Abadiania Web Portal Christmas Issue
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Issue: # 2 Holiday Special Christmas/2009

Sonia and DiegoThis Christmas Season we depart a bit from our regular format to spread a little Christmas Cheer. nth we will strive to bring you some useful and interesting information.  Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think would enjoy it by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.
(Our January issue will be published in our regular format.)
Birth of Christ DuccioBy: Diego Coppola
As you may have noticed, from time to time the entity speaks to some people for quite a while.  Most of the time they are dealing with specific issues related to the people in front of them.  Once in a while The Entity will speak about topics that are more general.  A few years ago just before Christmas I found myself witnessing such a speech.  The entity talked about various things and finally landed on the subject of Christmas.  He said (And I am paraphrasing) "I know you are all preparing to celebrate Christmas and I hope you have not forgotten what Christmas is about."  He paused for a moment and said...  "You know, Jesus really was not born on December 24/25th" He looked at me and asked, "Isn't that right son?"  I nodded my head and smiled, remembering a similar conversation years ago with a teacher of mine.  I also found myself wondering why he asked me if I agreed. Did he know I  knew that already?  Then he continued "... But that is not important.  What is important is that most of the people are focused on Christ at that time of the year and that makes it easier to connect to the spiritual side because the veil is thinner." 

I guess it might be a good idea to spend some time praying this Christmas, don't you think?

Share some interesting story you heard from the entity by sending us a reply e-mail.

(Just in case you are wondering the image above is "The Birth of Christ by Duccio di Buoninsegna and you can buy a print by clicking here)
Casa Christmas HallSpend Christmas at the Casa
It is wonderful to spend Christmas at the casa.  It generally is a very intimate setting for meditation and reflection.  The city is quiet except for Christmas Eve when we get a visit from Santa Claus driving all over town giving Candy to the Children.
Casa Christmas Hall
Deck The Halls
The Casa is now all decorated for Christmas.  The main hall is covered with lights and the Casa Christmas Tree stands near the stage.  All thoughout the casa there are little reminders that a special time is coming. Click either image for more detail.

Famous Film and Television Star Caught on Camera at the main hall !!!  Click Here to see more... 

Christmas Party
The Soup Kitchen holds a party every year at Christmas time to help the children of Abadiania.  This year the party will be on December 19th. If you are in Abadiania come help feed the thousands of Abadiania children that will show up.  You can also help give away thousands of presents.  You should plan on arriving around 9:30 in the morning and stay as long as you want.  It should probably go into the evening.  At the end of the day you will be tired but your spirit will be very satisfied. Click image for more information.
WreathVisit Our Christmas Shop
If you have too many things to do before christmas let us help you!  Find Christmas, Ornaments, X-mas Trees, X-mas Cards and many other holiday items.

If you are not sure what to get someone for Christmas, we have a few suggestions for you. Click Here to go to X-mas Shop

Find a list of original gifts  we have selected for you.  If you don't see what you want, use the search function, we have a million+ products to search from. 

Abadiania Web Portal will donate to the Soup Kitchen (Casa da Sopa) 25% of all commissions we earn from purchases in our Christmas Store during the month of December.

INTERNATIONAL - For now our Christmas store can only ship to U.S. Addresses.  If you would like to set up an address in the U.S. that forwards mail and packages to your country please click here.
Its a Wonderful Life It's a Wonderful Life
Has it been a while since you have seen it?  This timeless classic has as much spiritual significance today as it did 50 years ago.  Cuddle up with a blanket and a warm cup of tea and enjoy this new Blue-Ray version in High Definition.   To Purchase this and other Christmas Classics Click here.
Cupuacu Cupua�u
Cupua�u (Pronounced KOO- POO-WA-SSOO) (Theobroma grandiflorum), also spelled Cupuassu and Copoasu, is a tropical rainforest tree related to Cacao. Common throughout the Amazon basin, it is widely cultivated in the north of Brazil, with the largest production in Par�, followed by Amazonas, Rond�nia and Acre.  Cupua�u trees usually range from 5 to 15 meters (16 to 50 feet) in height, though some can reach 20 meters (65 feet). They have brown bark. Their leaves are 25-35 cm (10-14 in) long and 6-10 cm (2-4 in) across, with 9 or 10 pairs of veins. As they mature, their leaves change from pink-tinted to green, and eventually they begin bearing fruit. Cupua�u fruits are oblong, brown, and fuzzy, 20 cm (8 in) long, 1-2 kg (2-4 lb) in weight, and covered with a thick (4-7 mm), hard exocarp.  The white pulp of the cupua�u is uniquely fragrant, and it contains theacrine (1,3,7,9-tetramethyluric acid) instead of the xanthines (caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline) found in cacao.[1] It is frequently used in desserts, juices and sweets. he secret to the fruit's power is in the nutrient content. Cupuacu is extremely nutrient-dense. Compared to the popular acai berry, cupuacu has more nutrients per pound than the little berries do.

It's primary beneficial ingredient is the phytonutrient polyphenols (theograndins) it contains. These have a number of health benefits. In addition, cupuacu is heavy with Vitamins B1, B2, B3 (Niacin), both fatty and amino acids, at least nine antioxidants (including Vitamins A and C), and a high flavanoid content. Other nutrients include calcium, selenium, and more.

All of these nutrients combine to affect things in the body such as immune system boosting, evening out the metabolism, lowering blood pressure, and more. The vitamins and nutrients act as an instant energy booster (without the down that caffeine has) and its lipid peroxidation inhibition lowers cholesterol levels.

Nossa Sra Aparecida Drogaria Nossa Senhora Aparecida
This Pharmacy is on the other side of the Highway in Abadiania.  They will deliver medications to your pousada if you need them.  They will also research local prices for your prescription medications.  Perhaps you can save on your next prescription by getting it in Brazil. 

Click here for more Information

Abadiania Web Portal is your direct connection to Abadiania. If you are preparing to travel to Brazil or you simply miss the experience of being in Abadiania, Abadiania Web Portal has something for you.  You can reserve a Hotel, Taxi or House in Abadiania from your desktop.  You can get white clothes, travel insurance or even acai or Brazilian coffee delivered to you. 

We hope you enjoy it and help us spread the word.

Diego & Sonia
Abadiania Web Portal 

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  or click on the QUICKLINK section at the top left of this newsletter. Mention this coupon in your ad request and receive an additional 3 months of advertising for free.   This offer is only valid for ads placed online and paid for online on or before December 31st 2009.
Offer Expires: December 31st 2009