topTuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home & School Association 
Teresa G. Gionis, editor
May 15, 2012
In This Issue
From the HSA
Lafayette Calendar
Arts Night II
Field Day
Lafayette Parking Plan
Reading List Pre-Orders
Gold Party
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors

From Principal
Lynn Main



 At this time of the year it's hard to know if you are coming or going when you arrive at school. The calendar is simply packed with events celebrating what the students at Lafayette have learned this year. Last week the building was packed with our primary students and parents as they celebrated their Arts Night. All the boys and girls were so excited to show you what they have been learning this year with Ms. Perll and I'm sure you were impressed.
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Mark Your Calendar

May 16-17 (Wednesday-Thursday)

 D.C. Theater Cafe


May 20 (Sunday)

Notebusters Concert at Deal Middle School, 5:30 p.m.  


May 21 (Monday) 

No School, Conference Day

May 22 (Tuesday)

 Principals' Office Hours, 8:45 a.m.

 Lafayette Open House, 9:30 a.m.   


May 23 (Wednesday) 

Arts Night II (Grades 2-5), 6 p.m
May 28  (Monday)
No School: Memorial Day


May 30 (Wednesday)

Field Day for pre-K and K


June 1 (Friday) 

Field Day for 1st - 5th grades



 See full school calendar


school sign  

From the HSA 

Dan Aladjem & Jenny Murray, co-presidents


Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week, and I'd like to take a moment to thank ALL the teachers, staff and administrators who keep Lafayette going every day. I've witnessed many kind acts, big and small, in my five years at Lafayette. There's the custodian who drug a ladder outside to retrieve a boy's helicopter out of the gutter after school, and the teacher who takes the extra minute to greet each student personally in the morning before school. I know a staff member who works many, many unpaid hours because she wants to make a difference for the kids who need a little extra help. These are the things that make me appreciate the teachers and staff at Lafayette. The HSA Hospitality Committee did something special every day to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, including homemade "Golden L" cookies, and a potluck, parent-catered dinner which will take place this evening (thanks Gayle Moseley, Danielle Rockwood and Julie Maner for organizing).


In other news, the HSA held its election for next year's board, along with the election for LSAT parent representatives, last Thursday evening. It was wonderful to see the high level of participation for these elections - thank you to all the parents who took the time to cast their vote. The election committee (Elizabeth Shreve, Donna Oetzel and Margaret McDaniel) worked for nearly three hours tallying all the votes! I appreciate all the candidates who put themselves out there and wanted to be involved in helping to make Lafayette even better. Thanks also to the Nominating Committee (Jennifer Gootman, Jay Younger, Eileen Dombo and Rani Haigler) who spent weeks encouraging parents to run for positions on the Board. Congratulations to all the winners.  I am looking forward to working with you next year!  






Volunteers Needed for Lafayette Calendar

The Arts and Reading teachers at Lafayette are considering bringing back the printed calendar, but only if there are some parents interested in helping out. The teachers love working with the kids to produce the calendar, but need help marketing and selling them. Specifically, they are looking for parents who would be willing to market the calendar (make posters, create backpack flyer, etc.), sell it before and after school for a period of time, and take the calendar around to local businesses and see if they'd be willing to sell it out of their stores. The calendar typically comes out a month or so before the winter holidays, so your time would most likely be needed for the latter half of November and the first half of December. If you are interested in volunteering to help next year, please contact Jenny Murray Thanks!




Patriotic Performance

Arts Night Part II  


Arts Night II is quickly approaching! It has been wonderful to see the students' musical progress this past year in singing and playing various instruments as a class. Please see below for the time and the day students need to arrive for their concerts. Students' participation is mandatory for their respective grade/ ensemble group and contributes to their music class grade (with the exception of Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten performances-this is not a mandatory event for them.) If for any reason a student cannot make the performance, please contact me as soon as possible. (Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten students do not need to inform me of their absence.) Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the concerts!   -Liz Stinson
Field Day Coming Up 

Field Day is Friday, June 1st for 1st thru 5th grades.  This year's theme is "Peace Out." Many volunteers are still needed.  If you already volunteered, THANK YOU.  Field day can not happen without parent volunteers - please come and help us out.  Volunteers are needed from 8:45-12:00. If you can help for the duration of the morning please email or fill out the green flyer that came home last week.  Email should be sent to Ms. McClure,  Information will be sent to you regarding your duties as we get closer to the event. This is one of the kids favorite activities of the year and I can't do it without the parents.  Thanks for considering.

Lafayette's New Parking & Drop Off Plan  

 Starting Tuesday, May 29th right after Memorial Day


As you know, traffic around the school has become dangerous.  To address this issue Lafayette has partnered with the D.C. Safe Routes to School Program Together we have developed a traffic safety plan which we will pilot for the last 3 weeks of school. Look for specific details coming soon in your child's backpack and on the website


Lafayette Book Fair Pre-Orders


booksThe Lafayette Book Fair is back again this year at Politics & Prose Bookstore on Saturday, June 9th. Pre-order forms with the required reading lists for children entering 3rd, 4th and 5th grades are coming home in your child's backpack this week.  Your books will be available for pick-up at the bookstore all day during Lafayette's Book Fair on June 9, 2012!


20% of the book fair and summer reading sales will be donated to the HSA by Politics & Prose. Pre-orders must be received by your child's teacher no later than May 14, 2012. The class with the highest participation rate will receive a pizza party before the end of May.

Get cash for your gold: Sunday, May 20th   


GOLD is near an all-time high! Spend an afternoon with friends, enjoy wine and cheese and make some money while you're at it. Pull out that old, tangled, out-dated jewelry that never sees the light of day, and turn it into something you can put to great use: cash.  My sister-in-law, a metal licensed jeweler, will be on hand to evaluate and weigh each piece and pay you cash on the spot based on the current London gold fixed price (as of this writing it is at $1600/oz).  This year she will also be buying silver, but not silver jewelry.  She will evaluate and can make you an offer on flatware and serving pieces that have a sterling silver mark on it.   

This is the third year we will be doing this party in connection with the Lafayette auction.  Many participants who attended these gold parties came away happy and surprised at the value of the items that had been gathering dust. So please plan to join us on Sunday, May 20th from 3:00 - 5:00 at our home -- 6304 31 Place, NW (just off of Tennyson). And if you can't be there on that day you can drop your gold and silver before the party, have it evaluated, receive an offer, and decide whether to take the cash. Best of all: 15% of the proceeds from the party are donated to Lafayette. If you have any questions please contact Debra Fried Levin  

Last Mom's (and Dad's) Matinee at the Avalon Theatre 

Get out your calendar and plan for a fun morning out on Thursday, May 24th -- enjoy a muffin & coffee at the Avalon Cafe and then a special 11:00 a.m. matinee showing of the new movie 'What to Expect When You're Expectinavalon logog' starring Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez.  Grab a friend and enjoy some adult time before summer starts!



Community Notices 


BIKES FOR THE WORLD Collection at Deal MS Saturday, June 2, 10-1p.m.Deal's ELL Department is sponsoring its 7th annual BIKES FOR THE WORLD bicycle collection.This year our bicycles will go to The Wheels of Africa partner program in Kenya. If you would like to support this project, please donate that tax-deductible used bicycle and $10 to help defray the shipping costs. Sewing machines, usable bike parts, accessories and tools are also gratefully accepted. For more information call Mr Winn-Ritzenberg at (202) 365-2926, 363-6769


Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church (CCPC) Summer Camp for 3, 4, 5 and 6-year-olds has openings for all sessions (June 18-29; July 2-13; July 16-27).  Camp hours are 9-1 daily. For more information, call 202-363-2209 or e-mail


Acclaimed children's author Michael Buckley (creator of Sisters Grimm and Nerds) will be visiting Child's Play Toys & Books this Thursday, May 17th from 4:30.  Always entertaining, Mr. Buckley will read from some his works, sign books, and discuss writing with kids.  Free, no registration required . Need further info?  Please contact Deborah Johnson at (202) 244-3602.  


YARD SALE - Toys, Toys, Toys - Please come see our treasures.
All Proceeds to benefit JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) Sunday, May 20  2pm - 5pm at 3276 Arcadia Pl, NW   (Rain or Shine) Lemonade and cookies served by Eli, Lindsey and Jonah Grosser


Summer tutoring and dog sitting available. Contact Dina Shapiro

sponsor banner with kids

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


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Make a Submission
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.