Full Moon in Aquarius
Full Heart for Valentines Day
Dear Be'Loved's
Things get better and brighter for us all the time and at The Phoenix Goddess Temple we are truly Grateful to The Lady, The Lord and all of you incredible loving Folk.
Phoenix Magazine is publishing an article about us for the March issue which is scheduled to be on the newsstands  February 18th . The reporter spent months at the Temple conducting interviews and the photographer was here for 2 days shooting the Temple and the healers.They really loved our Temple, the art, and the decor. Kudos to all who have helped to make our Temple a place of Beauty, Tranquility and Healing, especially Sylvia, Brandy, Janet, Freya, Tracy Elise, Chris, Benjamin, and Matthew for his Masterwork Photograph "Power", which graces our lobby. Thank you also to all those who gave so freely of their time to be interviewed and photographed. And to the reporter, photographers, and editors who have taken the time to get to know us.
Wayne Clayton Presents Healing Sexual Abuse
Wayne Clayton Head Shot
Fri/Sat/Sun, Feb. 12/13/14
This practical weekend seminar includes techniques you can learn & use immediately.  This seminar is for survivors of sexual abuse . Wayne will teach you how to create safety; the power of breathing and role playing; how to body scan for blocks & facilitate clear communication; stress & trauma release; and how to empower & free another without absorbing unwanted energy.

Wayne Clayton is an open-hearted, Tantric Energy Healer and Teacher with over 15 years of experience working with clients to assist them on their spiritual path. Clients acknowledge his calming yet powerful ability to hold space, witness and safely guide them on their healing path. He works on acute and chronic physical and/or emotional problems in addition to wellness care. 
Energy Teachings for All Faiths
Spirit Circle image Sacred Mother/Divine Father Spirit Circles 
 Every Monday @ 7 PM to  9 PM
2/1 ~ Women ~ Giving & Receiving Sacred Spot Healing w/Raiya
2/1 ~ Men ~ Sensual Touch w/Luna
2/8 ~ Women ~ Intro to Seminar: Healing Sexual,
Emotional, Physical Abuse w/Wayne Clayton
2/8 ~ Men ~ Goddess Worship & Human Sexuality w/Guru Simran
Friday Night Spiritual Sex Ed for All
Every Friday @ 7 PM to 9 PM
2/5 ~ SURPRISE! Visit our website for update.
2/12 ~ Healing Sexual Abuse w/Wayne Clayton
Every Thursday:  Gentle Yoga w/Freya  6:30 PM to 7:50 PM
Every Sunday: Kundalini Yoga/Gong Healing w/Guru Karam 4 PM to 6 PM
Every Sunday: Spiritual Service w/Rev. James Sails & Tracy Elise 7 PM to 9 PM
Origins Of Valentines Day You NEVER Heard Of : 
How did a Roman Fertility Festival and Dating Lottery, a Chubby Cherub who is armed and dangerous, and a Christian martyr (or three) combine with Chocolates and Flowers to make a Holiday we celebrate on February 14th? 
The Romans knew how to have a good time. On the Ides of February (February 15th) Rome celebrated the Lupercalia, a fertility festival to honor the Goddess Juno Febuata (patron of women and fertility) and the God Pan (Patron of flocks of goats and sheep  and fertility). Are we beginning to see a pattern here! 
A grand feast was held that lasted the day and night. At the feast was a large urn or box and in that urn young unattached women of marriageable age placed their names on a piece of paper. Young men unmarried but of marriageable age would draw a name and the two of them were paired for the year, expected to date, and hopefully marry. If it didn't work out, well they got in some practice for next year when they could try again. This custom continued for many happy years.
Fast forward to the year 270 CE and the Roman Emperor Claudisus II, who had plans of increasing the size of his empire.  Having observed that young married solders, especially those with small children, were often homesick and unenthusiastic for the constant warfare he was waging. Claudisus decided to fix the problem by outlawing marriage for young men. Since he was Emperor he got away with it in public, but of course people fell in love anyway and married in secret.  One of the Priests who would perform these secret marriages was a Christian Priest named Valentine or Valentinus. He eventually was denounced for this activity and possibly for helping Christians to escape Rome altogether.
( Please note that there are 3 Christian martyrs named Valentine or Valentius who were Christian Priests killed at roughly the same time during Claudisus II reign, all of whom have been made Saint ) 
Since he was a Priest, Valentine was kept in  "honorable captivity". He could receive visitors and they could bring him food, and amenities like books, paper and ink and such. People  would frequently bring him food and flowers. It is said that this particular Father Valentine fell in love with the daughter of one of his jailers. Having been sentenced to death, Father Valentine wrote a letter to the girl and signed it "From your Valentine" and went bravely to his execution.
The Lupercalia continued to be celebrated openly until Pope Gelasius officially ended the celebration. But there was one small problem.....people liked the Pagan Festivals with all their revelry, drinking, eating and fun, and yes, the sex too. The Christian Fathers and hierarchy saw that they were loosing converts. Faced with the thought of empty churches, they started to integrate the pagan festivals, giving them new names and new direction but keeping many of the elements, "Christianizing" them. Pope Gelasius who ended the Lupercalia on February 14th, 498 CE also declared Father Valentine a Roman Catholic Saint. He then instituted a "NEW" holiday, to be celebrated on February 14th, with food, dancing, wine and merriment in honor of love and marriage, the sacrament that St. Valentine gave up his life to promote. There was still an urn or box, but in the urn Christian Priests now placed the names of Saints on paper and  young men and women would draw them out and then try to emulate the life of that Saint for a year. Eros, the God of Love, who was the (full grown and handsome) son of Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty, was changed into the Chubby Cherub Cupid and went on to become the physical model for a whole subgroup of Angels, the Cherubim.
Other Valentines Day Quick Facts:
Flowers and sweets have always been presents of affection, but  harken back to those folk who visited Father Valentine during his captivity.
While Father Valentine may get the credit for the "first Valentine", so many get sent each year that it has become the second biggest card sending holiday after Christmas.
Currently 85% of all Valentines are purchased by women.
The stylized heart shape became popular for Valentines in the mid 1700's, and it is said to have come from the appearance of the heads and necks of two swans facing each other. Why swans you might ask? Because Swans mate for life and have been known to grieve themselves to death upon the death of their mate. Because of this they became the symbol of undying love.
Thank you for Reading!
Temple Bard
In Love and Light,

The Mystic Sisters
Phoenix Goddess Temple
Bardic Notes:  Astrology and Holy Days
January Full Moon is in Aquarius.
According to some traditions, the Full Moon energy lasts
for 1, 3 or 7 days. 
Here at Temple we subscribe to the 3-day Full Moon time frame. 
There is a complementary yin/ yang energy polarity expressed during
January  full Moon. This is because the Moon, a planet of feminine energy, is connected to masculine Mars (in Leo), while the Sun, a planet of masculine energy is connected to feminine Venus
 (in Aquarius).
This alignment emphasizes the need to integrate both the active and passive ~ and the giving and receiving ~ parts of ourselves. Also, it may bring to the    forefront the
need to make accommodations in our personal relationships. Given the involvement of Mars in this Full Moon alignment, it is also especially important to express any desires that may be burning within. Even if you can't act upon them, express them some way, even if only to yourself.
This Full Moon is known as the Wolf Moon in the
Native American traditions.  It is the first Full Moon of 2010 and is closest to the Earth so will be bigger and brighter then ever.
February 2, 7-9pm 
We will be celebrating with a Ritual and potluck feast on Tuesday, February 2nd. We will gather at 7 PM and begin at 7:30. Imbolc is the Celebration of the return of the Light and Spring, and the Lady's growing strength and maturity.
It is interesting to note that the major High Holy Days, or Sabbats start at Sundown or Moonrise on the previous day, a system also used in Judaism and Islam.
Temple Bard

Chocolate Bliss Tantra! 

Chocolate Woman
Valentine's Day is coming!  Are you ready?
Due to popular demand, we are again offering our Chocolate Bliss Tantra. When you schedule a Healing Session between now and Valentine's Day, request  "Chocolate Bliss". This session includes cocoa butter oil, body chocolate, and dipped strawberries.  Come join us for a luscious experience!
Alwun House Exotic Cabaret
February 12th

 The Phoenix Goddess Temple has been invited to return to The Alwun House for their Exotic Arts Show opening night - Exotic Cabaret.  Last year the Temple Gods and Goddesses performed  Belly dance, Classic Burlesque Dance, Egyptian Tantra with audience participation; Erotic Feasting; and Leela and Krishna brought the house down with their Shakti and Shiva Dance of the eternal cycle of Courtship to Sacred Union. We have big plans for this year too, come and see what they are. Advanced tickets can be purchased on  The Alwun House website and all proceeds benefit The Alwun House ~ a Local Arts Landmark.