OHS Masthead
Important News for All Members
Ballots for the 2010 Election of Directors have been mailed.
Because of a mistake made on the printing of the return envelopes, you will notice there is no signature line or name label.  Per Paul Lambert, please sign your name anywhere on the return envelope and then send in your completed ballot.
We are sorry for any confusion that you may have had with the inadvertent omission of the signature line.
Fort Gibson Annual Bread Baking Day
March 27, 2010, 10am-5pm
Fort Gibson Historic Site
The smell of freshly baked bread will greet you as you enter the Fort Gibson Historic Site.  On March 27th the fort's staff will hold their annual bake day.  Be

Foreground, vol. Baker Allan King. Chief baker, Rory Montgomery, background.

Bread Loaves on Bake Day
sure to visit and see how bread was baked at the fort in the 1800s.  The bakers will fire up the big stone oven where the bread was made every day for hungry soldiers.
For a nominal donation to the Friends of Fort Gibson, visitors may take home a loaf of bread baked in the oven.  
Fort Gibson Historic Site is located on State Highway 80 in Fort Gibson, Oklahoma. For more information call (918)478-4088 or email fortgibson@okhistory.org.
Rock and Roll Exhibit Banner 
The Oklahoma Historical Society, in partnership with the state's public radio stations, is sponsoring a weekly radio show featuring the history of Rock and Roll in Oklahoma.
The show is produced and narrated by noted Oklahoma recording artist and record producer Steve Ripley.

"Oklahoma Rock And Roll with Steve Ripley" is a 20-part radio series that explores the music of Oklahoma artists and song writers and their influence on Rock and Roll. "We will look at not just Rock and Roll in Oklahoma," said Ripley, "but also the roots of Rock and Roll such as Woody Guthrie, Bob Wills, and Charlie Christian."
The radio show is being produced in conjunction with a major new museum exhibition at the Oklahoma History Center called "Another Hot Oklahoma Night: A Rock and Roll Exhibit."

Ripley guides the listener through the music of Oklahomans such as Leon Russell and J.J. Cale and their direct links to people like Dylan, Clapton, and Joe Cocker. He explores the roots of Rockabilly and Oklahomans such as Wanda Jackson and The Collins Kids.
"The picture starts to emerge of an art form that owes its heart to a mixture of hillbilly, gospel, blues, rhythm & blues, and jazz," said Ripley. "Interwoven are Native American and African American influences...this is America's music...Oklahoma Rock and Roll."
KOSU, Oklahoma State University, will begin rebroadcasting the show on Friday April 2nd  at 8:00 p.m.  KOSU broadcasts on 91.7 in Stillwater and Oklahoma City, 107.5 in Tulsa and Northeast Oklahoma, and 101.9 in Okmulgee.
KRSC, Rogers State University, will begin airing the show on Friday March 19th at 6:00 p.m., repeating each show the following Monday at 6:00 p.m.  KRSC, Claremore broadcasts on 91.3 FM. 

KWGS, University of Tulsa, has also agreed to rebroadcast the show.  However, they have not indicated when the rebroadcasts will begin.

"We really appreciate the support the three university-related public radio stations have given us," said Dr. Bob L. Blackburn, executive director of the Oklahoma Historical Society. 
Historic Map Reproductions
from the Oklahoma Historical Society Research Center
Please Print and Mail Order Form & Payment to: 
Oklahoma Historical Society
Research Division - Map Orders
2401 N. Laird Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73105
To order by phone call Chad Williams at (405)522-3569 or by email at chadw@okhistory.org.
The OHS online catalog includes thousands of additional scanned images that are available for purchase. Additional photos, as well as maps, will be featured in future issues of the e-newsletter. 
Visit http://www.okhistory.org/research/collections/photos.html to find out more.
City:                                                         State:                     Zip:
Phone:                                                     E-mail:
Map Reproduction                           Price                Quantity        Total 
Guthrie Birds-Eye View                     $10.00               _______        ______
Historical Guthrie Bird-Eye View Map                                   
Indian Territory                                  $10.00               _______        ______
Historical Indian Territory Map 
Subtotal:  ___________   (Please Add $6.00 Shipping & Handling)
Total:   ______________
Payment Method (please circle):   Check      Money Order    Credit Card
Charge my:  Visa   Mastercard   Amex   Discover
In the Amount of:
Credit Card #                                                                 Exp: 
Dutch Oven Cooking Banner 
Dutch Oven Cooking Class
Saturday April 24, 2010 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

The Oklahoma History Center offers this hands-on, active participation class to teens and adults. The Dutch Oven class is designed to introduce the students to Dutch Oven cooking. Learn a variety of recipes as you create a dish and discover how to use a Dutch Oven in your back yard. Cost for the class is $10.00. All necessary materials will be provided by the museum. Space is limited so sign up early!

Your class will begin inside the museum for background information, instructions on how to care for and clean Dutch Ovens, recipes, and different cooking Dutch Ovenmethods. The majority of the class will be spent outdoors preparing a group meal. All food items and ovens are provided by the center. Please remember to dress for the weather. Also, please no open-toed shoes or sandals.
Grab a friend and join us for a great time. Registration begins March 1, 2010.
To register please call or email Jason Harris at 405-522-0785 or jharris@okhistory.orgPayment must be received by April 21st.
March 23, 2010 

Oklahoma Historical Society 

800 Nazih Zuhdi Dr.
Oklahoma City, OK  73105

Shelly Crynes, Editor
Do you have questions?   Call (405)522-0317 or email  
Don't Miss These Upcoming Events
3/27 Spring Bake Day, 10am, Fort Gibson, Fort Gibson, (918)478-4088
3/27  Pioneer Woman Victorian Hat Making Class, 10am-12pm, Pioneer Woman Museum, Ponca City, (580)765-6108
3/31 - 4/1 Fur Trade Rendevous, 9am, Fort Washita, Durant, (580)924-6502
4/1 "Wisdom of the Fathers" Free Student Program, 10am & 11:30am, Oklahoma History Center, OKC, (405)522-0785
4/1 Rushmore Alive Reception & Program, 7pm, Oklahoma History Center, OKC, (405)522-0785
4/3  Annual Easter Egg Hunt, 10am, Pawnee Bill Museum & State Park, Pawnee, (918)762-2513
4/3 Heirloom Care Class, "Prints, Art and Photos," 10am-12pm, Oklahoma History Center, OKC, $10 registration, (405)522-0785
4/4  Annual Sunrise Service & Easter Breakfast Fundraiser, Pawnee Bill Museum & State Park, Pawnee, (918)762-2513
4/10 Flint Knapping Workshop, 1pm, Pawnee Bill Museum, Pawnee, (918)762-2513
4/16 & 4/17 Spring Encampment, 10am, Mon-Sun. Daily, Fort Gibson, Fort Gibson, (918)478-4088
4/22 Homemade Perfumes & Oils Workshop, 6:30pm. Pawnee Bill Museum, Pawnee, (918)762-2513
4/24 Dutch Oven Cooking 1pm-5pm, Oklahoma History Center, OKC, (405)522-0785
5/1 Rural Heritage Festival, 10am, 2617 W. Fir, Perry, (580)336-2405
5/1 Heirloom Care Class, "Furniture," 10am-12pm, $10 Registration, Oklahoma History Center, OKC, (405)522-0785
On the importance of history...
"We can be almost certain of being wrong about the future, if we are wrong about the past."  C.K. Chesterton 
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