It's almost too late.
Beauty Schools Dealt a Major Blow
Two newsletter ago we indicated Why the continued funding to beauty schools is bad for the beauty salons. That when you graduate great numbers of students without jobs in only dilutes our industry and incompetence becomes the norm.
The American Association of Cosmetology Schools (AACS) were successful in warding off the Gainful Employment Bill introduced by the Department of Education to the house of representaves, they were not so fortunate with the Senate. Schools will have to show there is a need for more cosmetologists, which will be very difficult to do. This is something that should have happened years ago before the industry became saturated with cosmetologists. It appears no one in the school industry is concerned about their students after graduation, who are unable to find a job.
In 1993 the Office of Inspector General reported to the Department of Education that there should be greater oversight of students who are being trained for jobs where there is no chance gainful employment.
The Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) (Beauty Schools) did not concur with that report. The OPE stated, "that students should have a choice and that the oversupply of workers would lower salary levels and in turn would reduce demand for training and lower costs to the consumers.(In other words what the schools are saying is they don't want us cosmetologists to make more money, an oversupply is good) Five years later there is an oversupply of one million cosmetologists with 200,000 being enrolled annually. That was in 1993 one can only imagine how much of an oversupply we have today. Estimated to be at two million)
Just exactly what the schools predicted is happening now. The schools are now asking for support from the salons with a program called "Beauty Changes Lives" With Ted Gibson the offical spoksperson. Ted Gibson advocates students go to beauty school and "Be like me and charge $190.00 for a haircut." Thats like LeBron James telling young kids to take up basketball and be like me. I wonder if Ted Gibson realizes the harm he is doing by suggesting beauty school to young kids. It is no wonder our industry is swirling near the drain. Go to to YOU TUBE and Empire Beauty Schools and observe what they are putting out for us to train.
That doesn't seen fair to me, the schools get paid for training students then salons have to pay those same students to make them productive. Where do I sign up to get a school.