

Community Notices

Math Tutor Needed.  A Lafayette family is looking for a Math Tutor for our high-school student (9th grade).  We are also interested in a French and/or Latin Tutor for our daughter who is in 10th grade. For the French tutoring, a native speaker would be great. We live in the Chevy Chase neighborhood - ideally the tutor could come to our house. We would be flexible on the hours and times - during the week (late afternoon) or on the weekend. Please contact Friederike via e-mail or phone 202-469-2492.

St. Columba's Choir Carpool.  Looking for other St.Columba's Episcopal Church families who may have a 1st or 2nd grader in the Primary Choir. Hoping to create a carpool to get kids to and from choir practice each week. Particularly interested in finding a way to get my son to choir--we can do pickup. Please contact Anne Brainard via e-mail or phone 202-797-0023 if you are interested.

Babysitter Available.  College graduate currently interning in Silver Spring, with tons of childcare experience, is available to babysit. Background in dance, swimming and gymnastics. Interested in part time afternoon/night time babysitting; available most days during the week, and some weekends. Call or e-mail Jenn at 610-360-0707. 


Try Fencing This Fall.   Give your child a great, new experience this school year.  Sabre fencing is a fun way to build every child's coordination, balance, confidence and concentration skills.   World Champion Dariusz Gilman will start a beginners' sabre class on Saturday, October 6, from 11 a.m. to noon at the D.C. Fencers' Club in Silver Spring.  For more information or to register, contact Coach Dariusz by e-mail or phone 301-910-2886, or visit www.dgsabrefencing.com.

Music Lessons.  Lessons available in piano, recorder, flute, saxophone, oboe, clarinet and bassoon from a professional and seasoned musician and pedagogue. Lessons carefully designed and implemented according to each student's individual level and interest.  For more information, please e-mail or call Dilyana at 202-352-4430. 

sponsor banner with kids

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


Make a Submission
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.