Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home & School Association 
Zelda Caldwell, editor
February 21, 2012
In This Issue
From the HSA
Spelling Bee Winners
From the Art Room
Potomac Pizza
Sex Talk
Spring Fair T-Shirt Contest
Mad Science
Community Notices
Lafayette Sponsors
From Principal Lynn Main

Last Friday afternoon, the Lafayette cafeteria was invaded by over a hundred famous American heroes. For the past six weeks the second grade has been studying heroes in literature and American history. They have been reading stories in reading class and non-fiction biographies in social studies. After getting an overview of what a hero is and what a hero does, the children  picked out a famous American for individual research.  

>> read more 




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Mark Your Calendar 


February 24 (Friday)

Winter Dance, 3:20-4:20 p.m. (3rd-graders); 4:30-5:45 p.m. (4th- and 5th-graders)


February 28 (Tuesday)

Principals' Office Hours, 8:45 a.m.-9:30 a.m., Library


February 29 (Wednesday)

Jump Rope for Heart


March 5 (Monday)

Lafayette Potomac Pizza Night, 4-9 p.m.


March 9 (Friday) 

-"Bid for Bears" Online Auction Kick-Off Party, 7-11 p.m. 

March 14 (Wednesday)

Speaker, sex-talk expert Deborah Roffman, 7 p.m.     


 March 18 (Sunday)

Last day of Online Auction


See full school calendar

school sign  

From the HSA 

Dan Aladjem & Jenny Murray, co-presidents


First of all, I'd like to congratulate Zelda Caldwell and the entire team of Tuesday Bulletin editors (Teresa Gionis, Lisa McLish, Miriam Van Dyck and Suzanne Vieth) for adopting this new, user-friendly format for our weekly newsletter! I think we will all appreciate quick links to more information, more pictures, and a table of contents that lets us quickly jump to those articles that are the most important for our families. Thanks to all the TB editors for the volunteer time they invest every week to keep us all up-to-date on the happenings at Lafayette!


donutsJust a few updates... Next Tuesday morning, February 28, is "Principals' Office Hours." This is your opportunity to talk informally with Mrs. Main and Mr. McCoy. There's no formal presentation. Just show up, say hello, ask questions and have a donut. Office hours will start at 8:45 a.m. (right after drop-off) and end at 9:30 a.m. There may be a new meeting spot this month, so please come to the Great Hall and someone will point you in the right direction.


Donate Now buttonThere is an auction update below- please take the time to read it! The donation deadline is this Friday, February 24!  Please go online and make your donation this week- thank you!


Also, when you purchase tickets for the March 9 kick-off party onlineplease consider adding one or two additional tickets to your order so that you can sponsor a teacher's ticket. Let's show our teachers how much we appreciate them! - Jenny


See HSA board members

Join the HSA

The Countdown to the Auction Has Begun!

buyticketsstub As you know from last week's Tuesday Bulletin and the information you will have received via Backpack Express, tickets are now available for the Lafayette Auction Kick-Off Party on Friday, March 9!  You can purchase your tickets, which cost $25 per person, on the Lafayette website


While you're buying your tickets, please consider sponsoring a teacher to attend at $25 each, or making a cash donation to the auction at any level.  To do so, click on "Donate $$$" after logging in to register for the event.  Many thanks in advance for your generosity!


On Tuesday, February 28, the "Best of Live!" Online raffle tickets will go on sale.  More details to come.  And finally, a gentle reminder- the deadline to donate items to the auction is this coming Friday, February 24.  If you have an item or service to donate, please don't wait!  Questions?  Contact the auction volunteers.

Lafayette Students Place First and Second at Regional Spelling Bee
Kathy Echave, Spelling Bee Coordinator

regional spelling bee winnersCongratulations to Aaron Rosenthal, Jelani Machen and Ella Pearlman-Chang for their participation in the Cluster 3 Regional Bee on Thursday, February 16. All of them represented their school well. Aaron and Ella engaged in an exciting end-of-the-bee exchange before Aaron captured first place and Ella won second. Both spellers will go on to the citywide bee in March. The exact date is yet to be announced, but will take place at NBC-4 studios and be broadcast at a later date. One winner will represent Washington, DC in the National Spelling Bee in May.
From the Art Room 
Laurie McLaughlinLaurie McLaughlin, Art Teacher, Grades 1-5

I hope you enjoyed IMAGINE, the first semester art update that came out via HSA email blast last week. If you missed it, there is a hard copy with two pages of news and photos from each grade level in the hall near the nurse's office.


A few new art displays are ready for viewing. A few of the visual and tactile texture underwater habitats by the first grade are in the Great Hall. Second-grade African Kuba cloth designs are in the nurse's office Hall. Third-grade Gothic designs are upstairs on the mezzanine. And a fifth-grade banner describing our propaganda poster workshop is hanging against the library windows. Whole grade-level displays of second-grade Kente weaving and fifth-grade Underground Railroad quilts will be coming down soon to make way for our fourth-grade Colonial style self-portraits in their custom designed gold frames.


Art room needs: Remember to save and send in small to medium boxes, tubes, and other recycled supplies for our third-grade architecture project which will begin sometime in early March.

Remember to check the art room blog for links to area art activities, workshops, and art room news and photos. Found something interesting on the art scene? Forward it to me and I will post it on the blog!


Lafayette Potomac Pizza Night

Monday, March 5, 4-9 p.m.  


Potomac Pizza logoPlease come join us at Potomac Pizza in Chevy Chase Center for some great food, good company and most importantly to help the Lafayette HSA  raise money! Please either dine in or carry out with us and we will donate 20% of your proceeds back to them! Tell your server or cashier that you're here to support  the Lafayette and they'll add you to the totals. 

Deborah Roffman on Talking to Young Children About Sex: Getting It Right from the Start

Wednesday, March 14, 7 p.m. 

 Deborah Roffman

Do you wonder what information about sexuality is age-appropriate for your elementary school children?  Are you nervous about starting the discussion or are you seeking information about what topics to cover at what age?  Please join us on Wednesday, March 14 at

7 p.m. in the Lafayette auditorium for  a discussion about raising sexually healthy children.


Our speaker will be Deborah Roffman, a distinguished educator, author, consultant and leader in the field of sex education.  Ms. Roffman is known for her wise, warm and practical advice. She is the author of two well-regarded books: Sex and Sensibility: The Thinking Parent's Guide to Talking Sense about Sex,  and But How Did I Get in There in the First Place?: The Thinking Parent's Guide to Talking to Young Children about Sex.   


>> read more

Calling all Lafayette Students!
Design the 2012 Spring Fair T-Shirt
Theme: Lafayette Luaut-shirt contest
Date: May 5, 2012

Put your colorful designs in Ms. McLaughlin's box.
Please write your name on the back of your design.
Mad Science After-School Programs at Lafayette Mad Science

Mad Science of Washington is offering two after-school programs this spring, Funky Forces and More!  Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:30 until 4:30 p.m. The Tuesday class will begin on April 10 and runs through May 29.  The Wednesday class begins on April 11 and ends on May 30. Both classes are open for K-5th graders.  Please register online before the March 28 deadline. The program cost is $104. Registration is first come, first served, so register early to secure your spot.  Questions?  Email  Mad Science or call 301-593-4777. Lafayette's coordinator is Laura Lindsley.  


In the Community


Chevy Chase Library Starts Kids' Book Club


book clubCalling all 8-11 year olds who love to read! Join your fellow readers and local librarian for a book discussion, fun activities and pizza the first Thursday of each month at 4 p.m. The books will all be Newberry Award and Honor award-winning books. The book for the first book club on March 1 at 4 p.m. is When you Reach Me by Rebecca Stead; copies are available at the library. Call the library with any questions at 282-0021. 



ABC's of Family Biking


Kidical Mass DC, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) Safe Routes to School Program, and the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) are pleased to announce the first "ABC's of Family Biking" on April 21. This free event, the first of its kind in the Greater Washington area, will celebrate the joy of biking with children and introduce local parents to the tools, skills and equipment that can help them start biking with their kids. More information about the event is provided in the attached press release.  


Community Notices

Baby gate wanted.
Out of the child-proofing phase? Expandable baby gate needed, preferably with foot pedal or easy gate-opening mechanism. Email Maria or call 202-248-6448   


Babysitter available. Seamus Joyce-Johnson (14), Lafayette alumnus and current GDS 9th-grader, available for babysitting evenings and weekends.  Has experience babysitting older kids and taking care of his 3-year-old sister and young cousins.  If interested, please call 202-966-4941 or e-mail Seamus.

Babysitter available.
My son's babysitter, Lyn, is available to provide childcare two days a week from 8 to 3 p.m. She has been with our family for over 7 years and has a wonderful way with children, is very reliable and drives. Please contact Lyn directly at 301-605-4339. You are welcome to contact me as well. Call Stephanie Miller at 202-203-8733.

Steady Saturday night babysitter wanted. We're looking for a super-fun, outgoing sitter for our sweet 1st grade boy. Mom and Dad need a better social life on the weekends. Email Marilyn Kitzes or call 917-676-4461.

Local dog walker available. Dog-loving, responsible, college graduate, looking for local dogs to walk. Additionally, being a Minnesota native, I am undeterred by cold, rain, or heat. I live only a few blocks from Lafayette, but also have my own transportation. Available in the mornings before 9 a.m. and weekends. Please call 952-237-0764 or email me to discuss your dog walking needs. Rates available upon request. 

sponsor banner with kids

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


These organizations support Lafayette through a generous annual donation- please support them!


Make a Submission
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.