topTuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home & School Association 
Miriam Van Dyck, editor
May 8, 2012
In This Issue
From the HSA
Spring Fair Thank You
Arts Night
Images on Sale
HSA Speakers
CETA Teachers
Reading List Pre-Orders
Oklahoma at Deal
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors

From Principal
Lynn Main



When planning for Lafayette began in 1928, one of the community goals was to close the old neighborhood school on Connecticut Avenue (where the current Chevy Chase Library is located) and place the new one further into the neighborhood on a much larger site with the attached park. So three years later the north wing of the building opened, with the south wing and the center of the school being completed over the following 5 years.

Later the early childhood wing and cafeteria were added to finally get the building we have now. 

>> Read more
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Mark Your Calendar

 May 8 (Tuesday)

Arts Integration Open House (K-2nd and 4th-5th), 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Group/Club/5th Grade Picture Day  


May 9 (Wednesday)

Arts Night I (Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade; Bands, Ensembles), 6 p.m.


May 10 (Thursday)
HSA Election Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Speaker: Hidden Connection Between Food and Childhood Ailments, 7 p.m.

May 16-17 (Wednesday-Thursday)

 D.C. Theater Cafe


May 20 (Sunday)

Notebusters Concert at Deal Middle School, 5:30 p.m.  


May 21 (Monday) 

No School, Conference Day

May 22 (Tuesday)

 Principals' Office Hours, 8:45 a.m.

 Lafayette Open House, 9:30 a.m.   


May 23 (Wednesday) 

Arts Night II (Grades 2-5), 6 p.m. 


 See full school calendar


school sign  

From the HSA 

Dan Aladjem & Jenny Murray, co-presidents


As everyone knows (I hope), this is teacher appreciation week. Why it's only one week of the year is beyond me. My children (like yours) have been fortunate to have some truly amazing and wonderful teachers over the years at Lafayette. (You may remember I mentioned a few weeks ago how inspired one of my daughters has been this year by her teacher.)  


In honor of teacher appreciation week, I thought I'd recount an experience we had a couple of years ago while on summer vacation. It speaks to the reciprocal bonds that develop between our children and this incredible group of professionals.  


We were at the beach. We were driving, I'm not sure where or for what reason, but we were pulling into a parking spot along the side of the road. I was driving and out of the corner of my eye, as I parked, I saw a woman walking right along the curb by the back passenger-side door. Read more


HSA and LSAT Elections

vote buttonThe annual election meeting for the HSA board and LSAT representatives will be held on Thursday, May 10 at 6:30 p.m. Please plan to attend and cast your vote. If you cannot be there in person, you can still cast your vote using a paper proxy ballot. All voters must be HSA members and only one vote per family. Fill out the ballot, sign it, and return it to the HSA Secretary's drawer in the grey file cabinet in the Great Hall. You may also send your ballot along with a friend who's attending the meeting in person. Thanks!

See HSA board members 

A Spring Fair Thank You! 


spring fair t-shirt designThank to Spring Fair co-chairs Marilyn Kitzes, Barbara Frye, Kristi Teems and Julie Maner for putting together an amazing event on Saturday! There was a huge crowd and everyone had a fun time enjoying rides, eating great food, and dunking their friends in the dunk tank!


The co-chairs, in turn, want to extend a huge thank you to all of the volunteers, sponsors, and vendors. Because of your contributions, you made Saturday's Lafayette Luau a most excellent celebration for all!  Special thanks to Broad Branch Market, Go Fish, Maui Wowi, Pleasant Pops, and Marcia's Jamaican for the yummy eats and supporting our school.

We Need More Arts Night Volunteers!

Patriotic PerformanceYikes! Tomorrow night is the first Arts Night and we only have a handful of people signed up to help. We need parents to sign up for 1 hour to help serve pizza and other treats. Please go to the online sign-up sheet and add your name! It's a fun night for the kids to show off their talents, and you're sure to enjoy being a part of it.  


Arts Night for pre-K, K and 1st grades is tomorrow, Wednesday, May 9. The second Arts Night for 2nd - 5th grades is Wednesday, May 23rd. You are welcome to volunteer either (or both!) nights, but tomorrow is our immediate need! Thank you!


Sign up for Arts Night I (tomorrow!) 

Sign up for Arts Night II (May 23) 

2012 Images on Sale at Arts Night!  


Lafayette's much anticipated Art and Literary Anthology 2012
images 2012
with fun class photos and a piece of art and writing from EVERY Lafayette student, will go on sale this Wednesday, May 9, at Arts Night I. Bring your check for $15 made out to LHSA to buy your copy of Images. 
Second through fifth graders will have the opportunity to purchase their copies at the second Arts Night on May 23.
HSA Speaker Series 

What's Eating Your Child? The Hidden Connection Between Food and Childhood Ailments.  
Thursday, May 10, 7-8:30 p.m., Lafayette cafetorium.


Join us to talk about the connections between food and common childhood ailments such as anxiety, recurrent ear infections, stomachaches, picky eating, rashes, ADHD, and more. Our speaker, Kelly Dorfman, is a respected nutritionist who has specialized in the connection between children's health and behavior and the food they eat. Ms. Dorfman has been called a nutrition detective who integrates information from many sources to find practical solutions for even the most complex ailments and symptoms. She is also a popular speaker and workshop leader and author of the book, What's Eating Your Child? The Hidden Connections Between Food and Childhood Ailments, which was published last year.This HSA-sponsored session, which is the last of the school year, will follow the HSA election meeting.    

Congratulations to Lafayette Teachers Earning CETA Certificates     

CETA logoThe Kennedy Centerʼs Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA) Certificate of Study is an ongoing program that annually recognizes teachers' participation in professional learning. Teachers who complete the requirements for the certificate are invited to the Kennedy Center for a special awards dinner and ceremony followed by a performance. The requirements include participation in "Best Practice Series" workshops, attendance at required courses and workshops, and completion of assignments in all of the above.

Congratulations to the following teachers for earning their CETA Certificates of Study for the 2012 - 13 school year:

  • Alycia Baker - Pre Kindergarten
  • Kia Ghamarian - Pre Kindergarten
  • Juanita Howard - First Grade
  • Irene Taguian - Special Education

Lafayette Book Fair Pre-Orders


booksThe Lafayette Book Fair is back again this year at Politics & Prose Bookstore on Saturday, June 9th. Pre-order forms with the required reading lists for children entering 3rd, 4th and 5th grades are coming home in your child's backpack this week.  Your books will be available for pick-up at the bookstore all day during Lafayette's Book Fair on June 9, 2012!


20% of the book fair and summer reading sales will be donated to the HSA by Politics & Prose. Pre-orders must be received by your child's teacher no later than May 14, 2012. The class with the highest participation rate will receive a pizza party before the end of May.

NoteBusters Performance

Come out and see your fellow students who are part of Lafayette's extracurricular vocal club, NoteBUSTERS.  The NoteBUSTER kids are performing in their spring concert which showcases the music from two fabulous, toe-tapping shows:  Footloose and Grease.  The performance will take place on Sunday, May 20 at 5:30 at the Alice Deal Middle School auditorium. All are welcome!

Oklahoma Performance at Deal

Alice Deal Middle School Drama will present Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical Oklahoma! on Thursday, May 10 and Friday, May 11 at 7:30 p.m.  The performance will take place at the Alice Deal Middle School Auditorium, and includes Lafayette alumni! Tickets ($5 for teachers and students, and $10 for adults) will be available at the door or can be reserved by e-mailing

Last Chess Session


Our chess teacher, Felix Cummings, is offering one last session in this school year -- so join us!  All skill levels welcome.  The 5-week session starts on Tuesday, May 15th and classes will run for 5 weeks on May 22nd, 29th, June 5th, and 12th from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.  Please bring a check written out to "Tri County Chess Corner" for $50.00 to the first class.


Questions?  Call Lisa Resch at 202-236-9527


Community Notices 



Sunday Yoga ClassLafayette and Deal mom, Stefanie Wallach, is teaching a vinyasa yoga class at Second Wind Training every Sunday at 11 a.m.  Get strong, and bring balance and flexibility to both mind and body with this vigorous flow of postures.  All levels are welcome! For more information visit or email Stefanie.


Summer tutoring and dog sitting available. 

Contact Dina Shapiro at


sponsor banner with kids

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


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Make a Submission
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.