Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home & School Association 
Suzanne Vieth, editor
 September 11, 2012
In This Issue
Directory Deadline
Parent Sign-In
Peace Class
Safety Patrol
Parent Lending Library
Community at Lafayette
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
Submit an Article
From Principal Lynn Main
Lynn Main  

It's been a busy start to the school year. As last week ended every class has finally gotten to meet all the special subject teachers in art, music and physical education. Our first visits to the library have started. Last year's test scores for students in grades 4 and 5 have been distributed and our start of school benchmark tests are just about done. We've had our first two fire drills of the year. And our first indoor recess day.  >> read more

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Mark Your Calendar 


September 10-14 (Monday-Friday)

HSA Membership Week


September 13 (Thursday)

HSA Board Meeting, 6:30p.m.  


September 19 (Wednesday)

HSA Open Chat, 8:45 am


September 27 (Thursday)

HSA General Meeting, 7:30 p.m.


See full school calendar

school sign  

From the HSA 

Jenny Murray & Gayle Moseley, co-presidents


Thanks to all you parents for coming out to back-to-schoo lnight last week! And another thank you to Mrs. Main and all the teachers for their preparation and staying so late on a school night! Another thank you to 4th grader Kate Rockwood and 5th grader Liza Willsey for working on the great video we shared that evening. Gayle and I enjoyed meeting many new people and having a chance to share our enthusiasm for the HSA. Speaking of which... this week is HSA Membership Week! Please join the HSA and be part of something big. Look for tables by the flag pole and by the early childhood doors. You can fill out a form and pay by check or credit card. Or beat the lines and pay online from home! Either way, we warmly welcome all parents and teachers into the HSA.Let's start the year over 500 families strong!


See HSA board members

Join the HSA

Directory Deadline has Passed!

simpsonThe deadline for getting your family's contact information entered or updated in the online database was yesterday! If you haven't taken care of this, please do it today. It only takes a minute or two, and it will save a ton of work for the parent volunteers if they don't have to track you down. Also, if you tried to update your info earlier and couldn't find your teacher on the list, the list has been updated. If you don't know your login name or password, the system can email it to you. Thank you for taking care of this - we want to get the Directory out to you as early as we can!  >>Family Directory instructions

Parents Need to Sign In
Security deskA reminder to parents. . . When visiting Lafayette during the school day, parents must sign in at the security desk in the Great Hall. This is for the safety of the students and teachers and ensures that school staff knows who's in the building.  Parents are not permitted in the hallways unless they are signed in and there for a specific,scheduled purpose (volunteering in the classroom, meeting with ateacher). We know it's fun to peek in and see your child, or try to grab the teacher for one quick question, but having parents in the classroom hallway areas during the school day is distracting to both students and teachers. Please help our teachers by following procedure and take a minute to sign in with our friendly security guard. If you need to get a message to your child or teacher, please stop by the office and Ms. Bright can help you relay that message via the most appropriate method. Thank you! 
What's Happening in Peace Class? 
Lynda Ryden, Teaching Peace Coordinator

Linda RydenPeace Class is a special for all of the 2nd - 5th graders at Lafayette. During these first weeks of schools in all of my classes we are learning about and practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness means we are in touch with and aware of the present moment. Mindfulness practice has been proven to help children with their focus and attention, improve memory, improve self control, increase awareness of our own feelings and the feelings of others. We practice mindfulness using chimes, paying attention to our breathing, and doing moving meditation. You'd be surprised how many wonderful moments of quiet we are able to create in this bustling school. Ask your child to show you some of the mindful movements or to demonstrate "deep belly breathing." You can also ask them to tell you about our ting-sha bells.
Peace Club is in full swing!
Peace Club is a lunch and recess program for kids who like a smaller alternative to the cafeteria and the playground. You don't need to sign up for Peace Club - you can come anytime as long as you have a pass from your teacher. Peace Club is very popular so in order to keep the numbers manageable I have second graders come on Mondays, third graders on Wednesdays and fourth and fifth graders on Fridays.  Everyone who comes to Peace Club promises to treat everyone else with kindness and respect. We eat lunch together, play games together and make the wonderful peace posters that will soon be covering our walls. Please let me know if you have any questions about Peace Club.
Find out more about the whole Teaching Peace program by checking the Lafayette website or contact Ms. Ryden.

Seeking Parent Volunteer to Manage 5th Grade Safety Patrol


safety patrol Did you know that many famous Americans have been school safety patrols, including former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, five Supreme Court Justices,  Gold Medalists, and 21 astronauts?  As part of our school-wide Safe Routes to School effort we need a parent (or parents) to take over the task of coordinating a new 5th grade safety patrol. It'll be a fun and rewarding - and not too time consuming -project. The parent will work with our local AAA chapter to get a safety patrol up and running. A safety patrol is a great way for 5th graders to show leadership and assist with alleviating traffic and increasing safety around the school. Volunteers should contact Jenny Murray or Lisa Resch.

Lafayette's Parent Lending Library 

We now have a wonderful resource for our parents -- a parenting bookshelf outside the nurse's office. There are many books for you to borrow on all topics of pareting -- nutrition, safety, schooling, behavior, ADHD, just to name a few. The books are checked out on the honor system via a notepad on top of the shelf. We are seeking additional donations of books that you might no longer need;  please just place them on the bookshelf. And lastly, if there are any budding librarians out there, we are seeking a parent to organize the bookshelf by topic / subject matter. Please call Lisa Resch if you're interested:  202-236-9527.


Community Happenings at Lafayette 


Spanish Language Classes

Register for before-school Spanish classes now! Open to students in grades 1-5. Classes fill up quickly so please register soon! Deadline for applying is September 21st. Applications and information are available here.


Lafayette Recreation Center

Interested in using the fields or gazebo in Lafayette Park? The

permit office manages and issues permits for all DPR facilities and sites, community gardens and picnic areas at Rock Creek Park and Fort Dupont Park. A permit is required for the use of any DPR facility or site, if the following apply: there are more than 10 people for an hour or more; organized leagues; for special events; or for the reservation of a multipurpose room. For more information visit the "Permits and Reservations" section at dpr.dc.gov or call the DPR Permit Office at (202) 671-2597. Lafayette spaces that can be reserved are

the ball field, the parksite (the upper field), the Gazebo, the outdoor basketball court, the tennis courts and the recreation center multi-purpose room.  

Lafayette Recreation Center is having an Open House on September 19 from 5:30 pm-7:00 pm. Stop by to meet the staff and find out about the programs we offer. See details

Violin, Cello & Beginning Orchestra

Once again, group violin and cello lessons will be offered at LaFayette this Fall semester, running from September 10-December 20, 2012. The cost is $150. Checks should be made out to instructor Cara Alfano. Please note that no refunds will be made once lessons begin.

See details.


New Lafayette Family Seeks After Care

A family new to the country and to our community seeks childcare after school. Unfortunately L.A.P. is full so they need a solution from 3:15 - 6:00ish for their pre-K child. If you know of a nanny or babysitter who can help them find a solution, please contact Principal Lynn Main. Many thanks to all of you for trying to help these newcomers.  


Girl Scout Daisies  

Parent meeting on Friday, September 14tfor parents of Kindergarten girls interested in forming a new Daisy Troop at Lafayette. Daisies are the youngest members of Girl Scouts. The troop will meet after school at Lafayette on the third Friday of every month. Girl Scout Daisies strive to provide a relaxed, inclusive environment where girls can participate in group activities, learn about nature and science, and explore the arts and their communities. Follow-up information will be provided via e-mail to for Kindergarten parents who can't attend the informational meeting.

When: September 14 at 3:30-4:00.

Where: Lafayette school, south hallway off the Great Hall.

For more information, contact Jane Wallace or Laurel Davis


Tiny Chef Classes

Join Tiny Chefs for afterschool cooking classes at Lafayette! Grades k-2 meet on MONDAYS in the cafeteria/kitchen for 9 classes September 24,October 1, 29 November 5,19,26 December 3,10,17 From 3:30-4:30pm. Grades 3-5 meet on FRIDAYS in the cafeteria/kitchen for 9 classes September 28, October 5, 12, 19, 26 November 9, 16, 30 December 7 from 3:30-4:30 pm. Fee is $190 Register online now. Questions: holly@tinychefs.com.


Mad Science Update

An additional Monday class has been added from 3:30 - 4:30. Please go to the Mad Sciencewebsite to register. The Tuesday class is now full.

This fall, Mad Science will be offering NASA: Academy of Future Space Explorers. This program has been co-designed with NASA. Students will learn many amazing aspects of space technology, rocket propulsion and theexperience of living in space. Classeswill be held on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30 pm. The Monday class will run from 10/1-12/10 andthe Tuesday class from 10/2 -11/20. Registration is first come first serve, so register now to secure your spot. Visit the Mad Science website tolearn more and to register online at www.madscience.org/dc. The class is open to grades K-5 and the cost is $104.

Time: Mondays and Tuesdays at 3:30-4:30 pm

Place: Team 2 Classrooms

Contact: Laura Lindsley(202-369-4858) or info@madscienceofdc.com 

or Mia Diaz at 310-593-4777


Tutoring Help

Does your child need a little extra help? Do you want your child challenged? Edie Stanton is happy to help with your reading, writing, handwriting, and math needs. E-mail her at ediestanton@hotmail.com 

to set up a meeting to discuss your child's needs.

Tippi Toes Dance

Tippi Toes dance provides high-energy dance classes designed to keep boys and girls ages 4-11 engaged in continual motion while they learn the basic elements of dance including positions and terminology. Children ages 4-7 will learn a variety of ballet, tap and jazz elements in the "Busy Bodies in Motion" combo class in a way that is fun and healthy for active children including exercising their bodies, imagination and singing voices! In the Hip Hop class, children 7 and up will start learning choreography and dances quickly while learning various dance elements. All students will receive a Tippi Toes t-shirt, participate in mini-performances throughout the year and have the opportunity to participate in an end of year recital at a separate venue.

Times: Busy Bodies in Motion (Ballet, Tap, Jazz combo) Tuesday 3:30-4:15 pm (Pre-K/K); Tuesday 4:25-5:10 pm (6-7); Hip Hop (7 and up) 5:20-6:05 pm (NOTE: Depending on enrollment, class times may shift slightly)

Place: Ms. Perll's trailer

Contact: (202)527-9089 (claire@tippitoesdance.com)

Community Notices

Chevy Chase DC Day!

On Saturday, September 15, from 1 to 4 pm, the Chevy Chase Citizens Association is sponsoring Chevy Chase DC Day. At the Chevy Chase Commons outside the Chevy Chase Community Center (5601 Connecticut Ave., NW), there will be free ice cream, music, a moon bounce and other activities. Nearby, along Connecticut Avenue and neighboring streets, there will be business promotions, sidewalk sales, and other activities. For more information visit www.chevychasecitizens.org.


Nursery School Openings

CCPC Weekday Nursery School has openings in our afternoon 2's and 3's classes and our morning 4+ class for the 2012-2013 school year. We are a play-based part-time nursery school located at 1 Chevy Chase Circle, NW, DC. We believe children learn best from hands-on experiential learning. To this end, our classrooms are fully equipped with developmentally appropriate materials and curriculum to meet the children's social, emotional, and physical needs. Our large playground is well-used and loved, providing outdoor activities daily. In case in inclement weather, we have a large multi-purpose room for movement, bike-riding, climbing, hand-eye coordination with large playground balls, and varied opportunities for taking turns and socialization. Our experienced staff (plus music and movement specialists) provides the perfect setting for your child's first step in their education. If you would like more information, please contact Cindy Walsh, Director, 202-363-2209


Cub Scout Pack 90

Parents of 1st grade boys are invited to a Pack 90 kick off meeting Friday, September 14 from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Blessed Sacrament auditorium. Pack 90 is open to boys in 1st through 5th grades. Program highlights include the overnight annual campout, pinewood derby race and Blue and Gold dinner. Each grade level meets regularly to participate in age appropriate outdoor activities. There is a modest annual fee and occasional out-of-pocket expenses but overall costs are under $100.


We focus on introducing the boys to themes like: Good stewardship of our environment (hiking and camping); Citizenship (volunteer work, giving back to those in need); Teamwork (field games and group projects); Good Sportsmanship (fair and gracious competition); Problem solving (puzzles and craft activities); Local history (visits to local historic sites and museums). For more information contact Barnaby Crahan at 202-262-8316.


PEP Parenting Workshops

PEP, a local nonprofit organization, provides classes for parents and caregivers with children of all ages throughout the Washington, DC metropolitan area. The fall schedule is now available. Check out these classes and more!


Parenting Preschoolers - Learn how to set firm and friendly limits, respond to problem behaviors, and promote cooperation and responsibility. Check out PEP's Parenting Preschoolers class at http://pepparent.org/pepprek.html#prea.

PEP I: Parenting 5 to 12 Year Olds - Are you struggling with your child's behavior? Tired of yelling, threatening or bribing, or just looking for some new strategies? Learn how to use positive, encouraging methods with your children to gain cooperation, foster respect and responsibility, set and uphold limits, and bring out the best in each child. Check out PEP I: Parenting 5 to 12 Year Olds at http://pepparent.org/peppep1.html.


Thriving with Teens - Parenting a teen can feel overwhelming at times. Where can you find trustworthy information and help as your teen deals with the challenges of peer pressure, media and the Internet, and school issues? Check out PEP's Thriving With Teens class at http://www.pepparent.org/pepteens.html.   


Please call 301-929-8824 to register or visit us at http://pepparent.org/  for more information.


Nanny Available

We are a Lafayette family with two children. One of our favorite babysitters is looking for a position as a full-time nanny. We've known Joy for eight years and she is wonderful with our kids! She is very responsible and has excellent qualifications as a nanny, including 11 years of experience as a nanny with a range of children's ages, CPR and First Aid training, driver's license, and is very familiar with Chevy Chase neighborhood and surrounding areas. References available. You may contact me for a reference at laureldavis@att.net or contact Joy directly at 202-352-0820 or at joykb10@gmail.com.


Babysitter Needed

Know of someone looking for a fun, fulfilling but pretty easy babysitting job? Our family needs a smart, energetic babysitter to pick up our daughters, ages 6 and 10, after school on Wednesdays and possibly Mondays, babysitting from roughly 3 to 6:30 pm. Contact Carol Leonnig at 202-441-3983 or leonnigc@washpost.com  if you are interested.Thanks.


Violin Lessons

Lafayette mom and National Symphony Orchestra Violinist, Carole Tafoya Evans, has spaces open in her home studio. All levels & ages welcome. Weekly lessons, class workshops & recitals, and chamber music opportunities are all part of my teaching approach. For more information email or call Carole at 202/237-9463 ctevln17@yahoo.com.  


Yoga Class

Lafayette and Deal mom, Stefanie Wallach, will teach a vinyasa yoga class at Second Wind Training on Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:30 to 12:45. Get strong, and bring balance and flexibility to both mind and body with this vigorous flow of postures. All levels are welcome! For more information go to www.secondwindcrossfit.com or email Stefanie at stefconroy@gmail.com.

sponsor banner with kids

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


Make a Submission
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.